Institutional Research – Data Request Form
Please complete and email to your dept. dean. Administrative Services please submit to
your dept. V.P. Form will be reviewed and forward
ed to CORE.
Date: Name & Title:
Email address: Phone number/extension:
Project Title: Date Needed:
Will this be a recurring request? Yes No
If yes, how often and when does it need to be scheduled?
The information will be used for the following (check all applicable):
Accreditation Requirement
SLO Assessment
College-wide Project
Distance Education Plan (link)
Student Success & Support Plan (link)
State/Federal Requirement
Program Review
Grant Submission/Report
Department/Program Project
Student Diversity and Equity Plan (link)
Educational Master Plan Final (link)
Other: (Please describe in box below)
Individual Faculty/
Staff Project: (please describe in box below)
Please describe the project, be as detailed as possible.
Attachments (grant description, past years’ data, etc.) email to: core@reedleycollege.edu.
Questions regarding your submission please send to Janice Offenbach; Interim Director of Institutional Research, Evaluation and Planning
559.638.0300 Ext. 3527 or janice.offenbach@reedleycollege.edu.
REV. 10/2016
Completed by:__________
Date completed: ________
Please complete ALL of the following information:
Select site of data request (all that apply): RC MCCC OCC