I. Date. This agreement was agreed to and signed on the ___ day of ______________,
II. The Parties.
The Buyer: ____________________ Mailing Address: __________________________
The Seller: ____________________ Mailing Address: __________________________
Hereinafter known as the “Parties” agree to the following:
III. Jet Ski Details.
The Seller agrees to sell the following described Jet Ski:
Number (#) of Strokes/Cylinders: ________/________ Displacement _________ cc
Make _________ Model _________ Year _________
Hull Identification Number (HIN) _________ Color _________
Other: ________________________________________________________________
Jet Ski is to be sold in “as-is” condition.
IV. Legal Details.
Odometer ______________________ in ☐ Hours ☐ Kilometers ☐ Knots ☐ Miles
Registration Number: ______________________ HIN: ______________________
V. Purchase Price.
The Parties agree that the total amount to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller for the Jet
Ski will be $__________________ (US Dollars).
VI. Payment.
Payment shall be made to the Seller on the ___ day of ______________, 20___
(Hereinafter known as the “Date of Sale”). Also, on the Date of Sale, the Jet Ski shall
transfer possession from the Seller to the Buyer free of all liens and encumbrances.