The California State University
Policies and Procedures for Intrasystem Concurrent Enrollment
Eligibility Requirements
1. Student has completed at least one term at the home campus as a matriculated student and earned at least 12 units there.
2. Student has attained a grade point average of 2.0 in all work completed at the home campus and is in good standing at that
Student will be/is enrolled at home campus during the period of concurrent enrollment at host campus.
1. The student has completed at least one term at the home campus as a matriculated student and will be enrolled
concurrently in such status.
2. The student has been admitted to or is enrolled in an authorized graduate program at the home campus.
3. The student was in good standing at the last college attended.
Enrollment Conditions
1. Approval of concurrent enrollment is valid only for the term specified and is subject to space availability and registration
priority policies at host campus.
2. Academic advisement is available only at the home campus.
3. Concurrent enrollment is possible only in overlapping terms, e.g. semester campus to sem. campus, quarter to quarter.
4. Evidence of completion of course prerequisites may be required at the host campus (i.e., personal transcripts or grade
5. Financial aid is available only through the home campus and students eligible for veterans, rehabilitation, social security
and other federal, state or county benefits must secure eligibility certification through the home campus.
6. Participation in student activities at the host campus is subject to any limitations, which may exist at that campus.
Similarly, student union facilities will be available according to policies at each campus.
7. Parking on the host campus will be available on the basis of a term fee within campus parking availability or on a daily
fee basis.
8. Information concerning host campus identification card policies will be available at the time of registration.
1. Student completes application and submits to the Office of Admission & Records at home campus well in advance of
the first day of classes at both campuses. Contact host campus for deadlines, if any.
2. Home campus registrar designee completes Part II and forwards to host campus registrar designee if approved, or
returns to student, if disapproved. The approved application may be given to student so that he/she can submit it to
host campus.
3. Host campus registrar completes Part III-A and provides a copy to student with registration instructions.
4. Concurrently enrolled student pays CSU registration fees on home campus based upon the total number of units for
which she/he is or plans to be registered including units on the home as well as host campus(es), e.g. three units at
home and three units at host equals part time fees, and six units at home and 3 units at host equals full time fees.
Payment is certified on all copies of the application. Home campus non-resident tuition fees, as appropriate, are paid at
the same time and entry made with the fee certification.
5. Student registers at host campus presenting approved copy(ies) of the application. Host campus non-resident tuition
fees and any user fees are paid and entry is made on the application for concurrent and/or visitor status.
6. Host campus completes Part III-B.
7. Program changes will be accomplished by following standard procedures on both campuses. Official notification will
be provided by the host campus to the home campus. If a student withdraws from the home campus and requests
refund for the refundable portion of the State University fee, the host campus must be notified.
8. Permanent academic records will be maintained at the campus where courses are completed. A record of credit earned
at a host campus will be available to the student and to the home campus upon request by the student or registrar of the
home campus.
ICE Form/07-08