Master of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)_Teaching Areas-v3
Masters of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)
Teaching Areas
Students applying for the Master of Teaching and Learning Secondary must complete this form.
1: Audit your previous study (by reviewing your transcript/s) against the QCAA Subjects/Teaching Areas
table and tick off if you qualify with the disciplinary knowledge for your first or second teaching area.
A minimum of six courses is required for the first teaching area (FTA); with no more than two courses at
first year level and no fewer than two courses at third year level^.
A minimum of four courses is required for the second teaching area (STA); with no more than two
courses at first year level.
aching Areas Audit Table (to year 12)
Curriculum Subjects/Teaching Areas FTA STA Curriculum Subjects/Teaching Areas FTA STA
Business Humanities and Social Sciences
Accounting (incl. 7 - 10 Business and Economics) Legal Studies (incl. 7-10 Civics and Citizenship)
Economics (incl. 7-10 Business and Economics) Geography (incl. 7-10 Geography)
Business (incl. 7-10 Business and Economics,
11/12 Business, Business Studies)
History (incl. 7-10 History, Ancient History,
Modern History)
English Technologies
English (incl. Junior English, English
Essential English, English as an Additional
Language & English Extension)
gital Solutions (incl. 7-10 Digital Technologies
and 11-12 Digital Solutions & ICT)
Design (incl. 7-10 Design Technologies and 11-12
Industrial Graphics Skills)
Arts Sciences
Drama Chemistry (incl. 7 10 Junior Science)
Music (incl. 7-10 Music and Music Extension) Physics (incl. 7 10 Junior Science)
Film, TV and New Media (incl. 7-10 Media Arts) Biology (incl. 7 10 Junior Science)
Visual Arts Health and Physical Education
Dance (incl. 7-10 Dance and 11-12 Dance &
Dance in Practice)
Health and Physical Education (incl. 11-12 Sport
& Recreation, Physical Education & Health)
Languages Mathematics
Chinese and Chinese Extension
athematics (incl. Junior Mathematics & 11-12
Mathematics: General, Methods, Specialist)
French and French Extension
This table of teaching areas includes those where professional development and experience can be supported. Additional senior subjects such as
Food & Nutrition, Hospitality, Engineering, Industrial Technology Skills can be found at
te/redev-snr-syll. These subjects can be negotiated based on prior professional experience and/or additional qualifications but with no guarantee
of approval.
^ For Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences previous study can be considered across the strands but must focus on one.
Master of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)_Teaching Areas-v3
Step 2: Nominate your two teaching areas and list the subjects you have studied in your degree that will support
your nominated teaching areas. Your two teaching areas must be from distinct disciplines (learning areas) of
the school curriculum as organised in the table above.
List subjects studied to support
nominated First Teaching Area (FTA)
List subjects studied to support
nominated Second Teaching Area
Nominated teaching area:
(e.g. Science/Biol; Maths)
First Teaching Area:
Minimum of six subjects
studied required
Second Teaching Area:
Minimum of four subjects
studied required
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.