Activity Two
Maximum Class Size
Teaching Week Pattern
Teaching Staff
Room type requested
ie Laboratory
Specialised Equipment
Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 SVac Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Wk13
Please confirm week pattern
Do you require class sequencing?
If yes, which of the activities you will list below
must follow this class?
eg all tutorials, workshop 1 etc
Do you require same time classes?
If yes, please list below the subjects that must
run at the same time as this one. For example the
same subject on a different campus.
Is this subject activity jointly taught with another
subject activity?
If yes,
Activity Three
Maximum Class Size
Teaching Week Pattern
Teaching Staff
Room type requested
ie Laboratory
Specialised Equipment
Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 SVac Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Wk13
Please confirm week pattern
subject on a different campus.
Is this subject activity jointly taught with another
subject activity?
If yes,
example this could include:
Exercise Equipment, PC Computers,
Mac Computers, Videoconferencing
(see Room Names for Timetablers).
example this could include:
Exercise Equipment, PC Computers,
Mac Computers, Videoconferencing
(see Room Names for Timetablers).
Only use this box if you chose Once Only or Other.
If unknown please enter TBA here
Only use this box if you chose Other. For example Moot Court or Oval.
Only use this box if you chose Once Only or Other.
If unknown please enter TBA here
Only use this box if you chose Other. For example Moot Court or Oval.