International Admissions Application Checklist
Admissions and Records
Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160-9002
you for your interest in Arapahoe Community College (ACC)! If you are accepted to ACC as an
international student, ACC will issue you a Form I-20. You may then use your I-20 to apply for a student (F-1) visa.
*Completed applications can be scanned and emailed directly to
Required Documentation
Application Part I - Online Application: No fee for the online application
Application Part II - Paper Application: Responses must be legible and in English. If, after one year, the
student is not accepted for admission, is not issued a visa, or does not attend ACC, a new application with all the
required documents must be resubmitted.
$75 Application Fee: Acceptable forms of payment include cash (US Dollars), check (payable to Arapahoe
Community College) or credit card. If outside the Denver area, please pay by check or credit card.
Proof of English Language Proficiency: Official scores must be sent in a sealed envelope from the
testing agency or ESL school. English language proficiency must be demonstrated by one of the following:
Internet-based TOEFL score of 57 or higher. (ACC TOEFL Code 4014)
IELTS score of 5.5 or higher.
STEP Eiken level of Grade Pre-1 or higher.
Official Michigan Test score of 75 or higher. Note: Only accepted if taken at Spring International Language Center
Successful completion of an ACC - approved English Language School Program (Spring International Language
Center, Colorado School of English, or University of Denver Intensive English Center).
Graduation from a U.S. high school.
International Student Financial Statement: This form must be signed by both the student and the
sponsor, and must indicate the relationship between the student and the sponsor.
Proof of
Financial Resources: Proof of sufficient financial resources must be demonstrated by one of the
Original bank statement no older than 6 months prior to the semester of the application
The bank statement must demonstrate a minimum of one year’s expenses ($30,695 in U.S. Dollars for the student,
$5,000 per dependent under the same I-20)
The bank statement must be original (i.e. from the bank or financial institution in any foreign currency)
And/or an Official Letter of sponsorship from an embassy, government agency, or private company
Certified Proof of High School (Secondary) Graduation:
Supply unofficial high school transcript
(Scanned image). Foreign college transcripts; you must send the official college transcripts through a foreign credential evaluation
service in order to receive college credit and/or to receive prerequisites for ACC courses.
Photocopy of Passport Identification Page and Visa Identification Page (If applicable)
Emergency Contact Information
Revised 12.5.2016
International Admissions Application
Admissions and Records
Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160-9002
Select the first semester and year
you plan to enroll: Fall Spring Summer Year 20__
______________________________________________ ______________________________
Social Security # or Tax
ID # - if you have one SEVIS ID Number
Legal Name: ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:
Last First Middle
(as it appears on your passport)
Foreign Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________
Number and Street or PO Box
City: ________________________________ State/Province: __
____________ Country: __________________________
U.S. Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________
Number and Street or PO Box
City: __________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip Code:
Current Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Country of Birth: _______________________ Country of Citizenship: ______________________
If you have dependents accompanyi
ng you who will require an F-2 visa:
# of Dependents _______ List dependent informa
tion on Financial Statement form
How did you hear about ACC? ________________________________________________________________________
Intended U.S. Visa Type: __________ Current U.S. Visa Type: __________
I-94 expiration date: _____________
Passport # _________________________________________
How do you want to receive y
our I-20: Pick-up Mail to: US address or Foreign address
Please check the box that best describes your ethnic origin: (I) American Indian or Alaskan
(O) Asian or Pacific Islander (H) H
ispanic (B) Black (W) White
Name of Secondary School Location D
egrees/ Graduation
Diplomas Date
Colleges or Universities
Do you have an I-20 from another school? ____ If yes, name of school _________________________________________
Intended ACC Major or Field of Study ________________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that, to t
he best of my knowledge, the information Date ___________________________
Given is true and complete. I understand that if it is found to be
Otherwise, it is sufficient for rejection or dismissal Signature ______________________________________
Revised 12.5.2016
Visa #: ________________________
If paying by credit card:
Card Type: __________________________________
Card Number: _______________________________
Expiration Date: ______________________________
Cardholder Name: ____________________________
Cardholder Signature: _________________________
Student Name: ___________________________________________
In case of an emergency, please provi
de the information of someone in the U.S. for ACC to contact:
Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________
Email: ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ____________________
In case of an emergency, p
lease provide the information of your immediate family members:
Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________
Email: _________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________
Email: _________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Please note: If any of the above information changes, please notify your advisor immediately.
Last Name First Name
ACC Student I.D. Number: ______________________________
(student I.D. number will be assigned)
Application Fee:
Cost :
Phone Number: _________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Term: ______________
Revised 09.22.2016
International Admissions Application Fee
Admissions and Records - Arapahoe Community College - 5900
S. Santa Fe Drive - Littleton, CO 80160-9002
International Student Financial Statement
Admissions and Records -
Arapahoe Community College - 5900 S. Santa Fe Drive - Littleton, CO 80160-9002
Arapahoe Community College requires statements of financial support from all privately sponsored applicants
with student (F-1)
visas. You must have adequate financial resources to provide for your educational and living
expenses without having to resort to unauthorized employment. ACC must have verification from you of your
financial resources. Tuition and fees are subject to change. *Incomplete forms will not be accepted
A Form I-20 will be issued only if we have assurance that you have full financial support for your proposed
program of study at ACC. You MUST include signature of sponsor.
Your Name: __________________________________
(type or print) Last or Family Name First Name Middle Name
Estimated expenses for an Inter
national Student for two semesters are:
Tuition and Fees................................ $12,495
Books and Misc……………............... 5,200
Housing/Living/Personal Expenses ...... 13,000
Add an additional $5,000 for eac
h Dependent
Example: 1 dependent total needed:
TOTAL $30,695 $34,695
Dependents: If you wish y
our I-20 to reflect your dependent(s), please include the following information (list
additional dependents on a separate piece of paper)
Full Name/Relationship Date of Birth Country of Birth
Full Name/Relationship Date of Birth Country of Birth
Self Attach Certified Bank S
Family ________________________________
Name of Family Member:
Relationship of Family Member:
Sponsor ________________________________
Name of Spons
Relationship of
Government Attach Letter of Guarantee
Applicant's Statement:
I hereby certify that I am aware of the costs of attending ACC and that I am/or my sponsor is prepared to provide
all the antic
ipated yearly expenses for the entire length of my stay at ACC. I shall notify ACC of any change in my
financial circumstances.
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Sponsor’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Revised 10.31.2016