team and rebalanced back towards target when they approach
opportunities and risks.
Investment consultants
ABN 21 074 287 406 (AFSL 241266).
Fund managers
Australian and international fund managers. Each fund manager is
assets. They are managed in accordance with a mandate agreed
between the manager and Cbus or through a Trust Deed. Cbus
regularly monitors the performance of each fund manager.
Cbus Property
Cbus Property Pty Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Super
where many of our members work.
includes parameters around risk and return.
Responsible investment
where appropriate.
Our investment process
Investment objectives and asset allocation
at cbussuper.com.au/investments.
Alternative growth
shorter-term corporate action opportunities.
Fixed interest
Mid-risk alternatives
and public companies. Lending to corporations may include
infrastructure debt and property construction debt.