Student Financial Statement
Academic year 2021-22
Confidentiality & data protection
Information contained in financial aid applications (as well as conversations with the student, family or agency)
is strictly confidential and processed according to data protection guidelines.
Applications will be reviewed by trained staff and approved by the Financial Aid Office and its committee only.
Which funds will you apply for to cover the cost of attendance at Bard College Berlin in 2021/22?
Information contained in financial aid applications (as well as conversations with the student, family or agency) is
strictly confidential and processed according to data protection guidelines.
Applications will be reviewed by trained staff and approved by the Financial Aid Office and its committee only.
Which funds will you apply for to cover the cost of attendance at Bard College Berlin in 2020/21?
For a full description of scholarships and eligibility, please visit this link>>
Government funding
(Please submit Section A, F, G and signed ‘Certification and Authorization’ and ‘Consent Form’)
External scholarship(s):
(Please submit Section A, F, G and signed ‘Certification and Authorization’ and ‘Consent Form’)
Bard College Berlin institutional scholarships:
Bard College Berlin need-based institutional financial aid:
(Please submit Section A-G and signed ‘Certification and Authorization’ and ‘Consent Form’)
BAföG [Germany]
(Please submit Section A-G and signed
‘Certification and Authorization’ and ‘Consent Form’)
High School Exchange Scholarship
Levy Institute Scholarship
Scholarship in Aesthetics
Scholarship in Literary Arts
Scholarship in Politics
(Please submit Section A, F, G and signed
‘Certification and Authorization’ and ‘Consent Form’)
other relevant government loans or grants
uidelines for comletin the 21-22 ard Collee erlin Student Financial Statement
Section A - Student's Information
1. Name:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
2. . Which program are you applying for?
4. Current address:
A A
3. E-mail:
  addressm
Students wishing to apply for need-based financial aid and scholarships should complete the Student Financial Statement. Candidates will be automatically considered for all scholarships
for which they are eligible. Please see our website for more information on available scholarships:
Please note that Bard College Berlin is able to award financial aid for tuition costs only. The on-campus room and board fee, expenses for academic materials, health insurance,
transportation costs etc. will not be subsidized by the College. Therefore in addition to your annual tuition student contribution you need to estimate annual costs of €8,000-€12,000 for
housing and living expenses while studying at Bard College Berlin.
Answer all questions that apply to you and your family. Convert all currency figures to EUR (€) before entering them on the form.
Some of the questions on the Student Financial Statement Form are self-explanatory; the instructions that follow are only provided for questions that may need further explanation.
Section A - Student's Information
This section pertains to the student who is applying for aid.
Section  - Famil Information
On this application, “parents” means the custodial parent(s) — the parent or parents (or legal guardian) with whom the student lives. If the student’s biological or adoptive parents are
divorced or separated, the custodial parent(s) are the parent or parents with whom the student has lived the most during the 12 months prior to filling the application. If the custodial
parent has remarried, “parents” includes the student’s biological/adoptive parent and stepparent.
13. Write in the number of people who live in your parents’ household and are supported by their income.
14. Complete all parts of this question. Include family members counted as your dependents in question and/or counted as your parents’ dependents in question 13.
Section D - Asset Information
Asset information pertains to the parents or to the student and the student’s family if the student is married and lives independently of the parents. Write in the value of assets and, where
asked, any debt against the asset as of the time you complete this application.
Section - enses
Write in the annual amount your family spent on the items listed. If you do not know the actual amount, please estimate.
Please provide supporting documentation in addition to this form. Please send copies of tax return forms / statement from employer / other confirmations of information provided in the
financial statement.
Student Financial Statement
Academic year 2021-22
 Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
 Place of bir
 
Section  - ami Information
10. m:
11.  1Nm:
12. ent 2 Nm:
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Number of years with current employer:
Number of years with current employer:
 
13. mmm
14. mmmm 
Full Name Age Relationship (see code below)
Section С - inancial Information
15. What documentation will you be providing to verify income and asset information requested on the form?
Tax return (preferred)
Other (specify - for example, bank statement):
Statement from employer
16. Does your government currently impose restrictions on the exchange and release of funds in
17. If yes, describe restrictions:
18. mm
If yes, m
20. m
21. mm
  for personal expenses
22. mmmm
23. If yes, name source
and amount available in EUR (€) for
your summer stay:
24. During 2019/20, how much of your household income (before taxes/expenses) came from the following sources in €?
Parent 1 work
Parent 2 work
Your work
Your spouses work
Family business
Family real estate holdings
Other members of the household
ousing, food, and
other living allowances
Other (explain)
25. mm
26. 
Section D - Asset Information
27. m
  Amm m
8 m
29. Please list the value of the following family assets (if applicable):
Land and buildings (other than home or business)
Indebtedness on land and buildings
Investments (such as stocks and bonds)
Assets owned by student
Money owed to family by others
Repayment (of p. above) expected this year
Other (ewelry, artwork, antiques, etc.)
30. Do you or your family have money, property, or assets in another country?
31. If yes, complete the grid below. Include the amounts in q. 29 above.
EUR (€) value In which country(ies)? Asset owner
Section  - enses
32. ow much did your family spend on the following expenses during the most recent year you have information for
(2019/2020)? Specific amounts in EUR (€) are needed.
Rent or mortgage
ousehold necessities
Medical expenses
Educational expenses
Loan payments
Amount allocated to savings/retirement
Automobile maintenance
Insurance (health and property)
Please explain:
33. ow much money does your family owe to other people or to financial institutions?
In the family business?
34. Amount paid on
debt in 2019/20:
36. Does your family employ other
37. If yes, how many in the home?
35. Reason for debt:
Section F - ducational Suort
38. Enter the expected amount of annual support in EUR toward your educational costs (including tuition and
,00012,000 annual living eenses lie husing, d, health insurance, travel csts, academic materials
and ther ersnal eenses) from the sources listed below:
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Students earnings
Students assets
Familys income
Familys assets
Relatives and friends
Your government
Agencies and foundations
Private sponsor (explain in
Section )
Other (explain in Section )
39. List agencies, foundations other than Bard College Berlin to which you are applying for financial assistance,
e.g. FAFSA, BAf, government loans and grants (if more than two, please attach a list):
       
Section  - lanationSecial Circumstances
40. Use this space to tell us about any facts or circumstances that are relevant to financial assistance, but may be
not be included in or obvious from the data supplied in this form. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary.
Please provide supporting documentation in addition to this form. Please send copies of tax return forms / statement
from employer / other confirmations of information provided in the financial statement.
Certification and Authorization
Consent Form
lease upload this om to ou ad ollege elin Applicant otal ou will eceie login details o the potal ia email upon submission o
ou application o admission