Utilization management toll-free phone: 1-833-217-9670
Utilization management local phone: 313-908-6040
Utilization management fax: 313-879-5509
1 | P a g e
Today’s date and time:
Member name:
Provider contact name:
Date of birth:
Provider contact phone:
Member ID (including any alpha prefix):
Provider contact fax:
Health plan:
Provider name:
Notification method preference:
Postal mail
Please provide mailing address or fax number.
Provider TIN:
Provider NPI:
Practice/group name:
Provider physical address:
Provider mailing address (if different):
Requested procedure:
Anticipated surgery date:
CPT/HCPCS or ICD procedure code(s):
Diagnosis code(s):
Facility setting:
Inpatient hospital
Ambulatory surgical center
Facility name:
Facility contact name:
Facility TIN:
Facility contact phone:
Facility NPI:
Facility contact fax:
Facility physical address:
Facility mailing address (if different):
Patient’s height: __________
Patient’s weight: _________
Provider Office
Utilization management toll-free phone: 1-833-217-9670
Utilization management local phone: 313-908-6040
Utilization management fax: 313-879-5509
2 | P a g e
Does the patient have any of the following comorbidities? Select all
that apply.
o Diabetes that requires medication or insulin (Type I or Type II)
A1C Level:_________
o Hypertension requiring medication
o Previous cardiac event
o Congestive heart failure
o Dyspnea
o Current smoker within past 12 months
o History of severe COPD
o Dialysis
o Acute renal failure
o Ascites within past 30 days
o Steroid use for chronic condition
o Disseminated cancer
o None of the above
Patient’s activities of daily living (ADL) functional
o Independent
o Partially dependent
o Totally dependent
What is the patient’s current health status?
o Normal healthy patient
o Mild or moderate disease that does not limit activity
(ex: controlled HTN or DM, mild obesity)
o Severe disease that limits activity (ex: controlled
CHF, history of MI, uncontrolled HTN or DM)
o Severe life-threatening disease (ex: symptomatic
CHF or COPD, renal failure, unstable angina)
Does the patient have psychosocial and/or substance use issues?
o Absent - no psychosocial and/or substance use issues
o Addressed psychosocial and/or substance use issues present but addressed
Will any of the following be used?
o Allograft
o Autograft patient’s own tissue
o Bone Morphogenetic Protein
o Stem cells
o None of the above
If requesting procedure code *20930, please indicate tissue type:
Name/type of product: _________________________________
Will a co-surgeon or assistant be utilized?
o Orthopedic
o Physician’s Assistant/Nurse Practitioner
o RN Surgical Assistant
o Other:__________________
o No planned co-surgeon or assistant
Other Products Intended to be Used:
Product line:
NOTE: Please include imaging reports, surgical plan and clinical documentation of ALL conservative therapies that
have been attempted as well as the duration of each type of conservative treatment.
Completed by:
*CPT codes, descriptions and two-digit numeric modifiers only are copyright 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.