HSE General Inspection
Emergency stops fitted and working.
Fume hoods and biosafety cabinets clean and
within test date
return air ducts, fume hoods,
Dangerous Goods cupboards
Are there pre-start checks being completed for
Autoclave, Centrifuge
Are plant fail safe devices working
accumulators, manual controls, manual shutdown, limit switches)
Is planted fitted with warning devices
(flashing beacon/s, movement alarm, hi viz markers,)
Have any safety features been by-passed
limit switches, sensors, alarms
Is defective equipment/plant identified
Tagged out of service and put into a quarantine area
lab instruments may have to be
Are ladders used correctly and fit for purpose
step, a-frame, platform are they being used for the right task,
Are there mechanical lifting aids available
Do the lifting aids display a safe work load
capacity or a similar value of what it can safely lift (AS4991-
Is there information available on hazardous
manual tasks posters, web, inductions
Do items that need to be lifted have information
in regard to weight, heavy end, fragile, specific
Are heavy items stored at waist height
Are workstation assessments required
Is the lab registered on the safety chemical
program Listed with current chemicals and manifest
Are hazardous chemicals, medicines and poisons
stored/ Handled correctly As per class, locked for
certain medicines, Separated/ segregated, bunding, Haz
Waste, Nitrogen Dewar’s (lift lock-outs)
Are spill kits regularly checked and replenished
Scheduled, Sealed, complete, appropriate to chemical
Are gas bottles refrained from moving and
inadvertent vehicle collision fixed to wall, bollards
installed , empty cylinders stored separately to full ones
Are there Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available
5 years, Australian contact details
Are all containers labelled correctly
in English,
product, manufacture details, hazard pictogram, hazard
statements, first aid, emergency procedures
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Approval Details Document Name: HSE General Inspection
Document Sponsor: HSE Advisor’s
Document Authority: HSE Unit Version No: 1
Next review date: January 2016