Strongly disagree Disagree
Neither agree nor
disagree Agree Strongly agree
I am knowledgeable
about ASI.
The student experiences
of Seattle Colleges
programs and services
have improved since
ASI started.
North Seattle, Seattle
Central, South Seattle,
and the District Office
are working better
together now than when
ASI started.
Please provide any details or information about your responses above.
12. To what extent do you agree with the following statements:
The following questions are about the ASI Phase I activities. They are described as follows:
1. Commencement Ceremony (commencement planning, implementation, communications)
2. Common Areas of Study (limited set of academic and career topics students choose to plan their educational experience)
3. Corporate Training (customized instruction at company worksites or online)
4. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (planning, staffing, programming, instruction, research, community engagement)
5. Foundation Integration (consolidation and coordination of the district and colleges foundations)
6. HR Integration (hiring, onboarding, performance, professional development)
7. Information Technology (IT Help/Support, phone, applications, WiFi, security, desktop support)
8. Seattle Pathways (ensuring students select an academic/career path, stay on a path, and learn; vision, areas of study,
advising structures, placement, technology)
9. Seattle Promise (a partnership with the City to provide tuition and student service supports for high school graduates)
10. Starfish Success Solutions (student success technology platform to facilitate student advising, retention, and
11. Website Integration (website platform, structure, content)