9 Forms are properly completed when the status, location, or custodianship of equipment changes
9 Off-Campus Use forms are filled out and updated annually
9 Disposals are processed on a timely basis
9 Excess equipment is not stored
9 Computer change-outs are recorded by both the department and Computer Services and for-
warded to Property Management on a timely basis
This task should not be rushed through just prior to the inventory, but should be part of an ongoing
management process throughout the year.
The yearly inventory of property is standard business practice. The process will be initiated and coor-
dinated by the Property Management Office. The Departmental Property Custodian shall perform the
physical inventory with oversight from the department head. This process generally assures that the
personnel who perform the process are not the same people who have custody of the property.
A complete itemized property listing will be sent to each Departmental Coordinator on a yearly basis
during the month of April. The listing will include all items assigned to the department with an origi-
nal purchase value in excess of $1,000. Special attention must be given all capital items, those with a
value of $2,500 or more. Each item should be visually verified and its location compared to the PMO
list. Any differences should be noted. Any missing property or property under your custody that is not
on the PMO list should be noted along with is location and property tag number. A list of missing
property will be forwarded to Public Safety Office for proper investigation.
The timely completion of the property inventory is a University priority. Departments will have 15
working days to conduct the physical inventory, sign the “Certification Letter” that accompanies the
schedule and return the inventory schedule to the Property Management Office. These reports will be-
come permanent record of completion and serve as documentation for all audit purposes. Each file is
available for review by the Arkansas Division of State Auditing on a yearly basis.
Upon return of the departmental inventory schedule, and each department’s inventory has been recon-
ciled, the Property Management Office may conduct a random sample test of sensitive property as pre-
viously described. This audit may be the request of the Division of Legislative Audit, the President of
the University, or the Division of Finance and Administration.
The Arkansas Division of Legislative Audit begins their yearly audit each September. Included in this
audit is a random sampling of capital equipment. Each department will have capital items selected for
this sample. When these audits are scheduled, PMO will give as much notice as possible. The De-
partmental Coordinator will be actively involved and escort the auditor. We must be able to locate and
identify property as requested by auditors, and provide property related documentation upon request.
All equipment that is currently located off-campus must be accounted for. Auditors may inventory as-
sets at their off-site location, or request the asset user to bring the equipment to campus to be invento-
ried. During this sample inventory audit all offices, lecture rooms, laboratories, and storage areas are
requested to be free of excess, broken, or surplus equipment. Do not store excess equipment. There-
fore each department must send all broken, inoperable and surplus equipment to storage using the
proper forms.
A failure to complete the annual state audit is a subject for a negative state audit comment and the pos-
sible disapproval of the University’s property management process. The importance of each depart-
ment’s role in this procedure cannot be overly expressed.