Division of Student Affairs ~ International Student and Scholar Services
Boca Raton Campus: 777 Glades Road, SU 214, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel. (561) 297-3049 Fax: (561) 297-2446
Davie Campus: Diversity Services (LA-203), 3200 College Avenue, Davie, FL, 33314, Tel. (954) 236-1218 Fax: (954) 236-1123
MacArthur Campus: Diversity Services (SR 139), 5353 Parkside Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458, Tel. (561)799-8698 Fax: (561) 799-8721
Email (all locations): isss@fau.edu
J-1 INTERNS (22 CFR 62.22)
The student intern option is a subcategory under the College and University Student Category through
the Exchange Visitor Program. To request a Form DS-2019 for a prospective international student
intern, departments must submit the application packet to the International Student and Scholar
Services (ISSS) Office at least 60 days prior to the desired internship start date. The information and
documents included in this packet were developed based on existing federal regulations in order to
determine eligibility of prospective internship applicants and suitability of internships offered at FAU.
General Information
Interns must be currently enrolled and pursuing studies at a post-secondary academic institution outside
the U.S., or must have graduated from such an institution within 12 months prior to the proposed
internship start date.
Internships are up to 12 months in length without the possibility of extension beyond this period.
Upon completing the internship program, participants must return to their home country and resume (if
applicable) their academic programs in order to graduate from the post-secondary institution outside the
The internship experience must be at least 32 hours per week with no more than 20 percent of the total
activities consisting of clerical work.
The program must provide the participants with opportunities to expand upon existing knowledge and
skills, and must expose participants to American techniques, methodologies, and expertise.
The program must not duplicate the participant’s prior work experience or training received elsewhere.
Internships may not involve child care, elder care, clinical/medical care, or aviation.
Additional requirements exist for Hospitality/Tourism and Agriculture-related internships.
Interns must have on-site supervision in completing daily tasks related to their internship activities.
Interns must be evaluated on a regular basis, at least once every six months. All evaluations must be
completed and signed by the host faculty prior to the conclusion of the internship program. Copies of the
evaluations must be provided to ISSS.
Application Checklist
__ DS-2019 Request (Part I and Part II)
__ Form DS 7002 (to be completed by the host faculty member) – Training/Internship Placement Plan (the form
can be downloaded at http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/84240.pdf).
__ Interview Report Form
__ English Language Certification Form
__ Academic Status Certification Form
__ Appropriate Funding Documentation
__ Prospective Intern’s Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Department Information
st Department: ________________________________ Host Faculty Member: ________________________________
Campus Address: ________________________________ Phone# __________ Fax# _______ Email: ______________
Primary Supervisor (if different from host faculty member) __________________________________________________
Phone # ___________________ Email: _________________ Fax # ___________________
Document delivery preference: ____ Call for pickup ___ Send by campus mail __
Internship Program Information
rospective Intern’s Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Internship Start Date _______________________ Internship End Date __________________
Physical Location of the Internship (complete address including zip code): ______________________________________
Total hours per week (min. 32 required) ________ Hours of clerical activities per week _____
Will this internship include any childcare, medical patient care, aviation, or unskilled labor (yes/no)? ________________
Description of Internship Activities _____________________________________________________________________
Funding Information
Financial documentation for the J-1 intern and any accompanying dependents must be provided. Foreign language documents must be
accompanied by a certified English translation. A combination of financial sources can be used to meet the required amount
CATEGORY (Estimated expenses include housing, food,
insurance, transportation, etc.)
J-1 Only
J-1 with Spouse
J-1 with Spouse and
One Child
J-1 with Spouse and Two
or More Children
Monthly Estimated Living Expenses
Yearly Estimated Expenses
Yearly Estimated Expenses for Spouse: $5,000; Yearly Estimated Expenses for One Child: $3,000; Yearly Estimated Expenses for Two or More Children: $6,000
Type of Funds Name of funding source Amount
Florida Atlantic University ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
US Government Funds ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
International Organization ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
Foreign Government ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
Binational Commission ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
Personal Funds ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
Other ___________________________ ______ per (year, month, etc.) ________
(Explain) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Departmental Approvals
By signing this document, the responsible parties agree that they understand the terms and conditions of inviting the
above-named prospective intern as a J-1 Exchange Visitor and they will fulfill their department obligations in meeting the
internship purpose and guidelines.
Host Professor: ________________________ _________________________ _______________
Name Signature Date
Direct Supervisor _______________________ _________________________ _______________
Name Signature Date
Department Chair______________________ _________________________ ________________
Name Signature Date
Dean: _________________________ ________________________ ________________
Name Signature Date
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FAU Department and Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________
Personal and Academic Information
Name (as it appears in the passport) _____________________________________________________________________
Last/family/surname First/Given Middle Name (if applicable)
Gender: Male ___ Female ___ Date of Birth: _____________ Place of Birth:___________________________
Month/Day/Year City/Province/Country
Country of Citizenship: _____________________ Country of Permanent Residence: __________________________
Residential address in the home country: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________ Fax: __________________
U.S. Address (if not available, include department address): _________________________________________________
Highest Academic Degree Received: ____________________ Field of Study ____________ Completion date: ________
Current or Most Recent Employer and Position in country of citizenship or legal permanent residence (if applicable):
If currently a student, indicate Post-Secondary Institution Abroad: ______________________________________
Current Academic Degree: ___________________________ Expected Completion Date: _______________________
Field of Study: _____________________________________________________________________________________
J Exchange Visitor Program History
Previous J Exchange Visitor Programs (include time spent in J-2 status): None ______
From _____________ To __________________ Category (student, research scholar, etc.) ___________________
From_____________ To __________________ Category (student, research scholar, etc.) ___________________
Have you ever applied for a waiver of the Two-Year Home Country Residency Requirement? No ___ Yes____
If yes, explain the current status of your application: ______________________________________________________
Dependent Information (See Part A for Financial Documentation Guidelines)
Provide the following information for all J-2 dependents (spouse, children under 21) who will accompany you in the U.S.
Use a separate page if necessary. List names as they appear in the passport or official national identification documents:
(Last, First, Middle) _______________________________ Relationship: ___ Spouse ___ Child (under 21)
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Date of Birth: ________________ Place of Birth: ______________________________
Month/Day/Year City/Province/Country
Country of legal permanent residence: ___________________________ Country issuing passport: __________________
(Last, First, Middle) _______________________________ Relationship: ___ Spouse ___ Child (under 21)
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Date of Birth: ________________ Place of Birth: ______________________________
Month/Day/Year City/Province/Country
Country of legal permanent residence: ___________________________ Country issuing passport: __________________
CATEGORY (Estimated expenses include housing, food,
insurance, transportation, etc.)
J-1 Only
J-1 with Spouse
J-1 with Spouse and
One Child
J-1 with Spouse and Two
or More Children
Monthly Estimated Living Expenses
Yearly Estimated Expenses
Acknowledgment of Insurance Requirement:
The Exchange Visitor Program requires all program sponsors to notify exchange visitors that they and their dependents
must comply with insurance requirements mandated by the Exchange Visitor Program and by Florida Atlantic University. J-1
Interns must purchase a plan approved by FAU (http://www.fau.edu/isss/current/insurance.php
I have been notified that I must have medical insurance for myself and accompanying dependents
as stated above. I understand that failure to comply with this requirement may result in termination from the FAU
Exchange Visitor Program and my J-1 intern program.
Name: _________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: __________________
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Prospective Applicants for the Intern Program
J Exchange Visitor Program at Florida Atlantic University
International Student and Scholar Services Office
561-297-3049 ~ Fax 561-297-2446 ~ Email: isss@fau.edu
This form is a required part of the application process for the Intern category under the J Exchange Visitor
Program. The form must be completed and signed by the host faculty member at Florida Atlantic University. If
a written agreement exists between FAU and the prospective intern’s home institution, the form may also be
signed by a representative from the intern’s home university.
1. Name of Student __________________________________________________________________
2. The student was interviewed by ______________________________________________________
3. Interviewer’s position: ___ Host Faculty at FAU
___ Representative from intern’s home institution (attach copy of the written
agreement between FAU and home institution)
4. Interview was completed on ______________________________
5. The interview was completed (check appropriate choice):
___ In person ___ By telephone ____ By video/web camera
6. Explain how the internship relates to the intern’s current or recently completed studies:
7. Does this person have the adequate academic preparation for the proposed internship?
___ Yes ___ No
8. Explain what specific skills and knowledge the intern will be able to gain from this internship, and how
this internship differs from the intern’s previous internship or training experiences.
9. Inte
rviewer’s signature ________________________________________ Date: _____________________
10. If the interviewer is from the university abroad, place official university seal or stamp here.
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Prospective Applicants for the Intern Program
J Exchange Visitor Program at Florida Atlantic University
International Student and Scholar Services Office
561-297-3049 ~ Fax 561-297-2446 ~ Email: isss@fau.edu
This form is a required part of the application process for the Intern category under the Exchange Visitor
Program. Applicants must demonstrate verifiable English language skills sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis in
the internship environment.
1. Nam
e of Student _______________________________________________________________________
English language skills were evaluated by the following method (check the appropriate action below):
2. ___
The FAU host faculty member who conducted the interview and completed the Interview Report Form
Acknowledgment: I certify that I conducted an interview in English with the prospective intern on _______________.
His/her English language skills are sufficient for effective day-to-day functioning in the internship environment.
______________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________
Host Faculty Member’s Name Signature Date (month/day/year)
A certified English teacher
Acknowledgment: I am/was this prospective intern’s English teacher from _____________ to ________________.
Month/day/year Month/day/year
at ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Institution where the English language training took place
His/her English language skills are sufficient for effective day-to-day functioning in the internship environment.
______________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________
English teacher’s name Signature Date (month/day/year)
_____________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________
Email address Telephone Number Fax Number (optional)
4. ___ O
ne of the following standardized language proficiency tests*:
___ TOEFL Written (score) ________________ Minimum score required is 500.
___ TOEFL Computer-based (score) _________ Minimum score required is 173.
___ TOEFLI Internet-based (score) __________ Minimum score required is 61.
___ IELTS (score) ______________ Minimum score required is 6.0
*The minimum scores listed above are the same minimum scores required for admission at FAU. Attach a copy
of the test results.
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Prospective Applicants for the Intern Program
J Exchange Visitor Program at Florida Atlantic University
International Student and Scholar Services Office
561-297-3049 ~ Fax 561-297-2446 ~ Email: isss@fau.edu
This form is a required part of the application process for the Intern category under the J Exchange Visitor
Program. The form must be completed and signed by an academic advisor or another authorized representative
from the home institution where the prospective intern is currently enrolled or s/he last attended.
1. Name of Student: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Name of Institution: _______________________________________________________________________
3. Address of Institution: _____________________________________________________________________
4. Institution Website Address: ________________________________________________________________
5. Type of Institution: ___ Post-Secondary ___ Other (explain): _______________________________
6. Is the student currently enrolled at this institution?
a. ___ Yes. Dates of Enrollment: From ___________ to Present
Degree in progress: _________________________________
Expected completion date: ___________________________
b. ___ No. Dates of Enrollment: From: ___________ to _____________
Degree Earned: ____________________________________
c. Field of Study ________________________________________________
7. Will this internship be used to fulfill requirements towards degree completion? ___ Yes ___ No
8. Additional comments:
9. Authorized signature:
Name: _________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________
Position: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________
Telephone #: ___________________________________ Fax #: ______________________________________
Email address: __________________________________
Place Official University Seal or Stamp Here
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