Dispute Resolution Services
Checklist for Court Personnel
When Judge Decides to Order Case to a Judicial Settlement Conference:
The Internet list of settlement judges (without contact information) is given to
all parties. Parties are asked to choose a judge located within 100 miles of the
settlement conference site when possible.
For Judicial Settlement Conference Program Judges
Note: Detailed contact information is available on the Intranet under People >
Judicial Settlement Conference Program Judges. Please share with counsel or
pro se parties only the judges' telephone numbers and not addresses.
After Parties’ Selection of Settlement Judge:
Provide settlement judge with dates and times that space is available in the
courthouse to conduct the settlement conference.
Verify whether settlement judge will accept the case.
Prepare Order of Designation & Referral to Settlement Conference and copies
of signed Orders for distribution.
For Order of Designation & Referral to Settlement Conference
Once the Order is Issued:
Mail the settlement judge a confirmation letter with the parties’ contact
information, as well as a copy of the Order of Designation and Referral to
Settlement Conference. Show only [Address is Confidential] for the
Settlement Judge.
For Sample Letter Confirming Appointment as Settlement Judge
Mail a copy of the Order of Designation and Referral to Settlement
Conference to Dispute Resolution Services.
Mail a copy of the Order of Referral to counsel along with a cover letter with
any additional details that would be helpful (i.e., what to include in the brief
for the settlement judge)
Note: The settlement judge may mail a letter to counsel requiring them to
submit a pre-conference brief and confirming the date, time and location of
the conference.
August 2017