James Sprunt Community College
Presidential Scholarship
2020-2021 Application
Student Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (MI)
High School Attended: __________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________
Will You Be a 2020 HS Graduate? ____Yes ____No Do You Plan to Enroll at JSCC in Fall 2020? ____Yes ____No
Have You Completed a JSCC Application? ____Yes ____No Have You Submitted Your FAFSA? ____Yes ____No
arent/Guardian Name(s)____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ________________________________________ City _________________ Zip Code ____________
Home Phone ____________________ Work Phone _____________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
Can JSCC use your photo for publicity? ___Yes ___
No Are You a U.S. Citizen? ___Yes ___No
Scholarship Requirements
Complete a JSCC Application in Associate or Diploma Programs for Enrollment in Fall 2020.
Complete a 2020-2021 FAFSA and Submit to JSCC.
Graduate from High School in 2020 with at least a 3.0 Unweighted GPA.
Complete Three or More JSCC Career & College Promise Classes with a ‘C’ or Better Grade.
Must Be a United States Citizen.
Maintaining Scholarship Requirements
Remain in Good Academic Standing at JSCC (2.0 or Higher Cumulative GPA).
Maintain Completion Rate of 67% or Higher While a Student at JSCC.
Complete FAFSA Each Year.
cholarship Available for Maximum of 2 Consecutive Academic Years (4 semesters) for Traditional Students;
1 year (2 semesters) f
or Early College Students.
ust Complete at least 10 hours of Documented Volunteer Service Each Semester. At least 5 Hours Must Be
ompleted on JSCC Campus.
Scholarship Ends Once Associate Degree is Completed in All Registered Programs of Study.
By signing below, I confirm that I have read the Presidential Scholarship application thoroughly and the information
completed above is correct. I understand that the number of Presidential Scholarships may be limited. The Presidential
Scholarship will cover the remaining balance of student tuition after all other financial aid and outside scholarships have
been awarded. Books and classroom materials are not included in the Presidential Scholarship. All above requirements
must be met to maintain the Presidential Scholarship once awarded.
tudent Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________________
James Sprunt Community College serves all students regardless of age, race, color, creed, sex, handicap or
national origin.