Itemized Deductions Tax Organizer
Please bring the following documents to your appointment
1098s from all mortgage companies
Receipts for major donations
Appraisals for donations greater than $5,000
Receipts for Arizona tax credit donations
1098C for vehicle donation
Closing documents for home refinance, purchase or sale
Fill in any of the following that apply to you.
Medical expenses
Insurance premiums for medical, dental, vision
(paid from personal funds, not through employer or paycheck)
Long-term care insurance (you)
Long-term care insurance (spouse)
Doctors, dentists, chiropractors, acupuncture, therapy
Hospitals, ambulances
Prescription (not over the counter) drugs
Eye exam, glasses, contacts
Medical supplies/equipment
Hearing aids and batteries
Miles driven to and from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies
Investment interest (paid on loans to acquire investments)
Real estate interest paid not listed on 1098s (max 2 properties)
Client's name
Only list expenses paid from personal funds, not through employer, social
security or HSA/FSA.