Master of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)_Teaching Areas-v3
Masters of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)
Teaching Areas
Students applying for the Master of Teaching and Learning Secondary must complete this form.
1: Audit your previous study (by reviewing your transcript/s) against the QCAA Subjects/Teaching Areas
table and tick off if you qualify with the disciplinary knowledge for your first or second teaching area.
A minimum of six courses is required for the first teaching area (FTA); with no more than two courses at
first year level and no fewer than two courses at third year level^.
A minimum of four courses is required for the second teaching area (STA); with no more than two
courses at first year level.
aching Areas Audit Table (to year 12)
Curriculum Subjects/Teaching Areas FTA STA Curriculum Subjects/Teaching Areas FTA STA
Business Humanities and Social Sciences
Accounting (incl. 7 - 10 Business and Economics) Legal Studies (incl. 7-10 Civics and Citizenship)
Economics (incl. 7-10 Business and Economics) Geography (incl. 7-10 Geography)
Business (incl. 7-10 Business and Economics,
11/12 Business, Business Studies)
History (incl. 7-10 History, Ancient History,
Modern History)
English Technologies
English (incl. Junior English, English
Essential English, English as an Additional
Language & English Extension)
gital Solutions (incl. 7-10 Digital Technologies
and 11-12 Digital Solutions & ICT)
Design (incl. 7-10 Design Technologies and 11-12
Industrial Graphics Skills)
Arts Sciences
Drama Chemistry (incl. 7 – 10 Junior Science)
Music (incl. 7-10 Music and Music Extension) Physics (incl. 7 – 10 Junior Science)
Film, TV and New Media (incl. 7-10 Media Arts) Biology (incl. 7 – 10 Junior Science)
Visual Arts Health and Physical Education
Dance (incl. 7-10 Dance and 11-12 Dance &
Dance in Practice)
Health and Physical Education (incl. 11-12 Sport
& Recreation, Physical Education & Health)
Languages Mathematics
Chinese and Chinese Extension
athematics (incl. Junior Mathematics & 11-12
Mathematics: General, Methods, Specialist)
French and French Extension
This table of teaching areas includes those where professional development and experience can be supported. Additional senior subjects such as
Food & Nutrition, Hospitality, Engineering, Industrial Technology Skills can be found at
te/redev-snr-syll. These subjects can be negotiated based on prior professional experience and/or additional qualifications but with no guarantee
of approval.
^ For Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences previous study can be considered across the strands but must focus on one.