Applicant Information
James Cook University
James Cook Drive
Douglas, QLD
Phone: 07 4781 5060
Application for access card for
Secure Bike Facility
Please fill out this form and take it to the Campus Security Office located in the
Student Mall (Building 29) to obtain your access card. You must also have your valid
student or staff JCU ID card with you.
Post Code:
Student/Staff Number:
By signing this form I agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. The secure bike facility access card will not be transferred or allowed to be used by anyone other than myself.
2. I will ensure the facility remains secure when entering and leaving.
3. I will not allow access to the facility to anyone else using my access card.
4. I will report any signs of vandalism or damage to JCU Security or Environment Manager immediately.
5. I will remove my padlock from the lockers when not in use to ensure fair use by all. (Any padlocks left on lockers for an extended
period will be removed by Estate Office staff).
6. I will report any lost or stolen access cards immediately to JCU Security.
7. I agree to pay a $10 replacement fee for a lost card.
8. I will ensure the facility is left in a clean and tidy state at all times.
Any breaches of these conditions will result in permanent deactivation of a person's access card.
I agree to the above stated conditions:
Signature: .
Name: .
Date: .
Card number:
Office Use Only
Approved by: