Lead PI Dept:
Co-PI #1 Dept:
Co-PI #2 Dept:
Co-PI #3 Dept:
# Years:
Yes No
Lead PI Date:
Co-PI Date:
Co-PI Date:
Co-PI Date:
Do you anticipate any of the following needs for your grant application:
RFP # or http link:
Ceiling Amount:
Additional space than currently providedconsult w/ Associate Vice President & Dean of
Undergraduate Studies
Additional technical support beyond current capacityconsult w/ Associate Vice President
& Sr. Academic Technology Officer
Institutional Support
Release time and/or additional pay for faculty in my dept/school/division
New faculty or staff hires
Institutional Cost share
Purchase, installation, and maintenance of equipment
Remodeling or constructionconsult w/ Associate Vice President & Dean of
Undergraduate Studies
Program Information
Program Title:
Preliminary Notice Due One Month Prior to Submission
To Be Completed by PI/PD (and then submitted to
ORSP Mail Stop: OF 123; or e-mail to: orsp@csufresno.edu)
Note: PI/PD and all Co-PIs and Co-PDs should discuss their proposed project and anticipated budgetary needs (e.g.
release time, cost share, etc) with their Chair, Dean, OR
other authorized individual in their division.