II. Criteria
• Be substantially related to an instructional program and a direct extension of the in-class experience;
• Have direct faculty involvement in the management and supervision of the activity/program;
• Provide an identifiable benefit to a significant number of students;
• Enhance the overall balance of university activities/programs and the breadth and balance of the IRA activities/programs;
• Cannot duplicate another university certified activity.
III. Funding Process
Following review of all proposals, the IRA Advisory Committee will submit their budget recommendation to the Provost for final
approval. Activity/program funding is an entirely separate issue, and certification does not guarantee IRA funding.
IV. Proposal Format
Utilizing the form below, please explain the proposed activity/program. Be sure to detail the project and include an estimated
budget. Once the dean/director approves the proposal, forward the request to Kim Williams, kwilliams@csuchico.edu. The
activity/program director and college/unit dean/director will be invited to a scheduled IRA meeting to present the proposal.
Upon the IRA Advisory Committee’s activity/program certification recommendation, the request is then forwarded to the
Provost for final approval.
I. Eligibility
Activities/programs recommended for support from Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funds must be
both certified by the Provost as academically valid, and must be declared eligible for IRA funding by the
Provost, in accordance with the criteria specified below. If an activity/program that has been discontinued
wishes to become recertified, they must reapply for certification.
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Activity/Program Director:
Campus Zip:
Campus Phone:
Campus Email:
1) Provide details on the proposed activity/program below.
Proposed IRA Activity/Program Name:
2) Please list at least two student representatives and their emails.
3) Is this group currently a recognized Student Organization through Student Life and Leadership or Associated