Student Name_________________________ Student ID #_________________
Instructions: Please complete this worksheet and return it to the Financial Aid Office. Your financial aid
cannot be awarded without it. Do not leave any required item blank. Be sure to enter zeros whenever
appropriate. Remember, this information should be accurate as of the date you sign this form.
Independent Students: Complete all items in the left hand column. Skip the right
hand column. You will need to sign at the bottom.
Dependent Students: Complete all items in BOTH the left and right hand columns.
You and one of your parents will need to sign at the bottom.
Net Worth means the current value minus any debt. If net worth is negative, enter zero.
Student &
(if married)
Parent(s) /
As of today, what is the net worth of your investments? Include real
estate, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, other securities, rental
properties, trust funds, mutual funds, UGMA and UTMA accounts, etc. DO
NOT INCLUDE the home you live in, cash, savings, checking accounts, the
value of life insurance and retirement plans (pension funds, annuities, non-
education IRAs, Keogh plans, etc.). Note: Dependent students should
report all qualified educational benefits or education savings
accounts, including Coverdell savings accounts, 529 savings plans,
and the refund value of 529 state prepaid tuition plans, as a parent
investment whether they are owned by the parent or student. If the
account is owned by an independent student, the value should be
reported here.
As of today, what is the net worth of your current business and/or
investment farm? Do not include a farm that you live on and operate.
Include the market value of land, buildings, machinery, equipment,
inventory, etc. In establishing net worth, business and/or investment farm
debt should only include those debts for which the business or investment
farm was used as collateral. Also, do not include the value of a small
business that you (or your spouse and/or parents) own and control IF that
small business has 100 or fewer full-time or full-time equivalent employees.
As of today, what is your total current balance of cash, savings and
checking accounts? Do not include student financial aid.
By signing this worksheet, I certify that all the information reported on this worksheet is complete and correct. If student is dependent,
one parent must sign. Warning: Anyone purposely giving false or misleading information on this worksheet may be fined, sentenced to
jail, or both. Please note that submission of this form electronically should be encrypted to protect any personal or confidential
Student Signature Date Signed
Parent Signature (if required) Date Signed
Southwestern Michigan College
2019-2020 Asset and Investment Worksheet
Financial Aid Office, 58900 Cherry Grove Road, Dowagiac, MI 49047
Phone: 269.783.2143 Fax 269.783.2114 Email: finaid@swmich.edu
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