Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
OMB No: 1615-0070; Expires 01/31/2015
I-643, Health and Human Services Statistical
Data for Refugee/Asylee Adjusting Status
Print or type in blue or black ink.
Alien Registration Number:
Telephone Number (with area code)
(Number, Street, and Apartment No.)
2. My three most recent cities of residence in the United States have been:
4. My employment since entering the United States has been:
My major occupation or profession before coming to the United States was:
5. My education before coming to the United States was:
My knowledge of English was acquired by: (Check all that apply)
Training in another country
Technical school certificate
7. English Language Skills:
6. I have had the following training or education in the U.S.
8. Since in the United States, list as many types of public assistance (excluding emergency medical treatment) that you have received
or someone has received on your behalf. Please include public assistance received from the U.S. Government or any State,
county, city, or municipality.
Cash assistance (Welfare)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Today's Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Form I-643 (01/08/13) Y Page 1
Type of Training/Education
(Please use another sheet(s) if needed)
Country of Citizenship/Nationality:
Date of Birth
Currently Employed?
Yes No
members of the household,
Cellphone Number (with area code)