Instructor Approval
Please submit this completed form to the Director of College Connections
Candidate ______________________________________ School _______________________________________
Credential Review The candidate
did _____ did not pass the credential review
Interview and/or Observation
Please report on the Interview/Observation below:
Based on the Credential Review and the Interview and/or Observation, the candidate has been
approved to teach __ _________________________________(course)
provisionally approved to teach __________________________________________________________(course)
Instructor has been approved for one year. At the end of one year, instructor status will be reassessed. If certain terms must be
met (additional coursework, follow-up sessions, etc.), please explain below.
denied please explain the basis for denial ___________________________________________________________
As part of the approval process, the following issues have been addressed:
course prerequisites and requirements
course curriculum, text, and materials
assessment criteria
course philosophy
course syllabus
I understand that the Director of College Connections will relay teacher status and forward additional program
information. If approval is granted, I agree to remain in close contact with the teacher while the course is
Liaison Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________
Director Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________