Other Requirements
This plan describes the major program requirements for the Interdisciplinary Studies degree only.
Students must also meet all other LCSC requirements for graduation, including all General Education Core
requirements, residency credits, GPA requirements, and completion of electives to meet the minimum 120
credits of college-level coursework.
Selected disciplinary areas may not be used for completion of a minor.
Students graduate with a BA or BS in “Interdisciplinary Studies”. The discipline areas will not display on
on the transcript.
Advisory Committee
Advisor Name, Area of Concentration One: ________________________________________________________________________
Advisor Name, Area of Concentration Two: ________________________________________________________________________
Division Chair Name (from one of the two Areas): ________________________________________________________________
Advisor, Area of Concentration One
Advisor, Area of Concentration Two
Division Chair (from one of the two Areas)
Director, Early College Programs
Submit the following to Early College Programs, SPH 204 -
1) ID Studies Degree Approval Form
2) Program Information Form (PIF)
Copies will be sent to Student, Advisors, Chair, and Registrar.
Changes to the proposed curriculum must be initialed/dated by the Advisors, Chair, and Director.