University of the Incarnate Word
Office of Financial Assistance
Student Dependency Status
4301 Broadway, Box 308
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 829-6008
Fax: (210) 283-5053
Revised 11/2020
The Office of Financial Assistance must verify your request for special conditions as an independent student. You have
indicated on your FAFSA that you may qualify for one of the following conditions. Please complete the information
below along with any required documentation.
Step 1: Independent Status Eligibility
Check the reason for the status that applies to you and attach the required documentation
Currently serving on active duty in the U.S Armed Forces for purposes other than training
Acceptable Documentation
Provide copy of full and complete current orders or SCRA verification
National Guardsman or reservist can obtain a letter from a superior officer that documents
the call-up to active
duty and classifies service as anything but “dishonorable”
Veteran of the U.S Armed Forces
o Provide a copy of your DD-214
At any time since age 13, both parents were deceased
o Copy of b
oth parent’s death certificates and your birth certificate. If one parent is deceased and the other
parent’s whereabouts are unknown, please review the Request for Independent Status Form.
At any time since age 13, you were in foster care
o Copy of official documentation from the court confirming your status in Foster Care
At any time since age 13, you were a ward of the court
o Copy of official documentation from the court confirming your status as a ward of the court.
You are or were an emancipated minor prior to the age of 18
o Attach a letter from your social worker confirming that you were a dependent of the court, or a letter
stating that you are a participant in the Living Skills Program (ILSP), or other court documentation
showing that you were removed from your home because it posed a direct threat to your well-being
You are/were in legal guardianship
o Attach an official copy of a court’s decision that you are or were in legal guardianship.
After July 1, 2020 you received the determination that you were an unaccompanied youth who was
homeless, or self-supporting and at risk of homelessness (e.g. McKinney-Vento)
o C
opy of a signed letter on official letterhead from any of the sources below:
High School District Liaison, Director of an Emergency Shelter or Transitional living program,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Director of a runaway or youth basic center for
transitional living program, Social Workers, or Clergy
You are self-supporting and at risk of homelessness
o Follow the instructions located in the Request for Independent Status Form
You are considered dependent if none of the categories above apply to you. You must provide parental information
along with parental signatures on the FAFSA. You may complete the Request for Independent Status Form if you feel
you are independent due to extenuating circumstances.
Step 3: Student Certification
By signing below, I certify that all the information and documentation on this form is true, complete, and accurate. I
understand that providing any false statement or misrepresentation will be cause for denial or repayment of financial
Student Signature: