Office of
Planning and Zoning
Irrigation Self Inspection Checklist
Office of Planning & Zoning Revised 2017/10
Irrigation Self Inspection Checklist Page 1 of 1
Irrigation Installer:_______________________
Property Owner: _________________________
Address: _______________________________
Date of Installation:_______________________
Alt Key: ________________________________
Irrigation Standards: (check boxes that apply)
Irrigation system installed meets Florida Water Star Program; or
The maximum total irrigated area on residential lots, regardless of lot size, shall not exceed 60%
of a lot or 0.5 acres, whichever is less
High-Volume irrigation does not exceed 60% of the irrigated area for lots over 1/8 acre
Narrow areas, four (4) feet or less, are not to be irrigated unless correctly installed micro-
irrigation is used
High volume irrigation is not used for trees, shrubs, and groundcover beds
Irrigation zones are divided according to vegetated groupings (i.e., turfgrass, shrubs, trees etc.)
and the water requirements of the plants
Sprinkler head types, e.g. spray heads and rotors, are not mixed in the same zone
Distribution equipment in a given zone has matched precipitation rates
Rotors and sprays sprinkler heads in turfgrass areas are spaced to provide head to head
coverage (unless using valve-in-head sprinklers using multi-stream nozzles)
A minimum separation of four inches is between distribution equipment and the pavement
A minimum separation of 24 inches is between distribution equipment and buildings and other
vertical structures
A rain sensor device has been correctly installed. Circle type: Rain Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor,
ET sensor, Other
The automatic controller can be programmed in minutes, by day of week, season, and time of
day and can accommodate multiple start times, programs, and power outages
Check valves which are capable of holding a minimum of a five foot head were used in low-lying
areas to prevent head drainage (unless using valve-in-head sprinklers)
Irrigation system equipment is installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications
There is no direct spray onto walkways, buildings, roadways, and drives
Pipelines are designed to provide the system with appropriate pressure
All irrigation system underground piping has a minimum soil cover of six inches
I hereby certify that the above mentioned standards comply with Lake County Ordinance 2016-13 on this
Irrigation Professional or Owner Built (Print Name): ___________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date: _________________________________
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