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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Instructions for
Trustee Change Form
This Trustee Change Form can be used to add and/or remove Trustees on a Schwab One® Trust account (including any linked Schwab Bank High Yield
Investor Checking® Trust account, if applicable), a Schwab Brokerage Trust account, a Schwab One International® Trust account, or a Schwab Inherited
IRA for a trust beneciary.
As you complete this form, please note the following:
Trust’s Tax ID or Social Security Number Changes.
1. Do not use this form. Please submit a new account application. This account must be closed and a new account must be opened.
• Domestic Trusts use the Schwab One Account Application for Trust Accounts or applicable Managed Account Application.
• Inherited IRAs use the Inherited IRA Application for a Trust Beneciary application and include the Managed Conversion Form if the Inherited IRA is a
Managed Account.
• Foreign Formed Trusts use the Schwab One International® Trust Account Application.
2. Complete the Check and Journal Request Form in order to transfer assets to the new account or provide a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to transfer assets to
the new account.
Domestic Trusts—Required Documentation to be Submitted along with this Change of Trustee Form:
Trustee Additions: Provide the page(s) of the Trust that names the successor Trustee or otherwise validates the successor Trustee.
Trustee Removals—Additional documentation required based on type of removal:
• Due to Resignation
1. Notarized signature of resigning Trustee in Section 6; or
2. Notarized LOA from resigning Trustee
• Due to Incapacity
1. Provide the Trust pages stating the requirements of incapacity or the referral to state law if the Trust is silent; and
2. Provide documentation sufcient under the terms of the Trust to attest to the incapacity of the Trustee, or documentation that satises state law if the
Trust is not specic.
• Due to Death—Provide a death certicate.
Testamentary Trusts—Provide one of the following:
• New court order appointing successor Trustee;
• Copy of original decree of nal distribution (a certied copy of the will identifying the Successor Trustee if the original decree of nal distribution does not
include the trust provisions for the testamentary trust that identies the successor Trustee); or
• Certied copy of the will identifying the successor Trustee.
International Trusts—For each new Trustee on a Schwab One International Trust Account:
• Non-U.S. citizens provide a copy of the pages of the current passport that include photo, signature, and personal information.
• Non-U.S. residents provide a copy of a utility bill (not more than 12 months old).
• If the account is invested in non-U.S. registered sweep funds, or if you elect to invest in offshore funds, complete the Authorization to Purchase Offshore
Investment Shares (APOIS) form.
• A Form W-8 is required from all foreign persons/entities receiving U.S. sourced payments. Please read the instructions to the Form W-8 for specic details
about each W-8 form to determine the correct type of form that applies to your situation. If you require a specic Form W-8, please consult a tax advisor or
visit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (www.irs.gov) to download the appropriate form(s). This form must be completed if you are a nonresident
alien individual, foreign entity, or an exempt foreign person of the U.S.
Signature Requirements
• All new, continuing, and resigning Trustees must complete the required information on this form and sign where indicated.
• All signatures on this form (in Sections 5, 12, and 13) must be notarized.
High Yield Investor Checking Account—Changes made to the Trust Account with this form will be reected in the associated High Yield Investor Checking
account, if applicable. All Trustees on a linked High Yield Investor Checking account must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens, and must also reside in the U.S.
or one of its territories and provide a U.S. mailing address. In addition, Trustees and beneciaries must be individuals and not organizations, corporations, or
non-individual entities.
POA and Options Trading when adding a Trustee to an account—If your existing account has a Power of Attorney (POA) which you wish to retain on your Trust
account, all new Trustees must complete and sign a new POA. If your account has been approved for options trading and you would like to trade options in your Trust
account, or if there are options in your existing Trust account, all new Trustees must complete and sign a Schwab Options Trading and Margin Application. If you are
only removing a Trustee, you do not need to submit a new POA or a new Schwab Options Trading and Margin Application.
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Page 2 of 2
Please return completed and signed form using any of the methods below:
• Upload online with Secure Messaging (if you are an existing client and have online access to your account):
1. Go to Schwab.com and log in to your account.
2. Click the Message Center link (under Service), and then click the Upload Document link.
3. Upload your form as an attachment by clicking the Add File button.
4. When your message is complete, click Send.
• Mail to any of the following addresses:
Regular Mail (West)
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 982600
El Paso, TX 79998-2600
Regular Mail (East)
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 628291
Orlando, FL 32862-8291
Overnight Mail (West)
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
1945 Northwestern Drive
El Paso, TX 79912
Overnight Mail (East)
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
1958 Summit Park Drive, Ste. 200
Orlando, FL 32810
• Fax to 1-888-526-7252.
• Bring to your nearest Schwab branch. (Visit schwab.com/branch for locations.)

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Trustee Change Form
www.schwab.com | 1-800-435-4000 (within the U.S.) | +1-415-667-8400 (outside the U.S.) | 1-888-686-6916 (multilingual services)
1. Account Information
Schwab Account Number (8-digit number)
Name of Trust
If you have a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking® Trust account linked with the Schwab One® Trust Account listed above, please provide the account
number below.
High Yield Investor Checking Account Number
2. New Trustee Information
All Trustees being added who are to conduct business in the account must provide this information.* As required by U.S. federal law, Schwab and
Schwab Bank will use the information provided for each of the individuals named below to verify the identity of the Trust and persons related to it.
(Schwab will use the Primary Trustee address as the address for the account.)
Entity Trustee: If your Primary Trustee is an entity, please skip this section and enter the entity information in Section 3. The Supplemental Trust Account
Application for Entity Trustees form must be submitted with this application.
Primary Trustee
As required by federal law, Schwab will use the information provided to verify your identity.
Name (First) (Middle) (Last)
Are you known by another name? Specify: Mother’s Maiden Name
Home/Legal Street Address (No P.O. boxes, please.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Mailing Address (If different from above; P.O. boxes may be used.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Brokerage Products: Not FDIC-Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. and Charles Schwab Bank are separate but afliated companies and subsidiaries of The
Charles Schwab Corporation. Brokerage products are offered by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPC. Deposit
and lending products and services are offered by Charles Schwab Bank, Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender.
Branch Ofce and DDA
Account Number Number
Customer ID Source Code
Approved by Print Name of Approver Date
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*Trustees for Schwab One® with a linked Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking® account must be either U.S. citizens or U.S. resident aliens, reside
in the U.S. or one of its territories, and must have a U.S. mailing address and valid identication information. In addition, Trustees must be individuals,
and not organizations, corporations or non-individual entities.

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Home Phone Work Phone (include extension) Mobile Phone
Social Security/Tax ID Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Email Address
Country(ies) of Citizenship (Must list all; if not a U.S. citizen, please complete identication information below.)
USA Other: ______________________________________ Other: ______________________________________
Country of Legal Residence
USA Other: ______________________________________
Employment Information
Employed Self-Employed Retired Homemaker Student Not Employed
Employer Name/Business Name
Occupation (If you selected “Employed” or “Self-Employed,” please select one option that best describes your occupation.)
Business Owner/Self-Employed Financial Services/Banking Professional Military Consultant
Executive/Senior Management Information Technology Professional Educator Other (specify): _________________________________
Medical Professional Other Professional Clerical/Administrative Services
Legal Professional U.S. Government Employee (Federal/State/Local) Trade/Service (Labor/Manufacturing/Production)
Accounting Professional Foreign Government Employee (Non-U.S.) Sales/Marketing
Industry of Employment
Business Street Address (No P.O. boxes may be used.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
The next two questions are required.
Are you afliated with or employed by a stock exchange or member rm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal securities broker-dealer?
No Yes
(If “yes,” you must attach a letter from your employer or afliated broker-dealer approving the establishment of your account when submitting this Application.
List the company name ___________________________________________________________________.)
Are you a director, 10% shareholder or policy-making ofcer of a publicly held company?
No Yes
(If “yes,” enter company name _______________________________________________________________________________ and trading symbol ______________________.)
Marital Status
Single Married Divorced Widowed Number of Dependents: ______________________
Investment Experience
None Limited Good Extensive
Country of Birth
Identication Type (Please select only one box and provide the relevant information.)
Passport U.S. Driver’s License U.S. Gov’t-Issued ID
Identication Number
State or Country of Issuance Issue Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
*We respect your privacy. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”) and Charles Schwab Bank (“Schwab Bank”) may use the information you provide to
open and service your accounts, communicate with you, and provide information about products and services. Read about the privacy policy of Schwab
at www.schwab.com/privacy and of Schwab Bank at www.schwabbank.com/privacy. As required by federal law, Schwab and Schwab Bank will use the
information provided above to verify your identity.
2. New Trustee Information (Continued)
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Trusted Contact Designation
A Trusted Contact Person (“Trusted Contact”)* is a resource Schwab, and your advisor (if you have one), may contact on your behalf, if necessary, to
attempt to address concerns regarding potential nancial exploitation, or in communicating with you regarding issues related to your account(s). A
Trusted Contact will not be able to view your account information, execute transactions in your account(s), or inquire about account activity, unless that
person has that authority through another role on the account(s), such as a trustee or power of attorney. Providing Schwab with Trusted Contact
information is voluntary. We encourage you to provide two Trusted Contacts in the event that one is not reachable in the future.
• Schwab suggests that your Trusted Contact(s) be someone other than your nancial consultant or investment advisor.
• You may name up to two Trusted Contacts.
• The person(s) you name as Trusted Contact(s) will be the Trusted Contact(s) on all of your Schwab accounts, as provided for in your account agreement.
• For multiple-party accounts, each party can name separate Trusted Contacts.
• The Trusted Contact(s) must be at least 18 years old.
Trusted Contact Information
Trusted Contact information provided on this form will replace all Trusted Contact information currently on le.
Person 1
If you have no changes to your existing Trusted Contact, please skip this section.
Name (Title, First) (Middle Name) (Last Name, Sufx)
Relationship (Please select only one.)
Spouse Partner Child Parent Sibling Friend Other
Please provide at least one method of contact for each Trusted Contact listed.
Mailing Address (No P.O. Boxes) City
State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Mobile Phone Email Address
Person 2
If you have no changes to your existing Trusted Contact, please skip this section.
Name (Title, First) (Middle Name) (Last Name, Sufx)
Relationship (Please select only one.)
Spouse Partner Child Parent Sibling Friend Other
Please provide at least one method of contact for each Trusted Contact listed.
Mailing Address (No P.O. Boxes) City
State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Mobile Phone Email Address
* If you provide a Trusted Contact Person(s) to Schwab, you understand that you have authorized Schwab and your advisor (if you have one) to contact
the Trusted Contact Person(s) at their discretion and to disclose information about your account to address possible activities that might indicate
financial exploitation of you; to confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status (including physical or mental capacity), or the
identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee, or holder of a power of attorney on your account(s); or as otherwise permitted by FINRA rules or state
law. For more information, please see your Schwab Account Agreement, which is available at schwab.com/accountagreement.
2. New Trustee Information (Continued)
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
2. New Trustee Information (Continued)
Co-Trustee (if applicable)
Name (First) (Middle) (Last)
Are you known by another name? Specify: Mother’s Maiden Name
Home/Legal Street Address (No P.O. boxes, please.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Work Phone (include extension) Mobile Phone
Social Security/Tax ID Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Country(ies) of Citizenship (Must list all; if not a U.S. citizen, please complete identication information below.)
USA Other: ______________________________________ Other: ______________________________________
Country of Legal Residence
USA Other: ______________________________________
Employment Information
Employed Self-Employed Retired Homemaker Student Not Employed
Employer Name/Business Name
Occupation (If you selected “Employed” or “Self-Employed,” please select one option that best describes your occupation.)
Business Owner/Self-Employed Financial Services/Banking Professional Military Consultant
Executive/Senior Management Information Technology Professional Educator Other (specify): _________________________________
Medical Professional Other Professional Clerical/Administrative Services
Legal Professional U.S. Government Employee (Federal/State/Local) Trade/Service (Labor/Manufacturing/Production)
Accounting Professional Foreign Government Employee (Non-U.S.) Sales/Marketing
Industry of Employment
Business Street Address (No P.O. boxes may be used.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
The next two questions are required.
Are you afliated with or employed by a stock exchange or member rm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal securities broker-dealer?
No Yes
(If “yes,” you must attach a letter from your employer or afliated broker-dealer approving the establishment of your account when submitting this Application.
List the company name ___________________________________________________________________.)
Are you a director, 10% shareholder or policy-making ofcer of a publicly held company?
No Yes
(If “yes,” enter company name _______________________________________________________________________________ and trading symbol ______________________.)
Marital Status
Single Married Divorced Widowed Number of Dependents: ______________________
Investment Experience
None Limited Good Extensive
Country of Birth
Identication Type (Please select only one box and provide the relevant information.)
Passport U.S. Driver’s License U.S. Gov’t-Issued ID
Identication Number
State or Country of Issuance Issue Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Note: If there are more than two new Trustees, please complete and attach a separate photocopy of this page for each additional Trustee.
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Trusted Contact Designation
A Trusted Contact Person (“Trusted Contact”)* is a resource Schwab, and your advisor (if you have one), may contact on your behalf, if necessary, to
attempt to address concerns regarding potential nancial exploitation, or in communicating with you regarding issues related to your account(s). A
Trusted Contact will not be able to view your account information, execute transactions in your account(s), or inquire about account activity, unless that
person has that authority through another role on the account(s), such as a trustee or power of attorney. Providing Schwab with Trusted Contact
information is voluntary. We encourage you to provide two Trusted Contacts in the event that one is not reachable in the future.
• Schwab suggests that your Trusted Contact(s) be someone other than your nancial consultant or investment advisor.
• You may name up to two Trusted Contacts.
• The person(s) you name as Trusted Contact(s) will be the Trusted Contact(s) on all of your Schwab accounts, as provided for in your account agreement.
• For multiple-party accounts, each party can name separate Trusted Contacts.
• The Trusted Contact(s) must be at least 18 years old.
Trusted Contact Information
Trusted Contact information provided on this form will replace all Trusted Contact information currently on le.
Person 1
If you have no changes to your existing Trusted Contact, please skip this section.
Name (Title, First) (Middle Name) (Last Name, Sufx)
Relationship (Please select only one.)
Spouse Partner Child Parent Sibling Friend Other
Please provide at least one method of contact for each Trusted Contact listed.
Mailing Address (No P.O. Boxes) City
State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Mobile Phone Email Address
Person 2
If you have no changes to your existing Trusted Contact, please skip this section.
Name (Title, First) (Middle Name) (Last Name, Sufx)
Relationship (Please select only one.)
Spouse Partner Child Parent Sibling Friend Other
Please provide at least one method of contact for each Trusted Contact listed.
Mailing Address (No P.O. Boxes) City
State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Mobile Phone Email Address
* If you provide a Trusted Contact Person(s) to Schwab, you understand that you have authorized Schwab and your advisor (if you have one) to contact
the Trusted Contact Person(s) at their discretion and to disclose information about your account to address possible activities that might indicate
financial exploitation of you; to confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status (including physical or mental capacity), or the
identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee, or holder of a power of attorney on your account(s); or as otherwise permitted by FINRA rules or state
law. For more information, please see your Schwab Account Agreement, which is available at schwab.com/accountagreement.
2. New Trustee Information (Continued)
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
3. New Entity Trustee (if applicable)
If you are appointing a new Entity Trustee or changing the Entity Agent(s) for a continuing Entity Trustee, you must provide information below for the Entity and
its Entity Agent(s). In both circumstances you must also submit a copy of the Supplemental Trust Account Application for Entity Trustees along with this form.
Entity Name (Please supply if your Trustee is not an individual.)
Legal Street Address (No P.O. boxes, please.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Mailing Address (If different from above; P.O. boxes may be used.)
Country of Incorporation/Establishment State of Incorporation/Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Establishment
U.S. Entity Tax ID Number (If applicable) Business Telephone Number State or Federal Regulator (if applicable)
Check here if this entity will be the Primary Trustee on this account. Schwab will use the Primary Trustee address as the address for the account.
Please note that Schwab Bank cannot have an entity as a Trustee.
Required Information About Entity Agents
• Please complete this section for each individual who is authorized by the Entity Trustee to transact business with Schwab.
• If there is more than one individual who is authorized by the Entity Trustee to transact business with Schwab, please make, complete, and attach
additional copies of this section.
• Schwab will have no obligation of inquiry with respect to the validity of, or authority with respect to, any transaction or instruction provided by an
Authorized Individual.
Entity Agent
Title or Capacity of Individual (Select all that apply.)
Director President Vice President CFO Treasurer Secretary Other:
Name (First) (Middle) (Last)
Home Street Address (No P.O. boxes, please.)
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
Home Phone Work Phone (include extension) Mobile Phone
Social Security Number/Tax ID Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Securities industry regulations require that we collect this information.
Employment Information (Please select only one.)
Employed Self-Employed Retired Homemaker Student Not Employed
Employer Name/Business Name
Occupation (If you selected “Employed” or “Self-Employed,” please select one option that best describes your occupation.)
Business Owner/Self-Employed Financial Services/Banking Professional Military Consultant
Executive/Senior Management Information Technology Professional Educator Other (specify): _________________________________
Medical Professional Other Professional Clerical/Administrative Services
Legal Professional U.S. Government Employee (Federal/State/Local) Trade/Service (Labor/Manufacturing/Production)
Accounting Professional Foreign Government Employee (Non-U.S.) Sales/Marketing
Industry of Employment
Employer Address
City State or Province Country Postal or Zip Code
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©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
The next two questions are required.
Are you afliated with or employed by a stock exchange or member rm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal securities broker-dealer?
No Yes If “yes,” also enter company name .
(You must attach a letter to this application that is from your employer, approving the establishment of this account.)
Are you a director, 10% shareholder, or policy-making ofcer of a publicly held company?
No Yes (If “yes,” also enter company name and trading symbol .)
Investment Experience
None Limited Good Extensive
Email Address
Country(ies) of Citizenship (Must list all.)
USA Other: Other:
Country of Legal Residence
USA Other: ______________________________________
Country of Birth (Required for foreign citizens and/or foreign residents only.)
ID Number and Type
Passport Driver’s License Gov’t-Issued ID
Country or State of Issuance Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
4. Trustee(s) to Be Removed
Note: Additional documentation is required if an Individual Trustee is being removed because of death or incapacity.
The following are to be removed as Trustees:
Name of Trustee Reason for Change:
Death of individual Trustee (Provide a certied copy of death certicate with this form.)
Incapacity of individual Trustee (Provide the Trust pages stating the requirements of incapacity and
documentation sufcient under the terms of the Trust to attest to the incapacity of the Trustee.)
Resignation of Trustee (Resigning Trustee must include notarized signature below.)
Name of Co-Trustee Reason for Change:
Death of individual Trustee (Provide a certied copy of death certicate with this form.)
Incapacity of individual Trustee (Provide the Trust pages stating the requirements of incapacity and
documentation sufcient under the terms of the Trust to attest to the incapacity of the Trustee.)
Resignation of Trustee (Resigning Trustee must include notarized signature on the next page.)
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3. New Entity Trustee (if applicable) (Continued)

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Page 8 of 12
5. Trustee Removal Certification and Signature(s)
Each of the individuals signing below hereby certies that they have resigned as a Trustee of the Trust named in Section 1.
Signature(s) and Date(s) Required
Removed Trustee Signature Print Name Date
Removed Co-Trustee Signature Print Name Date
6. Notarization of Removed Trustee(s) Signature(s) (REQUIRED)
Notice to CA Residents: A notary public or other ofcer completing this certicate veries only the identity of the individual(s) who signed the
document to which this certicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
Certicate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public*
State of ________________________________________, in the County of ___________________________________________. On ______________________,
the above-named individual(s) personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)
is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and
that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Notary Signature Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Print Notary Name My Commission Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
*If your state law permits, notaries may attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in lieu of this notarization.
For non-U.S. notarization, use this section.
Jurisdiction: _______________________________________________________________________________________
on ________________________ before me, ________________________________________________________________ ,
(mm/dd/yyyy) (Name and Title of the Notarizing Ofcer)
personally appeared ___________________________________________________________________________________ ,
(Name of Person[s] Signing Instrument)
personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and who acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the
same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the
person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.*
WITNESS my hand and ofcial seal.
Notary Public __________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________________________
(Signature of Notarizing Ofcer) (mm/dd/yyyy)
* Notaries for whom the box provided is not applicable should attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in
lieu of the above.

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
7. Current Trustee Information
Each Trustee must sign in both Sections 9 and 12. Additionally, if you have specied a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking® Trust account in
Section 1, each Trustee must also sign in Section 13. Notarization of Trustees’ signatures is required in Section 14. If there are more than four current
Trustees associated with this account, please make a photocopy of this page, complete in full, and attach to the entire completed form.
The following are the current Trustees in accordance with the terms of the Trust:
Name of Primary Trustee
Type of Change:
Continuing Trustee
New Trustee
Name of Co-Trustee Type of Change:
Continuing Trustee
New Trustee
Name of Co-Trustee Type of Change:
Continuing Trustee
New Trustee
Name of Co-Trustee Type of Change:
Continuing Trustee
New Trustee
* New Entity Trustees, and continuing Entity Trustees that are changing their Entity Agents, must also complete Section 3 and submit a copy of the
Supplemental Trust Account Application for Entity Trustees, along with this form.
Schwab will use the address of the Primary Trustee listed here as the account address.
Important Note for Power of Attorney and Options Trading (only applicable if a new Trustee is being added)
If a new Trustee is being added to an account that has an existing Power of Attorney (POA), all Trustees must complete and sign a new Power of Attorney
form. If a new Trustee is being added to an account that has already been approved for options trading, all Trustees must complete and sign a new
option trading application.
8. Checks and Visa® Debit Cards (not available for Inherited IRA accounts)
If you have an existing Schwab One®brokerage account and a new Trustee(s) being added to the account would like the ability to write Schwab One
brokerage checks and/or use a Visa Platinum Debit Card, or if you would like to reorder checks and/or debit cards updated with the names of the current
Trustees, please complete this section. By choosing to order Schwab One brokerage checks, you represent, warrant, and certify that the Trust permits
checkwriting and/or the use of a Visa debit card. If you do not want checks, skip this section and go to Section 9. Visa debit cards are not available for
Testamentary Trust accounts. Schwab One and Schwab One Trust accounts must have at least a $100 balance in order to receive a debit card or
checks, unless the account is linked to a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking account.
Select only one:
Checks only
Checks and one Visa debit card (Visa debit cards are not available for Testamentary Trust accounts
Checks and two Visa debit cards (second Visa debit card available only for issuance in Co-Trustee’s name
Printing the name of the Trust at the top of the checks, along with the names of the Trustees followed by the word “Trustee,” provides protection for the
client. Under Uniform Commercial Code Section 3402(b)(2), if the check does not indicate that the maker of the check is signing in their representative
capacity (that is, as Trustee of a Trust), the signer may be personally liable to a holder in due course who takes the check without notice that the
Trustee was not intended to be liable on the instrument.
Anticipated Activity
On average, how many times per month do you anticipate writing checks and/or making ATM withdrawals? (Select only one.)
Less than 5 times per month
5 to 10 times per month
11 to 20 times per month
More than 20 times per month
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NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
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9. Trustee Certification
All Trustees must initial each section to confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Trustee Certification (“Certification”). All Trustees
must also sign and date this Certification. If there are more than two Trustees, please make a photocopy and complete in full and attach.
Section 1—Authority, Ownership and Control Over Trust Assets
1. Each Trustee certies that no other person or entity other than the Trustee(s) has the authority to control, manage or direct the Account. Each
Trustee further certies that this Account has not pooled the holdings of more than one benecial owner whose identity has not yet been disclosed
to Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”) in which the benecial owner has the ability to effect transactions.
Initial Here Initial Here
Section 2—Authorization to Open and to Transact in Account
1. By signing the Account Application (the “Application”), each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that Schwab is authorized to open and maintain the
Account on behalf of the Trust identied in the Application (the “Trust”) in accordance with the applicable Account Agreements, including without limitation
the authority to accept, hold and deliver assets belonging to the Trust and to accept orders and other instructions relating to the Trust from the Trustee(s).
2. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that the Trust has been established in accordance with the laws of the governing state; that the
source of funds used to fund the Account were lawfully obtained; and that the Account will solely be used for legally permissible purposes.
3. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that the Trust is a valid existing trust and that all of the information provided to Schwab on the
Application is accurate. Each Trustee agrees that they have provided Schwab with information on all parties who currently have control over the Trust
funds and agrees to provide Schwab with information on all future parties who control the Trust funds while the Account is open.
4. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that the Trust has not been revoked, modied or amended in any manner that would cause the
representations contained in this Certication to be incorrect. Each Trustee agrees to notify Schwab immediately in writing of any changes that
would cause this Certication to become incorrect or incomplete; of any changes in the composition of the Trustees; of any changes to the Trust
structure or owners or control persons of the Trust; or of any other event that could alter this Certication.
5. Each Trustee understands that Schwab may request additional information and/or documentation relating to the Trust, and each Trustee agrees to
provide Schwab with all requested information and/or documentation.
6. The representations and obligations stated in this Certication will survive the termination of the Account.
Initial Here Initial Here
Section 3—Trustee Roles, Responsibilities and Indemnification
1. If a Trustee hires an Advisor and/or Manager, each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that either the Trust Agreement or applicable law grants the
Trustees the power to delegate to others (such as a nancial advisor) the authority to, if authorized by a Trustee on the Account Application, take the
following actions and instruct Schwab to permit such authorized person to: (1) place trades in the Account as provided under the Trading Authorization
heading in the attached Account Application Agreement; (2) remit checks to the Trust at its address of record; (3) journal cash and/or securities to a
Schwab brokerage account on which the Trust is a named account holder (known as a rst-party transfer); and (4) pay investment advisory and related
fees from the Account in the amount of an Advisor’s instructions.
2. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that either (1)the Trust expressly authorizes that each Trustee (if there is more than one) is authorized to
act individually, independently and without the consent of the other Trustees; or (2)the Trustees have consented to allow each Trustee to act individually,
independently and without the consent of the other Trustees with respect to the Account and that such delegation of authority is expressly authorized by the
Trust and by applicable law. Each Trustee agrees that any notice delivered to one Trustee shall constitute notice to all Trustees. Schwab, in its sole
discretion and for its sole protection, may require the written consent of any or all Trustees prior to acting upon the instructions of any Trustee.
3. If a Trustee applies for and utilizes the margin borrowing feature, each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that the Trust expressly grants
them the power to trade securities on margin or otherwise (including the purchase and/or sale of option contracts) for and at the risk of the Trust
and to grant authority to a brokerage rm, acting as principal or otherwise, to pledge, repledge, hypothecate or rehypothecate assets of the Trust.
Each Trustee agrees to decline the margin borrowing feature if such authorizations for borrowing are not contained in the Trust.
4. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that the Trust expressly grants them the power to buy, sell (including short sales), exchange, and
convert, tender and redeem securities without restriction as to type. Each Trustee further represents, warrants and certies that the Trust expressly
grants them the power to withdraw assets from the Account, including the delivery of assets to and from the Account and the delivery of assets to a
Trustee personally. Each Trustee agrees that Schwab shall have no duty of inquiry with respect to any trade, deposit or withdrawal from the Account,
and each Trustee afrms that all transactions effected and all instructions provided to Schwab will be in full compliance with the Trust.
5. By signing this Application, each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that there are no currently acting Trustee(s) of the Trust other than those
signing below. Should only one person execute this Application, it is a representation that the signer is the sole current acting Trustee.
6. Each Trustee represents, warrants and certies that neither they nor the Trust shall impose any obligation upon Schwab for determining the purpose
or propriety (1)of any instructions received from any Trustee or (2)of payments or deliveries to or among Trustees.
7. Each Trustee hereby, jointly and severally, in both their personal and representative capacities, agrees to indemnify Schwab, its afliates, ofcers,
directors, attorneys, employees and agents from, and to hold such persons harmless against, any claims, judgments, surcharges, settlements or other
liabilities or costs of defense or settlement (including investigative and attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to any act or omission to act by any
Trustee with respect to the Account. Each Trustee also agrees, jointly and severally, to indemnify Schwab and hold Schwab harmless from any claim, loss,
expense, or other liability for effecting any transactions and for acting upon any investment or money movement instructions provided by any Trustee.
Initial Here Initial Here
All Trustees must sign and date below.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Signature: Trustee
Print Name (mm/dd/yyyy)
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Signature: Co-Trustee
Print Name (mm/dd/yyyy)

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
10. Adoption of Schwab Brokerage Account Agreements and Disclosures
By signing this Trustee Change Form, you
acknowledge that you have received and read a
copy of the attached Schwab One® Trust Account
Terms and Conditions, which contains a
predispute arbitration provision. You acknowledge
that your signature signies and constitutes
your agreement that this account and your
relationship with Schwab will be governed by
these Terms and Conditions and all incorporated
agreements and disclosures, including (but not
limited to) the Schwab One Account Agreement
and the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide, each as
amended from time to time (the “Agreement and
Disclosures”). You understand there are fees
associated with establishing, maintaining,
engaging in transactions and transferring assets
out of this account. If this account has margin
trading capability, you acknowledge that securities
securing loans from Schwab may be lent to
Schwab and lent by Schwab to others. You also
acknowledge that by trading “on margin,” you
are borrowing money from Schwab and that you
understand the requirements and risks
associated with margin borrowing as summa-
rized in the “Overview and Disclosure State-
ment” included with this Trustee Change Form.
For purposes of this Trustee Change Form and
the attached Terms and Conditions, the terms
“you,” “your,” and “Account Holder” refer to
each person who signs this Trustee Change
Form and apply with respect to both a person’s
individual capacity as well as any applicable
representative or duciary capacity. When the
legal owner of assets in the account is not a
natural person, the terms “you,” “your,” and
“Account Holder” also refer to such legal owner.
The terms “we,” “us,” “our,” and “Schwab” refer
to Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
11. Adoption of Schwab Bank Account Agreements and Disclosures
By signing this Trustee Change Form, you
acknowledge that you have received and read
copies of the attached Schwab Bank High Yield
Investor Checking® Trust Account Terms and
Conditions and the Schwab Bank Deposit
Account Agreement, which contains a predispute
arbitration provision. You acknowledge that your
signature signies and constitutes your
agreement that this account and your relation-
ship with Schwab Bank will be governed by the
attached Terms and Conditions and all
incorporated agreements and disclosures,
including (but not limited to) the Schwab Bank
Deposit Account Agreement and the Schwab
Bank Deposit Account Pricing Guide, each as
amended from time to time (the “Agreement and
Disclosures”). You understand there are fees
associated with establishing, maintaining,
engaging in transactions involving and transfer-
ring funds out of this account.
For purposes of this Trustee Change Form and
the attached Schwab Bank Terms and Condi-
tions, the terms “you,” “your,” and “Account
Holder” refer to each person who signs this
Trustee Change Form and apply with respect to
both a person’s individual capacity as well as
any applicable representative or duciary
capacity. The term “Schwab Bank” refers to
Charles Schwab Bank.
You certify, under penalty of perjury, that (1)the number shown on this Application is the correct Taxpayer Identication Number; (2)you are not subject
to backup withholding due to a failure to report interest and dividend income; (3)you are a U.S. person (a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien); and (4)you
are exempt from Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting. You understand that if you have been notied by the IRS that you are subject to
backup withholding as a result of dividend or interest underreporting and you have not received a notice from the IRS advising you that backup
withholding is terminated, you must cross out item2 above.
The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any
provision of this document other than the certications required to avoid
backup withholding.
The Agreement with Schwab includes a predispute arbitration clause. You
acknowledge receipt of the predispute arbitration clause contained on pages
1–2 of the attached terms and conditions for Schwab One® Account Application
Agreement for Trust Accounts and the IRA Account Application Agreement.
12. Schwab Brokerage Trustee Signature(s)
For Trustees of Schwab One® or Schwab Brokerage Trust account: By signing below, you agree to the changes indicated on this form and to the terms in
Section 9 (Trustee Certication) and Section 10 (Adoption of Schwab Brokerage Account Agreements and Disclosures).
photocopy of this page if there are more than two Trustees.
Your signature(s) below will also serve as a signature card for checks, as applicable.
Signature(s) and Date(s) Required
Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2019 Charles Schwab Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Page 12 of 12
13. Schwab Bank Trustee Signature(s)
If you have a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking® account, complete this signature section, in addition to the signature section above for the
brokerage account.
For Trustees of Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking account: By signing below, you agree to the changes indicated on this form and to the
terms in Section 9 (Trustee Certication) and Section 11 (Adoption of Schwab Bank Account Agreements and Disclosures).
Your signature(s) below will also serve as a signature card for checks, as applicable.
Signature(s) and Date(s) Required
Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
Co-Trustee Signature Date
14. Notarization of Trustee Signature(s) (REQUIRED)
Notice to CA Residents: A notary public or other ofcer completing this certicate veries only the identity of the individual(s) who signed the
document to which this certicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
Certicate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public*
State of ________________________________________, in the County of ___________________________________________. On ______________________,
the above-named individual(s) personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)
is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and
that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Notary Signature Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Print Notary Name My Commission Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
*If your state law permits, notaries may attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in lieu of this notarization.
For non-U.S. notarization, use this section.
Jurisdiction: _______________________________________________________________________________________
on ________________________ before me, _______________________________________________________________ ,
(mm/dd/yyyy) (Name and Title of the Notarizing Ofcer)
personally appeared ___________________________________________________________________________________ ,
(Name of Person[s] Signing Instrument)
personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and who acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the
same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the
person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.*
WITNESS my hand and ofcial seal.
Notary Public __________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________________________
(Signature of Notarizing Ofcer) (mm/dd/yyyy)
* Notaries for whom the box provided is not applicable should attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in
lieu of the above.

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Section 1: Scope of Agreement. Your agree-
ment with Schwab consists of the terms set
forth in these Terms and Conditions and the
terms set forth in the Schwab One Account
Agreement, which incorporates the Charles
Schwab Pricing Guide and a number of other
important disclosures. The Schwab One Account
Agreement is provided with this Application or at
the opening of your Account. You agree to
contact Schwab if you do not receive the
Schwab One Account Agreement.
In addition, you may in the future receive from
Schwab supplemental terms or disclosures that
pertain to certain account types, service
features and benet packages. These supple-
mental terms and disclosures, these Terms and
Conditions and the Schwab One Account
Agreement are collectively referred to as the
“Agreement and Disclosures.” You agree to read
the Agreement and Disclosures carefully and
retain copies for your records.
Section 2: Acceptance of Agreement and
Disclosures. You agree that the Agreement and
Disclosures govern all aspects of your relation-
ship with Schwab, including all transactions
between Schwab and you and all products and
services now or in the future offered through
Schwab. Schwab may rely on your use of
Schwab’s products and services as evidence of
your continued acceptance of the Agreement
and Disclosures.
Section 3: Your Representations and Warranties.
You represent and warrant that: (a) you are of
legal age in the state in which you live and you
are authorized to enter into this Agreement; (b)
you have supplied accurate information in your
Account Application; (c) no additional authoriza-
tions from third parties are required for you to
open the Account and effect transactions
therein; (d) except as you have otherwise
indicated on your Account Application or in
writing to us, (i) you are not an employee of or
afliated with any securities exchange or member
rm of any exchange, the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) or any securities
rm, bank, trust company or insurance
company; and (ii) you are not a director, 10%
benecial shareholder, policy-making ofcer or
otherwise an “afliate” (as dened in Rule 144
under the Securities Act of 1933) of a publicly
traded company; and (e) this Application
Agreement, as amended from time to time, is a
legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable
against you in accordance with its terms.
Section 4: Account Handling. Schwab will
automatically hold all of your securities
purchased, sales proceeds, dividends and
interest. Schwab will also release your name,
address and securities positions to companies
in which we hold securities for your Account
upon request, unless you notify us otherwise in
writing. If you maintain more than one account
at Schwab, you authorize Schwab to transfer
assets between your accounts when no written
authorization is requested.
Section 5: Responsibility for Investment
Decisions. You agree that you and any agent
under a Power of Attorney or Investment Advisor
(if you have one) are solely responsible for
investment decisions in your Account, including
whether to buy or sell a particular security.
Unless required by law, or unless Schwab
provides advice to you that is clearly identied
as an individualized recommendation for you,
you understand that Schwab has no obligation
to determine whether a particular transaction,
strategy or purchase or sale of a security is
suitable for you. Your obligation includes an
afrmative duty to monitor prots and stay
informed about your Account and your invest-
ments and respond to changes as you deem
Unless Schwab otherwise agrees with you in
writing, Schwab does not have any discretionary
authority or obligation to review or make
recommendations for the investment of
securities or cash in your Account.
You acknowledge that Schwab does not provide
tax or legal advice.
Section 6: Payment of Indebtedness. You agree
to make payment of any indebtedness related to
your Account, including, but not limited to, any
such indebtedness that results from instruc-
tions provided to Schwab by you, your agent or
any attorney-in-fact under a Power of Attorney or
Investment Advisor authorized to make
transactions in your Account. We may elect
anytime, with or without notice, to make any
debit balance or other obligation related to your
Account immediately due and payable. We may
report any past-due account to a consumer and/
or securities credit reporting agency. We may
also refer your Account to a collection agency.
Section 7: Granting a Lien on Your Accounts.
As security for the repayment of all present or
future indebtedness owed to us by each Account
Holder, each Account Holder grants to us a rst,
perfected and prior lien, a continuing security
interest, and right of set-off with respect to all
property that is, now or in the future, held,
carried or maintained for any purpose in or
through Schwab, and, to the extent of such
Account Holder’s interest in or through, any
present or future account with us or our
afliates in which the Account Holder has an
interest. In the event of a breach or default by
you under this Agreement, Schwab will have the
rights and remedies available to a secured credi-
tor under all applicable laws in addition to the
rights and remedies provided in this Agreement.
If you owe money to Schwab as the result of
activity in your Account and there are assets
available in any non-retirement brokerage
account that you hold at Schwab which could
fully or partially satisfy the debt, you agree that
upon Schwab’s written demand, you will execute
all documents necessary to effect a transfer
from your non-retirement brokerage account and
agree to pay or cause such funds to be paid
immediately to Schwab in order to satisfy your
indebtedness to Schwab.
Section 8: Liquidations. Whenever it is
necessary for our protection or to satisfy a
margin deciency, debit or other obligation owed
us, we may (but are not required to) sell, assign
and deliver all or any part of the property
securing your obligations, or close any or all
transactions in your Account. We may choose
which property to buy or sell, which transactions
to close and the sequence and timing of
liquidation. We may take such actions on
whatever exchange or market and in whatever
manner (including public auction or private sale)
that we choose in the exercise of our business
judgment. You agree not to hold us liable for the
choice of which property to buy or sell or of
which transactions to close or for timing or
manner of liquidation.
In certain circumstances we may, at our sole
discretion, liquidate your entire margin loan
balance to satisfy a margin call. You agree not
to hold us liable for taking such action.
We may transfer property from any non-retirement
brokerage account in which you have an interest
to any other brokerage accounts in which you have
an interest regardless of whether there are other
account holders on either account, if we determine
that your obligations are not adequately secured
or to satisfy a margin deciency or other
obligation. You agree to pay on demand any
account deciencies after liquidation, whether
liquidation is complete or partial.
All of the above may be done without demand
for margin or notice of purchase, sale, transfer
or cancellation to you. No demand for margin or
notice shall impose on Schwab any obligation to
make such demand or provide such notice to
you in the future. Any such notice or demand is
hereby expressly waived, and no specic
demand or notice shall invalidate this waiver.
Section 9: Interest on Debit Balances. We
will charge and compound interest on your debit
balances (whether in a Margin or Cash Account)
according to our Disclosure of Credit Terms and
Section 10: Borrowing Money and Using
Margin. All margin transactions are subject to
our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies and
our “Margin Borrowing at Schwab: Overview and
Disclosure Statement.” You agree not to enter
an order for a margin transaction until you have
read and understood the Disclosure of Credit
Terms and Policies and the “Overview and
Disclosure Statement.”
Section 11: Loan Consent. You agree that
property held in your Margin Account, now or in
the future, may be borrowed (either separately
or together with the property of others) by us
(acting as principal) or by others. You agree that
Schwab may receive and retain certain benets
(including, but not limited to, interest on
collateral posted for such loans) to which you
will not be entitled. You acknowledge that, in
certain circumstances, such borrowings could
limit your ability to exercise voting rights or
receive dividends, in whole or in part, with
Page 1 of 3
Schwab One
Trust Account
Application Agreement
This agreement relates to your account and is part of the Account Agreement between each Account Holder and Charles
Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”). Please retain for your les.

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Page 2 of 3
respect to the property lent. You understand
that for property that is lent by Schwab, the
dividends paid on such property will go to the
borrower. No compensation or other reimburse-
ments will be due to you in connection with such
borrowings. However, if you are allocated a
substitute payment in lieu of dividends, you
understand that such a payment may not be
entitled to the same tax treatment as may have
been applied to the receipt of a dividend. You
agree that Schwab is not required to compensate
you for any differential tax treatment between
dividends and payments in lieu of dividends.
Schwab may allocate payments in lieu of
dividends by any mechanism permitted by law,
including by using a lottery allocation system.
Section 12: Using the Check and Visa®
Platinum Check Card Features. If you have
requested check or Visa Check Card features
through your Account, you authorize checks and
Visa Check Cards to be issued as indicated in
your Account Application. You agree that each
Account Holder is authorized to write checks
and engage in Visa Check Card transactions,
and you understand that if the checking feature
is terminated, your Visa Check Card will be
automatically cancelled.
Section 13: Linking Your Account to a High
Yield Investor Checking Account at Schwab
Bank. If you link your Account to a High Yield
Investor Checking Account held at Schwab Bank,
you authorize Schwab to accept and follow
instructions received from Schwab Bank to
transfer funds from your Account to your High
Yield Investor Checking Account as set forth in
your Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking®
Account Application and Schwab Bank Deposit
Account Agreement. The provisions of the
Agreement and Disclosures relating to checks
and debit cards will not apply to the services
received from Schwab Bank.
You authorize Schwab to act as your agent in
processing those instructions from Schwab
Bank. You understand and agree that Schwab
has sole discretion to accept or deny, in whole
or in part, any such instruction. You also agree
that Schwab is not responsible for any errors in
calculation or damages resulting from errors in
calculation or delays in transfers. In no event
will Schwab be liable for any special, indirect or
consequential damages, even if we have been
informed of the possibility of such damages.
You authorize Schwab to act upon your requests
for Real-Time Funds Transfers (as dened in the
Schwab Bank Deposit Account Agreement) from
Schwab Bank. The maximum amount you may
transfer will be calculated the same way Schwab
calculates the Authorization Limit for brokerage
checkwriting privileges as set forth in the
Schwab One® Account Agreement. By requesting
a Real-Time Funds Transfer, you understand that
you may create a margin loan in your brokerage
account that may be subject to daily interest
In order for transfers to occur, both your High
Yield Investor Checking Account and your Account
must be open and active and linked with each
other. Target Balance Transfers will be limited to
your Authorization Limit (as described in the
Schwab One Account Agreement), excluding your
Available Margin Loan Value (as dened in the
Schwab One Account Agreement). Overdraft
Transfers will be limited to your Authorization Limit.
If you have a debit balance in your Account,
Target Balance Transfers will not be made to
your High Yield Investor Checking Account.
Pending securities trades (including the
Automatic Investment Plan [AIP]), pending debits
to your Account, and pending transfers of funds
from your Account may not be considered in
determining whether funds are available for
transfer from your Account to your High Yield
Investor Checking Account at Schwab Bank.
Further, transfers of funds from your Account
are subject to Schwab’s minimum deposit
requirements. You and your Account may not
have any restrictions preventing Schwab from
using funds in your Account to satisfy a transfer
instruction from Schwab Bank. If your Account
becomes subject to a restriction, your eligibility
for this feature may be revoked and you
understand that Schwab Bank may close your
High Yield Investor Checking Account.
Transfers to Schwab Bank may result in debits
in your Account. You acknowledge that you are
responsible for all debits (and interest on debits)
in your Account, as described in further detail in
the Agreement and Disclosures. Your Account
remains an obligation solely of Schwab. Likewise,
your High Yield Investor Checking Account
remains an obligation solely of Schwab Bank.
Section 14: Verification. You authorize Schwab
to inquire from any source, including a consumer
reporting agency, as to the identity (as required
by law), creditworthiness and ongoing eligibility
for the Account of the Account Holders, any
other person referred to on this Trustee Change
Form, or any person whom Schwab is later
notied is associated with or has an interest in
the Account (as well as such persons’ spouses
if they live in a community-property jurisdiction)
at account opening, at any time throughout the
life of the Account, and thereafter for debt
collection or investigative purposes.
Section 15: Required Arbitration Disclosures.
Regulatory authorities require that any brokerage
agreement containing a predispute arbitration
agreement must disclose that this agreement
contains a predispute arbitration clause. This
Agreement contains a predispute arbitration
clause. By signing an arbitration agreement, the
parties agree as follows:
• All parties to this Agreement are giving up the
right to sue each other in court, including the
right to a trial by jury, except as provided by the
rules of the arbitration forum in which a claim
is led.
• Arbitration awards are generally nal and
binding; a party’s ability to have a court reverse
or modify an arbitration award is very limited.
• The ability of the parties to obtain documents,
witness statements and other discovery is
generally more limited in arbitration than in
court proceedings.
• The arbitrators do not have to explain the
reason(s) for their award unless, in an eligible
case, a joint request for an explained decision
has been submitted by all parties to the panel
at least 20 days prior to the rst scheduled
hearing date.
• The panel of arbitrators will typically include
a minority of arbitrators who were or are
afliated with the securities industry.
• The rules of some arbitration forums may
impose time limits for bringing a claim in
arbitration. In some cases, a claim that is
ineligible for arbitration may be brought
in court.
• The rules of the arbitration forum in which the
claim is led, and any amendments thereto,
shall be incorporated into this Agreement.
No person shall bring a putative or certied
class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce
any predispute arbitration agreement against
any person who has initiated in court a putative
class action; or who is a member of a putative
class who has not opted out of the class with
respect to any claims encompassed by the
putative class action until:
1. the class certication is denied;
2. the class is decertied; or
3. the customer is excluded from the class
by the court.
Such forbearance to enforce an agreement to
arbitrate shall not constitute a waiver of any
rights under this Agreement except to the extent
stated herein.
Section 16: Arbitration Agreement. Any
controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
(i) this Agreement, any other agreement with
Schwab, an instruction or authorization provided
to Schwab or the breach of any such agree-
ments, instructions, or authorizations; (ii) the
Account, any other Schwab account or Services;
(iii) transactions in the Account or any other
Schwab account; (iv) or in any way arising from
the relationship with Schwab, its parent,
subsidiaries, afliates, ofcers, directors,
employees, agents or service providers (“Related
Third Parties”), including any controversy over the
arbitrability of a dispute, will be settled by
This arbitration agreement will be binding upon
and inure to the benet of the parties hereto and
their respective representatives, attorneys-in-fact,
heirs, successors, assigns and any other persons
having or claiming to have a legal or benecial
interest in the Account, including court-appointed
trustees and receivers. This arbitration agree-
ment will also inure to the benet of third-party
service providers that assist Schwab in providing
Services (“Third-Party Service Providers”) and
such Third-Party Service Providers are deemed
to be third-party beneciaries of this arbitration
The parties agree that this arbitration agreement
will apply even if the application to open the
Account is denied and will survive the closure of
your Account and/or the termination of services
rendered under this Agreement.
Such arbitration will be conducted by, and
according to the securities arbitration rules
and regulations then in effect of, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any
national securities exchange that provides a
forum for the arbitration of disputes, provided
that Schwab is a member of such national
securities exchange at the time the arbitration
is initiated. Any party may initiate arbitration by
ling a written claim with FINRA or such eligible
national securities exchange. If arbitration before
FINRA or an eligible national securities exchange
is unavailable or impossible for any reason,
then such arbitration will be conducted by, and
according to the rules and regulations then in
effect of, the American Arbitration Association

©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
(AAA). If arbitration before the AAA is unavail-
able or impossible for any reason, the parties
agree to have a court of competent jurisdiction
appoint three (3) arbitrators to resolve any and
all disputes or controversies between or among
the parties. Each party shall bear its own initial
arbitration costs, which are determined by the
rules and regulations of the arbitration forum.
In the event of nancial hardship, the arbitration
forum may waive certain costs in accordance
with such rules. At the conclusion of the hearing,
the arbitrators will decide how to assess the
costs of the arbitration among the parties.
Any award the arbitrator makes shall be nal
and binding, and judgment on it may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction. This arbitration
agreement shall be enforced and interpreted
exclusively in accordance with applicable federal
laws of the United States, including the Federal
Arbitration Act. Any costs, fees or taxes involved
in enforcing the award shall be fully assessed
against and paid by the party resisting enforce-
ment of said award.
For FINRA arbitrations, FINRA will appoint a
single public arbitrator in customer cases
decided by one arbitrator. In customer cases
decided by three arbitrators, investors have the
option of choosing an arbitration panel with two
public arbitrators and one non-public arbitrator
(Majority-Public Panel Rule) or a panel of all
public arbitrators (Optional All-Public Panel Rule).
If the customer declines to elect a panel
selection method in writing by the applicable
deadline, the Majority-Public Panel Rule for
selecting arbitrators will apply.
All notices from one party to the other involving
arbitration shall be considered to have been
fully given when so served, mailed by rst-class,
certied or registered mail, or otherwise given
by other commercially accepted medium of
written notication.
In addition to the above provisions, if a party
to this Agreement is or becomes a non-U.S.
resident at the time of any controversy subject
to this arbitration agreement, such party
acknowledges and agrees to the following
additional provisions:
(1) The rules of the organization administering
the arbitration specically provide for the
formal designation of the place at which the
arbitration is to be held.
(2) Entering into this Agreement constitutes
consent to submit to the personal jurisdiction
of the courts of the state of California, U.S.A.,
to interpret or enforce any or all of these
arbitration provisions. Judgment on any
arbitration award may be entered in any
court having jurisdiction, or application may
be made to such court for judicial acceptance
of the award and an order of enforcement,
as the case may be.
(3) The exclusive language to be used by the
parties and the arbitrators in the arbitration
proceedings shall be English. Any party
wishing an interpreter shall make all
arrangements directly with the interpreter
and shall assume all costs of the service.
(4) If a party is a foreign government or state,
state-owned or state-operated enterprise or
other instrumentality of a foreign government
or state, such party waives all rights of
sovereign immunity and neither the Federal
Act of State doctrine nor the doctrine of
sovereign immunity shall apply insofar as any
enforcement in courts located in the U.S.A.
is concerned.
Section 17: Electronic Copies. The electroni-
cally stored copy of your (or your agent’s)
signature, any written instructions or authoriza-
tions, the Account Application and the Agree-
ment and Disclosures is considered to be the
true, complete, valid, authentic and enforceable
record, admissible in judicial, administrative or
arbitration proceedings to the same extent as if
the documents and records were originally
generated and maintained in printed form. You
agree to not contest the admissibility or
enforceability of Schwab’s electronically stored
copy of such documents in any proceeding
between you and Schwab.
Section 18: Unclaimed Property. If no activity
occurs in the Account within the time period
specied by applicable state law, the Account
may be transferred to the appropriate state.
Section 19: Information About SIPC. To obtain
information about Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (SIPC), including an explanatory
SIPC brochure, please contact SIPC at
www.sipc.org or 1-202-371-8300.
Section 20: Impartial Lottery for Securities
Subject to Partial Call or Partial Redemption.
If Schwab holds securities for you in street name,
in Schwab’s name, or in bearer form that are
subject to partial call or partial redemption, then
in the case of a partial call or partial redemption
Schwab will use an impartial lottery system to
select the securities to be called or redeemed
from among accounts holding those securities.
For a description of Schwab’s lottery system,
please visit www.schwab.com/PartialCalls. If
you would like a printed description of Schwab’s
lottery system mailed to you, please contact a
Schwab representative at 1-800-435-4000.
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Schwab One International
Trust Account Application Agreement
This agreement relates to your account and is part of the Account Agreement between each Trustee and Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
(“Schwab”). Please retain for your files.
Schwab One International Trust Account Application Agreement
Section 1: Scope of Agreement. Your agree-
ment with Schwab consists of the terms set
forth in this Application Agreement and the
terms set forth in the Schwab One® Account
Agreement, which incorporates the Charles
Schwab Pricing Guide and a number of other
important disclosures. The Schwab One Account
Agreement is provided with this application or at
the opening of your account. You agree to
contact Schwab if you do not receive the Schwab
One Account Agreement.
In addition, you may in the future receive from
Schwab supplemental terms or disclosures that
pertain to certain account types, service
features and benet packages. These supple-
mental terms and disclosures, this Application
Agreement and the Schwab One Account
Agreement are collectively referred to as the
“Agreement and Disclosures.” You agree to read
the Agreement and Disclosures carefully and
retain copies for your records.
Section 2: Acceptance of Agreement and
Disclosures. You agree that the Agreement and
Disclosures govern all aspects of your relation-
ship with Schwab, including all transactions
between Schwab and you, and all products and
services now or in the future offered through
Schwab. Schwab may rely on your use of
Schwab’s products and services as evidence of
your continued acceptance of the Agreement
and Disclosures.
Section 3: Your Representations and Warranties.
You represent and warrant that: (a) you are of
legal age in the state in which you live, and you
are authorized to enter into this Agreement;
(b) you have supplied accurate information in
your Account Application; (c) no additional
authorizations from third parties are required
for you to open the account and effect transac-
tions therein; (d) except as you have otherwise
indicated on your Account Application or in
writing to us, (i) you are not an employee of or
afliated with any securities exchange or
member rm of any exchange, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), or any
securities rm, bank, trust company, or
insurance company, and (ii) you are not a
director, 10% benecial shareholder, policy-making
ofcer, or otherwise an “afliate” (as dened in
Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933) of a
publicly traded company; and (e) this Application
Agreement, as amended from time to time, is a
legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable
against you in accordance with its terms.
Section 4: Account Handling. Schwab will
automatically hold all of your securities
purchased, sales proceeds, dividends and
interest. Schwab will also release your name,
address and securities positions to companies
in which we hold securities for your account
upon request, unless you notify us otherwise in
writing. If you maintain more than one account
at Schwab, you authorize Schwab to transfer
assets between your accounts when no written
authorization is requested.
Section 5: Responsibility for Investment
Decisions. You agree that you and any agent
under a Power of Attorney or Investment Advisor
(if you have one) are solely responsible for
investment decisions in your account, including
whether to buy or sell a particular security.
Unless required by law, or unless Schwab
provides advice to you that is clearly identied
as an individualized recommendation for you,
you understand that Schwab has no obligation
to determine whether a particular transaction,
strategy or purchase or sale of a security is
suitable for you. Your obligation includes an
afrmative duty to monitor prots and stay
informed about your account and your invest-
ments and respond to changes as you deem
Unless Schwab otherwise agrees with you in
writing, Schwab does not have any discretionary
authority or obligation to review or make
recommendations for the investment of
securities or cash in your account.
You acknowledge that Schwab does not provide
tax or legal advice.
You acknowledge that, with regard to any trust
agreement or any portion of a trust agreement
submitted to Schwab, Schwab will be reviewing
only certain items in the Agreement for specic
Schwab purposes, such as for Schwab’s
anti–money laundering procedures in our
account opening process. You agree that you
will not hold Schwab responsible for reviewing
and understanding the Agreement or any part
of it, or require Schwab to implement any
provision in it. You also agree that Schwab
may rely on the covenants, representations
and warranties in these terms and conditions
as well as any directions given by authorized
persons even if these terms and conditions or
the directions are not consistent with any
provision of the trust agreement.
Section 6: Payment of Indebtedness. You agree
to make payment of any indebtedness related to
your account, including, but not limited to, any
such indebtedness that results from instructions
provided to Schwab by you, your agent or any
attorney-in-fact under a Power of Attorney or by an
Investment Advisor authorized to make transac-
tions in your account. We may elect anytime, with
or without notice, to make any debit balance or
other obligation related to your account immedi-
ately due and payable. We may report any
past-due account to a consumer and/or securities
credit reporting agency. We may also refer your
account to a collection agency.
Section 7: Granting a Lien on Your Accounts.
As security for the repayment of all present or
future indebtedness owed to us by each Account
Holder, each Account Holder grants to us a rst,
perfected and prior lien on; a continuing security
interest in; and a right of set-off with respect to
all property that is, now or in the future, held,
carried or maintained for any purpose in or
through Schwab, and, to the extent of such
Account Holder’s interest in or through, any
present or future account with us or our
afliates in which the Account Holder has an
interest. In the event of a breach or default by
you under this Agreement, Schwab will have the
rights and remedies available to a secured credi-
tor under all applicable laws in addition to the
rights and remedies provided in this Agreement.
Section 8: Liquidations. Whenever it is
necessary for our protection or to satisfy a
margin deciency, debit or other obligation owed
us, we may (but are not required to) sell, assign
and deliver all or any part of the property
securing your obligations, or close any or all
transactions in your account. We may choose
which property to buy or sell, which transactions
to close and the sequence and timing of
liquidation. We may take such actions on
whatever exchange or market and in whatever
manner (including public auction or private sale)
that we choose in the exercise of our business
judgment. You agree not to hold us liable for the
choice of which property to buy or sell, or which
transactions to close, or for the timing or
manner of liquidation.
In certain circumstances we may, at our sole
discretion, liquidate your entire margin loan
balance to satisfy a margin call. You agree not
to hold us liable for taking such action.
We may transfer property from any non-retirement
brokerage account in which you have an interest
to any other brokerage accounts in which you
have an interest, regardless of whether there
are other account holders on either account,
if we determine that your obligations are not
adequately secured or to satisfy a margin
deciency or other obligation. You agree to
pay on demand any account deciencies after
liquidation, whether liquidation is complete
or partial.
All of the above may be done without demand
for margin or notice of purchase, sale, transfer
or cancellation to you. No demand for margin or
notice shall impose on Schwab any obligation to
make such demand or provide such notice to
you in the future. Any such notice or demand is
hereby expressly waived, and no specic
demand or notice shall invalidate this waiver.
Section 9: Interest on Debit Balances. We will
charge and compound interest on your debit
balances (whether in a Margin or Cash Account)
according to our Disclosure of Credit Terms and
Section 10: Borrowing Money and Using
Margin. All margin transactions are subject to
our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies and
our Margin Disclosure Statement. You agree not
to enter an order for a margin transaction until
you have read and understood the Disclosure of
Credit Terms and Policies and the Margin
Disclosure Statement.
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Section 11: Loan Consent. You agree that
property held in your Margin Account, now or in
the future, may be borrowed (either separately
or together with the property of others) by us
(acting as principal) or by others. You agree that
Schwab may receive and retain certain benets
(including, but not limited to, interest on collateral
posted for such loans) to which you will not be
entitled. You acknowledge that, in certain
circumstances, such borrowings could limit your
ability to exercise voting rights or receive
dividends, in whole or in part, with respect to
the property lent. You understand that for
property that is lent by Schwab, the dividends
paid on such property will go to the borrower. No
compensation or other reimbursements will be
due to you in connection with such borrowings.
However, if you are allocated a substitute
payment in lieu of dividends, you understand
that such a payment may not be entitled to the
same tax treatment as may have been applied
to the receipt of a dividend. You agree that
Schwab is not required to compensate you for
any differential tax treatment between dividends
and payments in lieu of dividends. Schwab may
allocate payments in lieu of dividends by any
mechanism permitted by law, including by using
a lottery allocation system.
Section 12: Using the Check & Visa® Platinum
Debit Card Features. If you have requested
check or Visa Debit Card feature through your
account, you authorize checks and Visa Debit
Cards to be issued as indicated in your Account
Application. You agree that each Account Holder
is authorized to write checks and engage in Visa
Debit Card transactions, and you understand
that if the checking feature is terminated, your
Visa Debit Card will be automatically cancelled.
Section 13: Verification. You authorize Schwab
to inquire from any source, including a consumer
reporting agency, as to your identity (as required
by federal law), creditworthiness and ongoing
eligibility for the account (and that of your
spouse, if you live in a community property
state) at account opening, at any time through-
out the life of the account, and thereafter for
debt collection or investigative purposes.
Section 14: Changes to Trust or Facts
Provided. You agree to notify Schwab if there is
any change to the information provided on this
Application, including without limitation any
change in the designated Trustees of the Trust,
and to supply appropriate documents requested
by Schwab relating to such change.
Section 15: Required Arbitration Disclosures.
Regulatory authorities require that any brokerage
agreement containing a predispute arbitration
agreement must disclose that this agreement
contains a predispute arbitration clause. This
Agreement contains a predispute arbitration
clause. By signing an arbitration agreement, the
parties agree as follows:
• All parties to this Agreement are giving up the
right to sue each other in court, including the
right to a trial by jury, except as provided by the
rules of the arbitration forum in which a claim
is led.
• Arbitration awards are generally nal and
binding; a party’s ability to have a court reverse
or modify an arbitration award is very limited.
• The ability of the parties to obtain documents,
witness statements and other discovery is
generally more limited in arbitration than in
court proceedings.
• The arbitrators do not have to explain the
reason(s) for their award unless, in an eligible
case, a joint request for an explained decision
has been submitted by all parties to the panel
at least 20 days prior to the rst scheduled
hearing date.
• The panel of arbitrators will typically include
a minority of arbitrators who were or are
afliated with the securities industry.
• The rules of some arbitration forums may
impose time limits for bringing a claim in
arbitration. In some cases, a claim that is
ineligible for arbitration may be brought
in court.
• The rules of the arbitration forum in which the
claim is led, and any amendments thereto,
shall be incorporated into this Agreement.
No person shall bring a putative or certied
class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce
any predispute arbitration agreement against
any person who has initiated in court a putative
class action; or who is a member of a putative
class who has not opted out of the class with
respect to any claims encompassed by the
putative class action until:
1. the class certication is denied;
2. the class is decertied; or
3. the customer is excluded from the class
by the court.
Such forbearance to enforce an agreement to
arbitrate shall not constitute a waiver of any
rights under this Agreement except to the extent
stated herein.
Section 16: Arbitration Agreement. Any
controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
(i) this Agreement, any other agreement with
Schwab, an instruction or authorization provided
to Schwab or the breach of any such agree-
ments, instructions, or authorizations; (ii) the
Account, any other Schwab account or Services;
(iii) transactions in the Account or any other
Schwab account; (iv) or in any way arising from
the relationship with Schwab, its parent,
subsidiaries, afliates, ofcers, directors,
employees, agents or service providers (“Related
Third Parties”), including any controversy over the
arbitrability of a dispute, will be settled by
This arbitration agreement will be binding upon
and inure to the benet of the parties hereto and
their respective representatives, attorneys-in-fact,
heirs, successors, assigns and any other persons
having or claiming to have a legal or benecial
interest in the Account, including court-appointed
trustees and receivers. This arbitration agree-
ment will also inure to the benet of third-party
service providers that assist Schwab in providing
Services (“Third-Party Service Providers”) and
such Third-Party Service Providers are deemed
to be third-party beneciaries of this arbitration
The parties agree that this arbitration agreement
will apply even if the application to open the
Account is denied and will survive the closure of
your Account and/or the termination of services
rendered under this Agreement.
Such arbitration will be conducted by, and
according to the securities arbitration rules
and regulations then in effect of, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any
national securities exchange that provides a
forum for the arbitration of disputes, provided
that Schwab is a member of such national
securities exchange at the time the arbitration
is initiated. Any party may initiate arbitration by
ling a written claim with FINRA or such eligible
national securities exchange. If arbitration before
FINRA or an eligible national securities exchange
is unavailable or impossible for any reason,
then such arbitration will be conducted by, and
according to the rules and regulations then in
effect of, the American Arbitration Association
(AAA). If arbitration before the AAA is unavail-
able or impossible for any reason, the parties
agree to have a court of competent jurisdiction
appoint three (3) arbitrators to resolve any and
all disputes or controversies between or among
the parties. Each party shall bear its own initial
arbitration costs, which are determined by the
rules and regulations of the arbitration forum.
In the event of nancial hardship, the arbitration
forum may waive certain costs in accordance
with such rules. At the conclusion of the hearing,
the arbitrators will decide how to assess the
costs of the arbitration among the parties.
Any award the arbitrator makes shall be nal
and binding, and judgment on it may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction. This arbitration
agreement shall be enforced and interpreted
exclusively in accordance with applicable federal
laws of the United States, including the Federal
Arbitration Act. Any costs, fees or taxes involved
in enforcing the award shall be fully assessed
against and paid by the party resisting enforce-
ment of said award.
For FINRA arbitrations, FINRA will appoint a
single public arbitrator in customer cases
decided by one arbitrator. In customer cases
decided by three arbitrators, investors have the
option of choosing an arbitration panel with two
public arbitrators and one non-public arbitrator
(Majority-Public Panel Rule) or a panel of all
public arbitrators (Optional All-Public Panel Rule).
If the customer declines to elect a panel
selection method in writing by the applicable
deadline, the Majority-Public Panel Rule for
selecting arbitrators will apply.
All notices from one party to the other involving
arbitration shall be considered to have been
fully given when so served, mailed by rst-class,
certied or registered mail, or otherwise given
by other commercially accepted medium of
written notication.
In addition to the above provisions, if a party
to this Agreement is or becomes a non-U.S.
resident at the time of any controversy subject
to this arbitration agreement, such party
acknowledges and agrees to the following
additional provisions:
(1) The rules of the organization administering
the arbitration specically provide for the
formal designation of the place at which the
arbitration is to be held.
(2) Entering into this Agreement constitutes
consent to submit to the personal jurisdiction
of the courts of the state of California, U.S.A.,
to interpret or enforce any or all of these
arbitration provisions. Judgment on any
arbitration award may be entered in any
court having jurisdiction, or application may
be made to such court for judicial acceptance
of the award and an order of enforcement,
as the case may be.
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
(3) The exclusive language to be used by the
parties and the arbitrators in the arbitration
proceedings shall be English. Any party
wishing an interpreter shall make all
arrangements directly with the interpreter
and shall assume all costs of the service.
(4) If a party is a foreign government or state,
state-owned or state-operated enterprise or
other instrumentality of a foreign government
or state, such party waives all rights of
sovereign immunity and neither the Federal
Act of State doctrine nor the doctrine of
sovereign immunity shall apply insofar as any
enforcement in courts located in the U.S.A.
is concerned.
Section 17: Electronic Copies. The electroni-
cally stored copy of your (or your agent’s)
signature, any written instructions or authoriza-
tions, the Account Application and the Agree-
ment and Disclosures is considered to be the
true, complete, valid, authentic and enforceable
record, admissible in judicial, administrative or
arbitration proceedings to the same extent as if
the documents and records were originally
generated and maintained in printed form. You
agree to not contest the admissibility or
enforceability of Schwab’s electronically stored
copy of such documents in any proceeding
between you and Schwab.
Section 18: Float. You agree that Schwab may
retain as compensation for services your
Account’s proportionate share of any interest
earned on aggregated cash balances held in
Schwab’s bank account with respect to
(1) assets awaiting investment or (2) assets
pending distribution from your Account. Such
interest retained by Schwab shall generally be
at money market rates. Schwab’s receipt of
such compensation is further described in the
Agreements and Disclosures.
Section 19: Unclaimed Property. If no activity
occurs in the Account within the time period
specied by applicable state law, the Account
may be transferred to the appropriate state.
Section 20: Information About SIPC. To obtain
information about Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (SIPC), including an explanatory
SIPC brochure, please contact SIPC at
www.sipc.org or 1-202-371-8300.
Section 21: Impartial Lottery for Securities
Subject to Partial Call or Partial Redemption.
If Schwab holds securities for you in street
name, in Schwab’s name, or in bearer form that
are subject to partial call or partial redemption,
then in the case of a partial call or partial
redemption Schwab will use an impartial lottery
system to select the securities to be called or
redeemed from among accounts holding those
securities. For a description of Schwab’s lottery
system, please visit www.schwab.com/
PartialCalls. If you would like a printed descrip-
tion of Schwab’s lottery system mailed to you,
please contact a Schwab representative at
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©2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. NAK19-021 (0219-8N4J) APP32257-15 (05/19)
Inherited IRA
Application Agreement
Section 1: Scope of Agreement. Your agree-
ment with Schwab consists of the terms set
forth in this Application Agreement and the
terms set forth in the applicable Individual
Retirement Plan and Disclosure Statement, and
the Schwab IRA and ESA Account Agreement,
which incorporates the Charles Schwab Pricing
Guide and a number of other important
disclosures. The applicable Individual Retirement
Plan and Disclosure Statement and the Schwab
IRA and ESA Account Agreement are provided
with this application or at the opening of your
Account. You agree to contact Schwab if you do
not receive the applicable Individual Retirement
Plan and Disclosure Statement and the Schwab
IRA and ESA Account Agreement.
In addition, you may in the future receive from
Schwab supplemental terms or disclosures
that pertain to certain account types, service
features and benet packages. These supplemental
terms and disclosures, this Application
Agreement, the applicable Individual Retirement
Plan and Disclosure Statement, and the Schwab
IRA and ESA Account Agreement are collectively
referred to as the “Agreement and Disclosures.”
You agree to read the Agreement and Disclosures
carefully and retain copies for your records.
Section 2: Acceptance of Agreement and
Disclosures. You agree that the Agreement and
Disclosures govern all aspects of your relationship
with Schwab, including all transactions between
Schwab and you and all products and services
now or in the future offered through Schwab.
Schwab may rely on your use of Schwab’s
products and services as evidence of your
continued acceptance of the Agreement and
Section 3: Your Representations and
Warranties. You represent and warrant that:
(a) you are of legal age in the state in which
you live and you are authorized to enter into
this Agreement; (b) you have supplied accurate
information in your Account Application; (c) if
you are married, live in a state with community
property laws and have designated someone
other than your spouse as the sole beneciary
to this Account, you have obtained the consent
of your spouse to such designation; (d) no
additional authorizations from third parties are
required for you to open the Account and
effect transactions therein; (e) except as you
have otherwise indicated on your Account
Application or in writing to us, (i) you are not an
employee of or afliated with any securities
exchange or member rm of any exchange, the
Financial Industry Regulat