VSU IRB Protocol Form
(Rev 09/2017) Page 2
Virginia State University
Institutional Review Board
Research with Human Subjects
Submission Form
Federal regulations and Virginia State University policy require that all research involving human
subjects are to be reviewed and approved by the University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Any
person (faculty, staff, student or non-VSU person) wanting to engage in human subject research at
Virginia State University must received written approval from the IRB before conducting research.
Please complete this entire form, sign and return with the required documentation to the address
located at the bottom of the form.
I. GENERAL INFORMATION (Type in the gray area)
A. Research, Dissertation or Thesis Title:
Is this research part of a thesis? Yes No
Is this research part of a dissertation proposal? Yes No
If yes, has the thesis or dissertation proposal been approved? Yes No
Date approved:
Name of Thesis/Dissertation Advisor:
Department: Phone No.:
Principal Investigator Information (If the PI is a graduate student please indicate advisor’s name in item 3).
1. Principal Investigator
Department and Campus PO Box No.
2. Telephone and Fax Numbers
Faculty ( ) Staff ( ) Graduate Student
( ) Non-VSU faculty/staff or student
Non-VSU members complete this section:
Name of University and mailing address
3. Co-Principal Investigator or Advisor
Department and Campus PO Box No.
Please check if Co-PI is:
( ) Faculty ( ) Staff ( ) Graduate Student
( ) Non-VSU faculty/staff or student
Non-VSU members complete this section:
Name of University and mailing address