School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________
Course (eg. BNSc) _______________________ Year Level _______________________________________________
Conference you wish to attend (please provide the web address as well if possible)
Have you received any funding or support from another source (eg, external organisation)?
Have you received any funding or support from the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition (SNMN) for
conference attendance before? If so, when and how much?
Do you have any official capacity at the conference – for example, are you a convenor, presenting a paper,
nominated delegate for a student group?
What financial support are you seeking from the SNMN (tick all that apply)?
Conference Registration
Equipment (for poster or presentation)
All of the above
Other – please specify ______________________________________________________________________
What is the estimated total cost of your attendance at the conference? ___________________________________
How much are you requesting from the SNMN? _______________________________________________________
Why do you want to attend this conference? _________________________________________________________