Faculty Fellows in Innovation
Faculty Fellows in Innovation is a professional development opportunity and faculty designation that
supports technological enhancement in the classroom. Faculty Fellows in Innovation develop online
content for the College and serve as peer mentors in the Innovation Center.
Why should I participate as a Faculty Fellow?
Working as a Faculty Fellow in Innovation gives you the opportunity to collaborate with your peers
and lead the campus community in developing online content and resources for faculty at the
College. Compensation for your time is given as a course release or a stipend. Faculty earning
program credentials also earn professional development credit for the purposes of continuing
education, tenure, and promotion.
What are my obligations as a Faculty Fellow?
This is a one semester commitment in which you agree to spend three hours per week to working in
both the Faculty Innovation Center and Center for Interactive Media, creating teaching resources for
the online environment. This work will then be presented to peers during the subsequent major
semester (fall or spring).
Topics of interest could include (but are not limited to):
• course design
• student engagement
• critical thinking
• innovation
Topics should support the College mission and strategic plan through student success, innovation to
enhance teaching and learning, academic excellence, and institutional effectiveness.
How do I become a Faculty Fellow?
Faculty Fellows in Innovation are credentialed when they successfully complete all required trainings.
If you would like to become a Faculty Fellow in Innovation and have completed the trainings as listed
on the checklist below, forward the attached application to Cheryl Kohen, Director of the Division of
Online Studies, at cheryl.kohen@daytonastate.edu. Before submitting, all applicants must first get
approval from their department chair.
Faculty Fellow Eligibility Checklist
Required Training
D2L101: Introduction to Falcon Online (or equivalent LMS trainings)
Advanced Falcon Online and Online Pedagogy
Substantive Interaction
Faculty Tool Set 101
Faculty Tool Set 102
Universal Design for Learning/Accessibility
Learning Object Repository
For more information about the Faculty Innovation Center and required trainings,
go to https://www.daytonastate.edu/fic/
For more information about the Faculty Innovation Center and required trainings,
go to https://www.daytonastate.edu/fic/