2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, Washington 98502-6080 • 360-786-5550 • FAX 360-754-4683
Application for Tax-Title
Please present to the Board of County Commissioners of Thurston County,
Washington, this application for private negotiation or public auction tax-title property
described as follows, to-wit:
Property Number (Parcel): ________________________________________________
Address if known: _______________________________________________________
Full Legal Description (Check this box if legal description is an attachment):
I hereby guarantee to make a minimum starting bid of $____________ on the day of
resale for the above described property if approved for acceptance of bid by private
negotiation or public auction.
I understand there are additional fees added to the minimum bid which may include;
$10.00 excise, recording, and a $150.00 processing fees.
I understand that the legislative authority determines the starting minimum bid, may
reject my bid, or whether to sell the property at all.
I understand with this application I submit a deposit of $500.00 to the Thurston County
Treasurer’s Office via certified check. If I am not the winning bidder, the deposit will be
refunded back. However, this deposit will be forfeited, and the applicant banned from
future sales if the applicant is the winning bidder and does not pay.
I also acknowledge by making this request that this property is being offered on a
“where is” and “as is” basis without any representation, guarantee, or warranty,
expressed or implied, by Thurston County and per the Revised Code of Washington
Applicant’s Name (Printed) ________________________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip & Phone _________________________________________________