The automatic exchange of financial account information (AEOI) regime is based on the Common Reporting Standard (CRS),
an internationally-agreed standard developed by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to
combat tax evasion. AEOI refers to the regular exchange of financial account information between jurisdictions, the purpose
of which is to deter and detect tax evasion by taxpayers through the use of offshore bank accounts.
Standard Chartered PLC and its subsidiaries and affiliates (Standard Chartered) must comply with the relevant requirements
in all countries or jurisdictions in which Standard Chartered operates and AEOI requirements are in effect.
In order to comply with the relevant requirements to enable AEOI, Standard Chartered must collect certain information and/or
documentation from clients to establish their tax residence and (if applicable) classification status. In certain circumstances,
Standard Chartered may be required to report this information to relevant tax authorities. This information then may be
exchanged or reported to relevant tax authorities in other countries or jurisdictions, in accordance with applicable law.
This is a Self-Certification that Standard Chartered is requesting you to complete to establish your tax residence and (if
applicable) classification status. In certain circumstances, for example, where required by regulations/guidance implementing
under Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) between relevant countries or jurisdictions and the United States (U.S.), this
Self-Certification also may be used to document your tax status under the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
provisions. FATCA came into effect on 1 July 2014 and seeks to prevent tax evasion by U.S. Persons through the use of
accounts held outside the U.S.
The Self-Certification and explanatory notes are not a substitute for understanding AEOI under CRS or FATCA. The Bank
does not, and cannot, provide tax or legal advice. If you have any questions about this Self-Certification, AEOI under CRS or
FATCA, please consult your tax, legal, or other professional advisor.
Please complete this Self-Certification if you are an individual (including a sole proprietor) Account Holder. An Account
Holder” may include an individual who is a settlor or beneficiary of a trust administered by a professional corporate trustee or
a trust company. For further information, refer to the definition of Account Holder” on page 4.
For joint or multiple Account Holders, use a separate Form for each Account Holder. If you are providing a Self-Certification
for an entity account holder or are a Controlling Person of an entity account holder, do not use this Self-Certification. Instead,
fill in the ‘CRS Self-Certification – Entity’.
If you are a U.S. Person, you must complete and provide a Form W-9 issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, in addition
to this Self-Certification.
Self-Certication – Individual
Self Certication - Individual (09-2018) Page 1
Self-Certication – Individual
Please complete Parts 1 to 3 in BLOCK LETTERS and read the Instructions on how to complete this Self-Certication and
Denitions on page 4.
Part 1
Identication of Individual Account Holder
A) Name of the Individual who is the Account Holder B) Date of Birth
Surname(s): C) Place of Birth
First or Given Name: Town or City of Birth:
Middle Name(s): Country/Jurisdiction of Birth:
D) Current Residence Address E) Mailing Address (complete
if dierent from Section D)
Address Line 1: Address Line 1:
Address Line 2: Address Line 2:
City/Town: City/Town:
Province/State/County: Province/State/County:
Postal Code/ZIP Code: Postal Code/ZIP Code:
Country/Jurisdiction: Country/Jurisdiction:
F) Gender* G) Country(ies) or Jurisdiction(s) of Citizenship*
H) Identication Number*
*Complete elds F, G, and H only if the Account Holder maintains a Financial Account in India.
Self Certication - Individual (09-2018) Page 2
Self-Certication – Individual
Part 2
Tax Residence Information
Please complete the following table indicating (i) the country/jurisdiction where the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes
and (ii) the Account Holder’s Taxpayer Identification Number or functional equivalent (hereafter referred to as TIN) for each
country/jurisdiction indicated. If the Account Holder is a resident for tax purposes in more than three countries/jurisdictions, please
use a separate sheet. All countries/jurisdictions of tax residence must be included, regardless of whether the country/jurisdiction
has an IGA or has adopted the CRS.
If no TIN or functional equivalent is provided, please indicate Reason A, B or C where appropriate:
Reason A: Country/Jurisdiction does not issue TINs to its residents.
Reason B: Country/Jurisdiction issues TINs, but the Account Holder is unable or not required to obtain a TIN (please
explain why the Account Holder is unable or not required to obtain a TIN).
Reason C: No TIN is required. Country/Jurisdiction issues TINs but the country/jurisdiction does not require Financial
Institutions to collect TINs from its residents.
More details are available in the Instructions to this Self-Certication.
No. Country or Jurisdiction of Tax Residence TIN
If no TIN or functional equivalent is provided,
indicate Reason A, B or C
If Reason B is selected above, explain why the Account Holder is unable or not required to obtain a TIN in the
corresponding row below
Self Certication - Individual (09-2018) Page 3
Part 3
Declaration and Signature
I understand that the information supplied by me is subject to the terms and conditions governing the account(s) maintained
with Standard Chartered PLC and its subsidiaries and aliates to which this Self-Certication relates.
I acknowledge that the information contained in this Self-Certication and information regarding the Account Holder and
any Reportable Account(s) may be provided to the tax authorities of the country/jurisdiction in which this/these account(s)
is/are maintained and exchanged with tax authorities of another country/jurisdiction or countries/jurisdictions in which this
Account Holder may be a tax resident, pursuant to a bilateral or multilateral agreements between governments to exchange
nancial account information.
I certify that I am the Account Holder (or am authorised to sign for the Account Holder) of all of the account(s) to which this
Self-Certication relates.
I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete.
I undertake to notify the recipient of this Self-Certication within 30 days of any change in circumstances which aects the
tax residency status of the Account Holder or which causes the information contained herein to become incorrect, and to
submit a suitably updated Self-Certication and Declaration within 30 days of such change in circumstances and to provide
any additional information as may be required by Standard Chartered and/or applicable law.
Please note that in providing this Self-Certication, a statement that is false, misleading, or incorrect may be
regarded as an oence and, therefore may be subject to penalties under relevant law or regulation.
Self-Certication – Individual
Sign Here
Signature of Account Holder (or individual authorised to
sign for the Account Holder)
Print Full Name
Capacity of the individual authorised to sign for the Account Holder
Self Certication - Individual (09-2018) Page 4
Self-Certication – Individual
The following is a non-exhaustive list of selected terms that is intended as a
guide to assist you in completing this Self-Certification. Should you have any
questions, please contact your tax, legal, and/or other professional advisor.
Account Holder: The term Account Holder’ means the person listed or
identied as the holder of a Financial Account. A person, other than a Financial
Institution, holding a Financial Account for the benet of another person as
an agent, a custodian, a nominee, a signatory, an investment advisor, an
intermediary, or as a legal guardian, is not treated as the Account Holder. In
these circumstances that other person is the Account Holder. For example in
the case of a parent/child relationship where the parent is acting as a legal
guardian, the child is regarded as the Account Holder. With respect to a jointly
held account, each joint holder is treated as an Account Holder.
Subject to applicable regulations and guidance, an Account Holder may
include an individual who is a settlor, beneciary, protector, or other person
holding an equity or debt interest of a trust administered by a professional
corporate trustee or a trust company, i.e., a trustee that, as its primary business,
invests, administers, or manages the assets for trusts (or other customers). An
‘equity interest’ may be considered to be held in the case of a trust that is a
Financial Institution, by any person treated as a settlor or beneciary of all or
a portion of the trust, or any other natural person exercising ultimate eective
control over the trust.
Financial Account: A Financial Account is an account maintained by a
Financial Institution and is either a depository account, a custodial account, an
equity and debt interest in certain investment entities, a cash value insurance
contract, or an annuity contract.
Participating Jurisdiction:
A jurisdiction –
(i) with which an agreement is in place pursuant to which it will provide the
specied information under CRS as required on the automatic exchange
of nancial account information, and
(ii) which is identied in a published list.
Reportable Account: A Reportable Account is a Financial Account that is
maintained by a Reporting Financial Institution and that, pursuant to due diligence
procedures consistent with CRS, FATCA and any applicable IGA, has been
identied as an account that is held by one or more persons that are U.S. Persons
or Reportable Persons with respect to another Jurisdiction or by a Passive NFE with
one or more Controlling Persons that are U.S. Persons or Reportable Persons with
respect to another Jurisdiction.
Reportable Jurisdiction: A Reportable Jurisdiction is a Participating
Jurisdiction with which an obligation to provide nancial account information
is in place and that is identied in a published list.
Reportable Person: A Reportable Person is an Individual who is tax resident in
a Reportable Jurisdiction under the laws of that jurisdiction. A Reportable Person
may include a beneciary of a trust if such Reportable Person has the right to
receive directly or indirectly (for example, through a nominee), a mandatory
distribution or may receive, directly or indirectly, a discretionary distribution from a
trust that is a Financial Institution. Dual resident individuals may rely on tiebreaker
rules contained in tax conventions (if applicable) to solve cases of double
residence for purposes of determining their residence for tax purposes.
Resident for tax purposes: Each country/jurisdiction has its own rules for
dening tax residence, and certain countries/jurisdictions have provided
information on how to determine whether an individual is tax resident in the
country/jurisdiction on the OECD automatic exchange of information portal.
For additional information on tax residence, please talk to your legal, tax,
or other professional advisor or refer to the OECD automatic exchange of
information portal on tax residency:
Taxpayer Identication Number (TIN): TIN or a functional equivalent in
the absence of a TIN. A TIN is a unique combination of letters or numbers
assigned by a jurisdiction to an Individual or an Entity and used to identify
the Individual or Entity for the purposes of administering the tax laws of such
jurisdiction. Further details of acceptable TINs can be found at: http://www.
identication-numbers/#d.en.347759. Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN.
However, these jurisdictions often utilise some other high integrity number
with an equivalent level of identication (a ‘functional equivalent’). Examples
of that type of number include, for individuals, a social security/insurance
number, citizen/personal identication/service code/number, and resident
registration number.
U.S. Person: A U.S. Person is dened in section 7701(a) (30) of the U.S. Internal
Revenue Code and includes an individual who is a citizen or resident of the U.S.
Part 1 Identication of Individual Account Holder
A) Name of the Individual who is the Account Holder
Enter the
full name of the individual identified as the Account Holder
. This is a
mandatory eld.
B) Date of Birth: Enter the Account Holder’s date of birth. Use the following
format to input the Account Holder’s information DD-MM-YYYY. This is a
mandatory eld.
C) Place of Birth: Enter the Account Holder’s place of birth by including the
town, city, and country or jurisdiction of birth, where applicable.This is a
mandatory eld.
D) Current Residence Address: Enter the Account Holder’s current
residence address. This is a mandatory eld.
E) Mailing Address: Enter the Account Holder’s mailing address only if it is
dierent from the Current Residence Address.
F) Gender*: Check the relevant box indicating the Account Holder’s gender.
G) Country(ies)/Jurisdiction(s) of Citizenship*: Enter the Account
Holder’s country(ies) or jurisdiction(s) of citizenship. In the case of multiple
countries or jurisdictions of citizenship, all citizenships must be listed.
If the Account Holder is a U.S. citizen, a Form W-9 must be provided in
addition to this Self Certication.
H) Identication Number*: Enter the Account Holder's identication number.
*Complete elds F, G, and H only if the Account Holder maintains a Financial Account in India.
Please refer to the Denitions provided in this Self-Certication for an explanation of an Account Holder.
Part 2 Tax Residence Information
Please complete the table indicating (i) the country(ies)/jurisdiction(s) where
the Account Holder is/are Resident for tax purposes and (ii) the Account
Holder’s TIN for each country/jurisdiction indicated. Please refer to the
Denitions provided in this Self-Certication for an explanation on “Resident
for tax purposes”.
The requirement to pay tax in a particular country/jurisdiction does not
necessarily signify tax residence in that country/jurisdiction; it is possible to
have to pay tax in a country/jurisdiction in which one is not tax resident, and
not to have to pay tax in a country in which one is tax resident. Whether a
person is tax resident in a particular country/jurisdiction depends on whether
that person meets the denition of a tax resident under the tax laws of that
country/jurisdiction. For more information on tax residence, please consult
your tax advisor or refer to the information at OECD automatic exchange
of information portal at
If a TIN is unavailable, please indicate only one of the following reasons:
Reason (A): Country/Jurisdiction does not issue TINs.
Reason (B): Country/Jurisdiction issues TINs and requires Financial
Institutions to collect TINs, but the Account Holder is unable or not required to
obtain a TIN. Please provide an explanation as to why the Account Holder is
unable or not required to obtain a TIN in the table.
Reason (C): No TIN is required. Country/Jurisdiction issues TINs but the
country/jurisdiction does not require Financial Institutions to collect TINs from
its residents. This is a mandatory eld.
Part 3 Declaration and Signature
Declaration and Signature: The Self-Certication must be signed and dated
by the Account Holder. If this Self-Certication is completed by an Individual
authorised to sign on behalf of the Account Holder, please indicate the
capacity in which the authorised Individual is signing the Self-Certication.
This is a mandatory eld.
Capacity: An Individual authorised to sign on behalf of the Account Holder
must state the capacity in which they are signing. If this Self-Certication is
completed by an agent acting under a duly authorised power of attorney,
the Form must be accompanied by the power of attorney in proper Form
specically authorising the agent to represent the Account Holder in making,
executing and presenting the Self-Certification. If the Self-Certification is
completed by the Account Holder, leave the eld blank.