ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited 1 T0138 01/16
Instructions to receive an International
Payment to your account at ANZ
These details are for use by the sending bank
“Please arrange an international telegraphic transfer / SWIFT MT103 payment direct to ANZ Bank New
Zealand Limited (SWIFT code ANZBNZ22).”
Beneficiary Bank ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (SWIFT code ANZBNZ22)
Beneficiary Account
For payments to a domestic account, format as 010123012345600
For payments to a foreign currency account, format as 123456CCY00001 or AAAAAACCY00
Beneficiary Name
Beneficiary Address
If you require ANZ’s correspondent bank details for a particular currency, please contact our
International Customer Support Line on 0800 863 863, option 1.
Note for sending bank:
New Zealand AML/CFT legislation requires all inward payment instructions to New Zealand include the
1. The originator's full name, and
2. The originator's account number, and
3. The originator's business or residential address, or
a. the originator's national identity number, or
b. the originator's customer identification number, as given to them by the ordering
institution, or
c. the originator's date, city and country of birth (if originator is an individual)
Please ensure this information is included in Field 50 of your SWIFT instruction.
[Enter your account number]
[Enter your full account name]
[Enter your full physical address]