Any parts of the form that are not typed should be completed in black ink and in block capitals.
This form may accompany an application in Form AP1, FR1 or ADV1 where:
− panel 9 of Form FR1 or ADV1 has not been completed and the applicant is more than one person, or
− the Form AP1 relates to a transfer (in Form AS1, AS3, TP1, TP2, TR1, TR2 or TR5) or a prescribed clauses
lease (within rule 58A of the Land Registration Rules 2003) of a registered estate to more than one person
(the Joint Owners), and
− the declaration of trust panel in the transfer or lease has not been completed and/or the transfer has not
been executed by the Joint Owners, andthe estate transferred or leased is not a rentcharge, franchise,
profit or manor.
For information on how HM Land Registry processes your personal information, see our Personal Information
Enter the same information as either
in the transfer or lease to the Joint
Owners or in panel 6 of Form ADV1.
Leave blank if this form accompanies
a Form FR1.
Title number(s) of the property:
Insert address including postcode (if
any) or other description of the
property as it appears either in the
transfer or lease to the Joint Owners,
in panel 3 of Form ADV1 or in panel 2
of Form FR1.
Give full name(s) and address(es), as
in either the transfer or lease to the
Joint Owners, panels 6 and 7 of
Forms ADV1 or panels 6 and 8 of
Form FR1.
Complete either this or panel 6.
Place an ‘X’ in the appropriate box.
If completing the fourth box, insert
details either of the trust or of the
trust instrument under which the Joint
Owners hold the property.
The registrar will enter a Form A
restriction in the register if an ‘X’ is
− in the second or third box, or
− in the fourth box, unless it is
clear that the Joint Owners hold
on trust for themselves alone as
joint tenants.
If this panel is completed, each Joint
Owner must sign.
Please refer to Joint property
ownership and practice guide 24:
private trusts of land for further
guidance. These are both available
on the GOV.UK website.
The Joint Owners declare that they are to hold the
property on trust for themselves alone as joint tenants
The Joint Owners declare that they are to hold the
property on trust for themselves alone as tenants in
common in equal shares
The Joint Owners declare that they hold the property on
trust for themselves alone as tenants in common in the
following unequal shares: (complete)
The Joint Owners are to hold the property (complete):
Signature of each
of the Joint Owners
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit