Instructions for Completing Private Duty Nursing
Prior Authorization Forms
Private duty nursing services (PDN) require prior authorization. You must submit a request for new
services within three business days of the start of care date. You must submit subsequent requests at
least seven days prior to the new start of care date, but you may submit up to 30 days prior to the start of
care date. You may submit the request electronically to TMHP using our PA on the Portal. To access
TMHP’s PA on the Portal, go to TMHP’s Prior Authorization web page at
You must submit the following forms each time you request authorization for initial, revised or
subsequent (recertifications) PDN services:
1. Completed CCP Prior Authorization Request Form.
2. Completed Home Health Plan of Care (POC) form (appropriately signed and dated by the physician
and RN).
a. The identification of the client and the date last seen by the ordering physician. The ordering
physician must see the client within 30 days of the initial start of care, and at least once a year.
b. The identification of the Home Health Agency (HHA) requesting PDN services.
c. The identification (if known and applicable) of the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center
(PPECC) provider who provides ongoing skilled nursing services to the client identified in
Section A.
d. The identification of the prescribing physician ordering PDN services.
e. Plan of Care Information to provide an overview of all of the services that the client identified in
Section A is receiving/will receive, including the number, frequency and HCPCS codes for HHA
visits, RN visits and LVN visits.
f. Required Signatures:
i. The signature of the RN who completed this form, and
ii. The signature of the physician ordering home health services, including private duty nursing.
Note: The Home Health Plan of Care (POC) form provided by TMHP is available for use;
however, providers may use a different Plan of Care form if desired, if it includes comparable
3. Completed Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers form which includes:
a. The identification of the client and the responsible adult, and the requested start/end dates, and
number of PDN hours requested per week.
b. A Nursing Care Plan Summary, which includes a problem list with specific measurable outcomes
and current progress towards goals.
c. The Summary of Recent Health History or an updated 90-day summary for subsequent PDN
d. The Rationale for PDN hours and for subsequent PDN requests the rationale for the PDN hours to
either increase, decrease, or stay the same. The rationale should include the medical necessity
documentation to substantiate the request for PDN hours.
e. Completed Schedule of Services 24-hour daily flow sheet. The 24-hour daily flow sheet is divided
in 15-minute increments using military time:
i. Fill in all of the nursing needs that take place for all 7-day and all 24-hour periods.
Indicate who is performing that service at that specific time in the column labeled Care Giver.
If the client requires assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) or health related functions
that do not need to be provided by a nurse as determined by the Registered Nurse performing
the assessment, these should be documented on the flowsheet as well.
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Instructions for Completing Private Duty Nursing
Prior Authorization Forms
ii. Please note that some 15-minute time slots will have no nursing activity and some nursing
needs may take more than 15 minutes to accomplish. Please complete these activities
accordingly on the form.
iii. All nursing activities should be included on the 24-hour schedule. All non-nursing activities that
are provided by a qualified aide must be included on the 24-hour schedule.
iv. Medical abbreviations may be used on the 24-hour schedule. Examples of acceptable
abbreviations are listed on page 2 of the Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty
Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers form.
f. The Acknowledgements indicates all pages of the addendum were completed and reviewed with
the client/parent/guardian and physician prior to obtaining their dated signatures, client/responsible
adult has provided written consent to the treatment, the client has identified contingency and
discharge plans as well as acknowledging the other statements in that section.
g. The Acknowledgement of Coordination of Approved Skilled Nursing Hours is applicable for when
the Schedule of Services 24-hour daily flow sheet includes skilled nursing services provided by a
PDN and a Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC). By signing this form you are
acknowledging that the client/responsible adult understands:
i. PDN and PPECC services are both considered skilled nursing services;
ii. Subsequent approval of either PDN or PPECC services will not increase the number of
approved skilled nursing hours unless there is a documented change in the client’s medical
iii. Upon subsequent approval of PDN or PPECC services the provider who submitted the initial
prior authorization request that established the number of authorized skilled nursing hours will
have their authorized hours reduced; and
iv. The number of authorized skilled nursing hours will not increase unless a revised prior
authorization request is submitted to TMHP and approved.
4. For extended 6-month authorizations, the THSteps-CCP Prior Authorization Private Duty Nursing
6-Month Authorization form must also be completed.
Note: Requests received without the required information mentioned above will be placed in pending
status until a complete request has been received or timeframe guidelines have exhausted.
For additional information, please refer to the “Private Duty Nursing (CCP)” section of the Home Health
Nursing and Private Duty Nursing Services Handbook in the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures
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CCP Prior Authorization Request Form Instructions
General Instructions
This form must be completed and signed as outlined in the instructions below before the prior authorization is submitted to TMHP.
Either the requesting Medicaid provider or the prescribing physician may initiate the form. The completed form with the original dated
signature must be retained by the prescribing physician in the client’s medical record. A copy of the signed and dated form must be
maintained by the requesting provider in the client’s medical record. The form is subject to retrospective review.
The Medicaid provider or prescribing physician may complete the following sections:
Request for Services check boxes
Section A: Client Information
Section B: Provider/Supplier/Vendor/Qualified Rehabilitation Professional (QRP) Information
Section E: Dates of Service and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Procedure Codes
The prescribing physician must complete the following sections:
Section D: Diagnosis and Medical Necessity of Requested Services
Section F: Primary Practitioner’s Certifications
All fields must be filled out completely.
Request for Services
Check the appropriate type of service being requested. Only one box may be selected.
Request for: DME Supplies Private Duty Nursing PPECC Inpatient Rehabilitation Other
Section A: Client Information
Enter the client’s name, Medicaid number, and date of birth as indicated on the Texas Medicaid eligibility card or form.
Client Name (Last, First, MI): Jane Doe
Medicaid Number: 987654321 Date of Birth: 01 / 01 / 11
Section B: Provider/Supplier/Vendor/Qualified Rehabilitation Professional (QRP) Information
Enter the name, telephone, fax number, address, TPI, and NPI of the Medicaid Provider who will be providing the requested service or benefit.
If requesting a wheeled mobility system, enter the QRP’s name, TPI, and NPI.
Name: ABC DME Company Telephone: 123-555-1234 Fax Number: 123-555-2345
Address: 123 Street, Somewhere, TX 12345-1234
TPI: 1234567-01 NPI: 1234567891 Taxonomy: 123XX4567X Benefit Code: XXX
QRP Name: B. Provider QRP TPI: 987321654-01 QRP NPI: 1212121212
Section C: Type of Request
Check the appropriate box for the type of authorization being requested. If the request is for a revision to an existing authorization, the
requested end date cannot extend beyond the original authorization’s end date. Provide an explanation for the revision in the space provided.
Initial / New Client Requested Start Date: 01 / 01 / 17 Requested End Date: 03 / 31 / 17
Recertification Requested Start Date: Requested End Date:
Revision* Revised Start Date: End Date:
(Cannot extend beyond current authorization period.)
* Reason for Revision:
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CCP Prior Authorization Request Form Instructions
Section D: Diagnosis and Medical Necessity of Requested Services
Initial and Recertification.
The prescribing physician must include a valid diagnosis code (the code used below is for example only) with a brief description and complete
justification for determination of medical necessity for the requested items or services. If applicable, the prescribing physician should include
the client’s height/weight, wound/stage/dimensions, and functional/mobility, or any other documentation to support the medical necessity.
Diagnosis code I1XXX - The patient has malignant hypertension and requires 24-hour monitoring of their blood pressure to
confirm diagnosis and regulate medication. The client has been hospitalized twice in the last 6 months (11/02/16 and
12/15/16) for hypertension. The client’s symptoms are (list symptoms), and the initial evaluation showed (add description).
The patient needs to monitor and record blood pressure once every hour and cannot tolerate a manual device (bruises easily).
Section E: Dates of Service and HCPCS Codes
Enter the From: and To: dates of service for requested services.
Dates of Service From: 01 / 01 / 17 To: 03 / 31 / 17
HCPCS Code/Modifier, Brief Description of Requested Services, Quantity/Frequency, and Retail Price
Enter the appropriate and most specific HCPCS code (the code used below if for example only), the appropriate modifier (if required), and brief
description of the requested item or service.
Enter the appropriate quantity and frequency based on the physician’s prescription.
Enter the AWP or MSRP for DME or supplies that have no maximum fee listed in the Texas Medicaid Fee Schedule.
If the item requested is beyond the quantity limit or a custom item, additional documentation must be provided to support determination of
medical necessity.
HCPCS Code Brief Description of Requested Services Quantity/Frequency Retail Price
A9XXX / U1 Rental of blood pressure monitoring device automatic 1/month $40.00
Note: HCPCS codes and descriptions must be provided.
Section F: Primary Practitioner's Certifications
To be completed by the prescribing physician.
The prescribing physician must sign and date the form and print or type physician name. By signing Section F, the prescribing physician
certifies the following:
For DME and/or medical supplies the client is under 21 years of age and the DME and/or medical supplies are appropriate and can safely
be used by the client when used as prescribed.
For Private Duty Nursing, the client is under 21 years of age and the client's medical condition is sufficiently stable to permit safe delivery
of private duty nursing as described in the plan of care.
For PPECC Services, the client is under 21 years of age and the client's medical condition is sufficiently stable to permit safe delivery of
PPECC services as described in the PPECC plan of care.
The prescribing physician’s TPI (if a Texas Medicaid provider), NPI, and license number must be documented. Physicians must indicate their
professional license number. If the prescribing physician is out of state, the physician must provide the license number and state of
professional licensure. Texas Medicaid TPI and unique physician identifier number (UPIN) numbers are not acceptable as licensure.
Note: Signatures from chiropractors and doctors of philosophy (PhDs) will not be accepted. Certified nurse midwife (CNM), clinical nurse
specialist (CNS), nurse practitioner (NP), and physician assistant (PA) providers may sign on behalf of the physician for private duty nursing,
physical, occupational, and speech therapy services when the physician delegates this authority. Signature stamps and date stamps are not
Signature of prescribing physician:
Printed or typed name of physician: John Smith
TPI: 7654321-02 NPI: 1234567891 License Number: TX12345
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CCP Prior Authorization Request Form
Submit your prior authorization using TMHP’s PA on the Portal and receive request decisions more
quickly than faxed requests. With PA on the Portal, documents will be immediately received by the PA
Department, resulting in a quicker decision. Fax requests have to be scanned and data entered before
the PA Department receives them, which takes up to 24 hours. To access PA on the Portal, go to, click on “Providers,” then “Prior Authorization” from the left hand menu. Then click
“PA on the Portal” from the left hand menu and enter your TMHP Portal account user name and
password. To submit by fax, send to 1-512-514-4212.
Note: If any portion of this form is incomplete, it may result in your prior authorization request being
pended for additional information.
Prior Authorization Request Submitter Certification Statement
I certify and affirm that I am either the Provider, or have been specifically authorized by the Provider
(hereinafter “Prior Authorization Request Submitter”) to submit this prior authorization request.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury
that they are personally acquainted with the information supplied on the prior authorization form and
any attachments or accompanying information, and that it constitutes true, correct, complete and
accurate information; does not contain any misrepresentations; and does not fail to include any
information that might be deemed relevant or pertinent to the decision on which a prior authorization
for payment would be made.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury
that the information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or accompanying
information was made by a person with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis
recorded; is kept in the ordinary course of business of the Provider; is the original or an exact duplicate
of the original; and is maintained in the individual patient's medical record in accordance with the
Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM).
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm that they understand and
agree that prior authorization is a condition of reimbursement and is not a guarantee of payment.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand that payment of claims related to
this prior authorization will be from Federal and State funds, and that any false claims, statements or
documents, concealment of a material fact, or omitting relevant or pertinent information may
constitute fraud and may be prosecuted under applicable federal and/or State laws. The Provider and
Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand and agree that failure to provide true and accurate
information, omit information, or provide notice of changes to the information previously provided
may result in termination of the provider’s Medicaid enrollment and/or personal exclusion from Texas
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify, affirm and agree that by checking "We
Agree" that they have read and understand the Prior Authorization Agreement requirements as stated
in the relevant Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual and they agree and consent to the
Certification above and to the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Terms and Conditions.
We Agree
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CCP Prior Authorization Request Form
Request for:
DME Supplies Private Duty Nursing PPECC Inpatient Rehabilitation Other
A: Client Information
Client Name (Last, First, M.I.):
Medicaid Number: Date of Birth:
B: Provider/Supplier/Vendor/Qualified Rehabilitation Professional (QRP) Information
Name: Telephone: Fax Number:
TPI: NPI: Taxonomy: Benefit Code:
C: Type of Request
Initial / New Client Requested Start Date: Requested End Date:
Recertification Requested Start Date: Requested End Date:
Revision* Revised Start Date: End Date:
(Cannot extend beyond current authorization period.)
* Reason for Revision:
D: Diagnosis and Medical Necessity of Requested Services (Initial and Recertification)
E: Dates of Service and HCPCS Code
Dates of Service: From: To:
HCPCS Code/Modifier Brief Description of Requested Services Quantity/Frequency Retail Price
Note: HCPCS codes and descriptions must be provided.
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CCP Prior Authorization Request Form
F: Primary Practitioner’s Certifications (To be completed by the prescribing practitioner)
By prescribing the identified DME and/or medical supplies, I certify:
The client is under 21 years of age AND
The prescribed items are appropriate and can safely be used by the client when used as prescribed
By prescribing Private Duty Nursing, I certify:
The client is under 21 years of age AND
The client’s medical condition is sufficiently stable to permit safe delivery of private duty nursing as
described in the plan of care.
By prescribing PPECC services, I certify:
The client is under 21 years of age AND
The client's medical condition is sufficiently stable to permit safe delivery of PPECC services as described in
the PPECC plan of care.
Signature of prescribing physician: Date:
Printed or typed name of physician:
TPI: NPI: License No.:
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Home Health Plan of Care (POC) Instructions
Use the guidelines below in filling out the Home Health Plan of Care (POC) form.
Section A: Client Information
Client’s name Last name, first name, middle initial
Date of birth Date of birth given by month, day and year
Date last seen by doctor Client must be seen by a physician within 30 days of the initial start of care and at least once
every 6 months thereafter unless a diagnosis has been established by the physician and the client
is currently undergoing physician care and treatment
Medicaid number Nine-digit number from client’s current Medicaid identification card
Section B: Home Health Agency (HHA) Information
Name Name of Home Health agency
License number Medical license number issued by the state of Texas
Address Agency address given by street, city, state, and ZIP Code
Telephone Area code and telephone number of agency
TPI Texas Provider Identifier number (9-digit) of agency
NPI National Provider Identifier number (10-digit) of agency
Taxonomy Ten-character Taxonomy code showing service type, classification, and specialization of the
medical service provided by the agency
DME TPI Texas Provider Identifier number (9-digit) of agency DME
Benefit Code Code identifying state program for the service provided
Section C: Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC) Provider Information
(If known, Home Health Agency to complete this section if client receives PPECC services)
Name Name of PPECC provider
Fax number Number that the PPECC provider can be reached by fax
Telephone Area code and telephone number of PPECC provider
Address Provider mailing address (street, city, state, and ZIP Code)
TPI Texas Provider Identifier number (9-digit)
NPI National Provider Identifier number (10-digit)
PPECC Hours of Operation Provide the PPECC’s hours of operation for client services, including time zone. For example,
7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Central
Section D: Physician Information
Name Name of Physician
License number Physician’s medical license number issued by the state of Texas
Telephone Area code and telephone number of physician
TPI Texas Provider Identifier number (9-digit) of physician
NPI National Provider Identifier number (10-digit) of physician
Section E: Plan of Care Information
Status Indicate with a check mark if POC is for a new client, extension (services need to be extended for
an additional 60 day period) or a revised request
Original SOC date First date of service in this 365 day benefit period
Revised request effective
Date revised services, supplies or DME became effective
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Home Health Plan of Care (POC) Instructions
Section E: Plan of Care Information (cont.)
Services client receives from
other agencies
List other community or state agency services client receives in the home. Examples: primary
home care (PHC), community based alternative (CBA), etc.
Diagnoses Diagnosis codes related to ordered home health services. For reimbursement, diagnoses must
match those listed on the claim and be appropriate for the services ordered.
Functional Limitations/
Permitted Activities
Include on revised request only if pertinent
Prescribed medications List medications, dosages, routes, and frequency of dosages (Include on revised request if
Diet Ordered Examples: Regular, 1200 cal. ADA, pureed, NG tube feedings, etc. (Include on revised request if
Mental Status Examples: alert and oriented, confused, slow to learn, etc. (include on revised request if
Prognosis Examples: good, fair, poor, etc. (include on revised request if applicable)
Rehabilitation potential Potential for progress, examples: good, fair, poor, etc. (include on revised request if applicable)
Safety precautions Examples: oxygen safety, seizure precautions, etc. (include on revised request if applicable)
Medical necessity, clinical
condition, treatment plan
Describe medical reason for all services ordered, nursing observations pertinent to the plan of
care, and the proposed plan of treatment.
SNV, HHA State the number of visits requested for each type of service authorized
Supplies List all supplies authorized
DME List each piece of DME authorized, check whether DME is owned, if DME is to be repaired,
purchased, or rented, and for what length of time the equipment will be needed
RN signature The signature and date this form was filled out and completed by the RN
From and To dates Dates (up to 60 days) of authorization period for ordered home health services
Conflict of Interest
Relevant to the physician signing this form; physician should check box if exception applies
Physician signature, Date
signed, Printed physician
The physician’s signature and the date the form was signed by the physician ordering home
health services, and the physician’s printed name
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Home Health Plan of Care (POC)
Submit your prior authorization using TMHP’s PA on the Portal and receive request decisions more quickly than
faxed requests. With PA on the Portal, documents will be immediately received by the PA Department, resulting in
a quicker decision. Fax requests have to be scanned and data entered before the PA Department receives them,
which takes up to 24 hours. To access PA on the Portal, go to, click on “Providers,” then “Prior
Authorization” from the left hand menu. Then click “PA on the Portal” from the left hand menu and enter your
TMHP Portal account user name and password. To submit by fax, send to 1-512-514-4212.
Note: If any portion of this form is incomplete, it may result in your prior authorization request being pended for
additional information.
Prior Authorization Request Submitter Certification Statement
I certify and affirm that I am either the Provider, or have been specifically authorized by the Provider (hereinafter
“Prior Authorization Request Submitter”) to submit this prior authorization request.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that they are
personally acquainted with the information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or
accompanying information, and that it constitutes true, correct, complete and accurate information; does not
contain any misrepresentations; and does not fail to include any information that might be deemed relevant or
pertinent to the decision on which a prior authorization for payment would be made.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that the
information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or accompanying information was
made by a person with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis recorded; is kept in the
ordinary course of business of the Provider; is the original or an exact duplicate of the original; and is maintained in
the individual patient's medical record in accordance with the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM).
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm that they understand and agree that
prior authorization is a condition of reimbursement and is not a guarantee of payment.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand that payment of claims related to this prior
authorization will be from Federal and State funds, and that any false claims, statements or documents,
concealment of a material fact, or omitting relevant or pertinent information may constitute fraud and may be
prosecuted under applicable federal and/or State laws. The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter
understand and agree that failure to provide true and accurate information, omit information, or provide notice of
changes to the information previously provided may result in termination of the provider’s Medicaid enrollment
and/or personal exclusion from Texas Medicaid.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify, affirm and agree that by checking "We Agree" that
they have read and understand the Prior Authorization Agreement requirements as stated in the relevant Texas
Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual and they agree and consent to the Certification above and to the Texas
Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Terms and Conditions.
We Agree
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Home Health Plan of Care (POC)
Section A: Client Information
Client’s name: Date of birth:
Date last seen by doctor: Medicaid number:
Section B: Home Health Agency (HHA) Information
Name: Fax number: Telephone:
TPI: NPI: Taxonomy:
DME TPI: Benefit Code:
Section C: Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC) Provider Information
(If known, Home Health Agency to complete this section if client receives PPECC services)
Name of PPECC provider: Fax number: Telephone:
PPECC Hours of operation: Open: _____________ a.m. Close: __________ p.m. Central Time Mountain Time
Section D: Physician Information
Name: Telephone:
TPI: NPI: License number:
Section E: Plan of Care Information
Status (check one): New Client Extension Revised Request
Original SOC date: Revised request effective date:
Services client receives from other agencies:
Function Limitations/Permitted Activities/Homebound Status:
Prescribed medications:
Diet ordered:
Mental status:
Rehabilitation potential:
Safety precautions:
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Home Health Plan of Care (POC)
Section E: Plan of Care Information (cont.)
Medical necessity, clinical condition, treatment plan (Brief narrative of the medical indication for the requested services and
instructions for discharge, etc.):
SN visits requested: HHA visits requested:
DME Item No. 1
Repair Buy Rent
How long is this DME item needed?
DME Item No. 2
Repair Buy Rent
How long is this DME item needed?
DME Item No. 3
Own Repair Buy Rent
How long is this DME item needed?
DME Item No. 4
Own Repair Buy Rent
How long is this DME item needed?
RN signature: Date signed:
I anticipate home care will be required: From: To:
Conflict of Interest Statement
By signing this form, I certify that I do not have a significant ownership interest in, or a significant financial or contractual
relationship with, the billing Home Health Services agency if Home Health Services for the above client are to be covered by the
Texas Medicaid Program. Check if this exception applies.
Exception for governmental entities (Home Health Services agency operated by a federal, state or local governmental authority) or
exception for sole community Home Health Services agency as defined by 42CFR 424.22.
Physician signature: Date signed:
F00028 Page 3 of 3 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Submit your prior authorization using TMHP’s PA on the Portal and receive request decisions more quickly than faxed
requests. With PA on the Portal, documents will be immediately received by the PA Department, resulting in a quicker
decision. Fax requests have to be scanned and data entered before the PA Department receives them, which takes up to
24 hours. To access PA on the Portal, go to, click on “Providers,” then “Prior Authorization” from the left
hand menu. Then click “PA on the Portal” from the left hand menu and enter your TMHP Portal account user name and
password. To submit by fax, send to 1-512-514-4212.
Note: If any portion of this form is incomplete, it may result in your prior authorization request being pended for additional
Prior Authorization Request Submitter Certification Statement
I certify and affirm that I am either the Provider, or have been specifically authorized by the Provider (hereinafter
"Prior Authorization Request Submitter") to submit this prior authorization request.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that they are
personally acquainted with the information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or
accompanying information, and that it constitutes true, correct, complete and accurate information; does not contain
any misrepresentations; and does not fail to include any information that might be deemed relevant or pertinent to
the decision on which a prior authorization for payment would be made.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that the
information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or accompanying information was made
by a person with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis recorded; is kept in the ordinary course
of business of the Provider; is the original or an exact duplicate of the original; and is maintained in the individual
patient's medical record in accordance with the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM).
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm that they understand and agree that prior
authorization is a condition of reimbursement and is not a guarantee of payment.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand that payment of claims related to this prior
authorization will be from Federal and State funds, and that any false claims, statements or documents, concealment
of a material fact, or omitting relevant or pertinent information may constitute fraud and may be prosecuted under
applicable federal and/or State laws. The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand and agree
that failure to provide true and accurate information, omit information, or provide notice of changes to the
information previously provided may result in termination of the provider’s Medicaid enrollment and/or personal
exclusion from Texas Medicaid.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify, affirm and agree that by checking "We Agree" that
they have read and understand the Prior Authorization Agreement requirements as stated in the relevant Texas
Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual and they agree and consent to the Certification above and to the Texas
Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Terms and Conditions.
We Agree
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Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Use the following abbreviations to identify services provided on the 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet (see pages 5 – 10).
Abbreviation Description
AFO Application of ankle foot orthotics
BGM Blood glucose monitor
Bi PAP Bi-level positive airway pressure
BP Blood pressure
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
CPT Chest percussion therapy
Dx Diagnoses
GI Assess Assessment of the GI tract/functions
GT/GB Gastrostomy tube/ gastrostomy button
GTF/ GBF Gastrostomy tube feeding/ gastrostomy button feeding
GU Assess Assessment of the genitourinary system
I & O Intake and output
I & O cath In and out urinary catheterization
IM Intramuscular injection
Incont Care Care of incontinent episodes (skin care)
IPPB Intermittent positive pressure breathing
IPPV Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
IV/ IVF Intravenous/ fluids or medications
Med/Meds Medication given
Neb TX Nebulizer/ aerosol treatment
Neuro Assess Neurological assessment
NGT Nasogastric tube
NGTF Nasogastric tube feeding
O2 Oxygen
O2 Sats Oxygen saturation level
PAC Port a cath IV access
PDA Private duty aide
PDN Private duty nursing by registered nurse (RN) or licensed vocational nurse (LVN)
Phys Assess Physical assessment/total body assessment—including head-to-toe review of body systems
PPECC Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center
Prec Precautions
PRN As needed
Resp Assess Respiratory assessment
ROM Range of motion
SHARS School Health and Rehabilitative Services
SQ Subcutaneous
SXN / SUX Suctioning
Sz Seizure
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
Trach Tracheostomy/tracheotomy
Vent Ventilator
VS Vital signs
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Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Please check the appropriate box:
Client name: Medicaid number: Date:
Name of responsible adult: Responsible adult telephone number:
Relationship of responsible adult to client:
Requested start date: Requested end date:
Number of PDN hours requested per week:
Number of PPECC days requested per week:
Number of PPECC hours requested per week:
Documentation Requirements
All of the following documents must be complete and received by TMHP before authorization of services can occur:
CCP Prior Authorization Request Form (additional information may be attached); and
All components of this Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Care Centers
submitted with:
The Home Health Plan of Care form (for PDN services), or
The PPECC Plan of Care form (for PPECC services).
1. Nursing Care Plan Summary
PDN and/or PPECC services are based on a nursing assessment and nursing care plan established by the nurse provider in
collaboration with the physician, client, and family. The nursing care plan provides a systematic way to document care given,
client responses to interventions, and progress toward the goals of care.
Problem list:
Goals of care:
Specific measurable outcomes:
Progress toward goals:
Additional comments:
F00120 Page 3 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date:
2. Summary of Recent Health History—For initial authorization or 90-day summary for extension of PDN
and/or PPECC services
Include recent hospitalizations, emergency room visits, surgery (may submit a discharge summary), illnesses, changes in
condition, changes in medication or treatment, parent/guardian update, other pertinent observations.
3. Rationale for PDN and/or PPECC Hours For initial requests, as well as requests to increase,
decrease, or stay the same.
F00120 Page 4 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 00:00—03:45, Military Time
Must include PDN, PPECC, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization request, not as currently
being provided. Use the abbreviations listed on page 2 to identify the services provided each day of the week. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 5 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 04:00—07:45, Military Time
Must include PPECC, PDN, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization
request, not as currently being provided. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 6 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 08:00—11:45, Military Time
Must include PPECC, PDN, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization
request, not as currently being provided. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 7 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 12:00—15:45, Military Time
Must include PPECC, PDN, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization
request, not as currently being provided. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 8 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 16:00—19:45, Military Time
Must include PPECC, PDN, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization
request, not as currently being provided. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 9 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date: Client/Responsible Adult Initials:
List other in-home resources:
4. Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet, 20:00—23:45, Military Time
Must include PPECC, PDN, and family (if family has volunteered) coverage, and coverage from other resources as proposed in the prior authorization
request, not as currently being provided. Use the following Care Giver Codes:
N=PDN hours, O=other in-home resource(s), specify name above, P=family (if family has volunteered), Q=PPECC hours, S=school/daycare
Giver Monday
Giver Tuesday
Giver Wednesday
Giver Thursday
Giver Friday
Giver Saturday
F00120 Page 10 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
Nursing Addendum to Plan of Care for Private Duty Nursing and/or Prescribed
Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Client name: Medicaid number: Date:
5. Acknowledgements
Must be signed by the client/responsible adult, the skilled nursing provider(s) (PDN and/or PPECC) and the
prescribing physician.
By signing this form, the client/responsible adult, the skilled nursing provider (PDN and/or PPECC) and the prescribing physician
Clients under 18 years of age reside with an identified responsible adult/parent/guardian who is either trained to provide nursing
care or is capable of initiating an identified contingency plan when scheduled PDN or PPECC services are unexpectedly
The client/responsible adult has provided written consent to the treatment;
The client has identified contingency and discharge plans;
The client has a primary physician who provides ongoing health care and medical supervision;
The place(s) where PDN and/or PPECC services will be delivered supports the health and safety of the client;
If applicable, there are necessary backup utilities, communication, fire and safety systems available and functional;
The client’s consent to share personal health information with other health care providers, as needed to ensure coordination of care;
Discussion and receipt of information about skilled nursing (PDN and/or PPECC) services;
PDN and/or PPECC services are not authorized for respite, child care, activities of daily living or housekeeping;
Participation in the development of the Nursing Care Plan for this client;
Emergency plans are part of the client’s care plan and include telephone numbers for the client’s physician, ambulance, hospital,
and equipment supplier and information on how to handle emergency situations;
The client/responsible adult agrees to follow through with the plan of care as prescribed by the client’s physician; and
All required criteria are met and completed documentation is submitted to TMHP.
Acknowledgement of Coordination of Approved Skilled Nursing Hours
By signing this form, the client/responsible adult, the prescribing physician, the PDN provider and the PPECC provider acknowledge:
The client/responsible adult understands that PDN and PPECC services are both considered skilled nursing services;
Skilled nursing services are authorized for a set number of hours based on the client’s medical necessity at the time of the prior
authorization request;
The client/responsible adult has provided written consent, including acknowledgement, that subsequent approval of either PDN or
PPECC services will not increase the number of approved skilled nursing hours unless there is a documented change in the client’s
medical condition, or the authorized hours are not commensurate to the client's medical needs and additional hours are medically
When PDN and PPECC providers are both authorized to provide skilled nursing tasks, the services will be provided by both
providers as documented in the “Schedule of Services 24-hour Daily Flow Sheet”;
The client/responsible adult has provided written consent, including acknowledgement, that upon subsequent approval of PDN or
PPECC services the provider who submitted the initial prior authorization request that established the number of authorized skilled
nursing hours will have their authorized hours reduced; and
The client/responsible adult, the prescribing physician, the PDN provider and the PPECC provider acknowledge the authorized
number of skilled nursing hours will not increase unless a revised prior authorization request is submitted to TMHP with
documentation that supports an increase in skilled nursing hours (a change in the client's medical condition or authorized hours are
not commensurate to the client's medical needs).
Required Signatures
Signature of client/responsible adult:
Printed name: Date:
Signature of PDN provider:
Printed name: Date:
Signature of PPECC provider:
Printed name: Date:
Signature of prescribing physician:
Printed name: Date:
F00120 Page 11 of 11 Revised: 10/15/2016 | RevOct-19
CCP Prior Authorization Private Duty Nursing
6-Month Authorization
Prior Authorization Request Submitter Certification Statement
I certify and affirm that I am either the Provider, or have been specifically authorized by the Provider (hereinafter
"Prior Authorization Request Submitter") to submit this prior authorization request.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that they are
personally acquainted with the information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or
accompanying information and that it constitutes true, correct, complete and accurate information; does not
contain any misrepresentations; and does not fail to include any information that might be deemed relevant or
pertinent to the decision on which a prior authorization for payment would be made.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm under penalty of perjury that the
information supplied on the prior authorization form and any attachments or accompanying information was
made by a person with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis recorded; is kept in the
ordinary course of business of the Provider; is the original or an exact duplicate of the original; and is maintained
in the individual patient's medical record in accordance with the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify and affirm that they understand and agree that
prior authorization is a condition of reimbursement and is not a guarantee of payment.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter understand that payment of claims related to this prior
authorization will be from Federal and State funds, and that any false claims, statements or documents,
concealment of a material fact, or omitting relevant or pertinent information may constitute fraud and may be
prosecuted under applicable federal and/or State laws. The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter
understand and agree that failure to provide true and accurate information, omit information, or provide notice
of changes to the information previously provided may result in termination of the provider’s Medicaid
enrollment and/or personal exclusion from Texas Medicaid.
The Provider and Prior Authorization Request Submitter certify, affirm and agree that by checking "We Agree"
that they have read and understand the Prior Authorization Agreement requirements as stated in the relevant
Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual and they agree and consent to the Certification above and to the
Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Terms and Conditions.
We Agree
F00070 Page 1 of 2 RevOct-19
CCP Prior Authorization Private Duty Nursing
6-Month Authorization
Client name: Client Medicaid number: Date:
The following criteria must be met before seeking a 6-month authorization of private duty nursing (PDN) services. Remember that
authorization is a condition for reimbursement; it is not a guarantee. Each nurse provider should verify the continued Medicaid coverage for
each client for each month of service.
Client has received PDN services for at least 3 months.
Client has had no new significant diagnosis, treatment, illness/injury or hospitalization in at least 6 months that would be expected to
affect the need for PDN services.
Client’s physician and client/parent/guardian do not anticipate any significant changes in the client’s condition for the requested
authorization period.
The nurse provider will ensure that a new physician plan of care is obtained within 30 calendar days of the authorization expiration date
and will be maintained with the client’s record.
The nurse provider will advise TMHP-CCP of any significant changes in the client’s condition, treatments or physician orders which occur
during the authorization period if the number of PDN hours needs to change.
The client’s physician, client/parent/guardian, and nurse provider understand that the authorization may be changed during the
authorization period if the client’s condition or skilled needs change significantly.
All required acknowledgments must be signed and dated.
I have read and understand the above information.
Signature of the client/parent/guardian Date
Brief statement of why a maximum 6-month recertification is appropriate for this client:
I have discussed the above information with the client/parent/guardian.
Signature of nurse provider Date
To be completed by the client’s physician
The above services are medically necessary, the client’s condition is stable and this request supports the client’s health and safety needs.
Signature of the client’s physician Date
Printed name:
Telephone: Fax number:
Mailing address (Street/City/State/ZIP):
Fax completed request to TMHP-CCP at 1-512-514-4212
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