Instructions to Drop/Withdraw from a Concurrent Enrollment High School Class
(For students taking ACC college credit classes at their high school campus ONLY)
1. Enter name, date, ACC Student ID # (S#), year, and term for the course from which you wish to
drop/withdraw in the space provided at the top of the form. Student signature required.
2. In the “DROP” box on the left or in the “WITHDRAW” box on the right, enter the course subject and title.
(Example: MAT 121 – College Algebra | 4 Credits)
Please include in your request by email:
• High School
• Teacher Name
• Course Title
• Period
3. Make sure you sign the bottom of the form and your teacher/counselor signs the bottom of the form.
4. Scan and email the form to Forms received after 4:00 p.m. will be recorded the
following day. No forms will be accepted after 12:00 p.m. on the last day to withdraw. Ask your teacher or
counselor for deadlines or check our website at (click on “Current Students”
and select “Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines”).
D - Drop - Once dropped from a course, there will be no record of enrollment. (The School District is not billed.)
W - Withdrawal - Once withdrawn from a course, the student may not be re-registered back into the same section of that course during that semester. The
class will still appear on the student’s transcript along with a "W" grade. However, a "W" will not affect their cumulative GPA. (The School District is already