Infant CPR
Skills Testing Critical Skills Descriptors
1. Assesses victim and activates emergency response system (this must precede starting compressions) within
a maximum of 30 seconds. After determining that the scene is safe:
• Checks for responsiveness by tapping and shouting
• Shouts for help/directs someone to call for help and get emergency equipment
• Checks for no breathing or no normal breathing (only gasping)
– Scans from the head to the chest for a minimum of 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds
• Checks brachial pulse
– Can be done simultaneously with check for breathing
– Checks for a minimum of 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds
2. Performs high-quality chest compressions during 1-rescuer CPR (initiates compressions within 10 seconds
of identifying cardiac arrest)
• Correct placement of hands/fingers in center of chest
– 1 rescuer: 2 fingers just below the nipple line
• Compression rate of 100 to 120/min
– Delivers 30 compressions in 15 to 18 seconds
• Adequate depth for age
– Infant: at least one third the depth of the chest (about 1½ inches [4 cm])
– Use of a commercial feedback device or high-fidelity manikin is highly recommended
• Complete chest recoil after each compression
• Appropriate ratio for age and number of rescuers
– 1 rescuer: 30 compressions to 2 breaths
• Minimizes interruptions in compressions
– Delivers 2 breaths so less than 10 seconds elapses between last compression of one cycle and first
compression of next cycle
3. Provides effective breaths with bag-mask device during 2-rescuer CPR
• Opens airway adequately
• Delivers each breath over 1 second
• Delivers breaths that produce visible chest rise
• Avoids excessive ventilation
• Resumes chest compressions in less than 10 seconds
4. Switches compression technique at appropriate interval as prompted by the instructor (for purposes of
this evaluation). Switch should take no more than 5 seconds.
5. Performs high-quality chest compressions during 2-rescuer CPR
• Correct placement of hands/fingers in center of chest
– 2 rescuers: 2 thumb–encircling hands just below the nipple line
• Compression rate of 100 to 120/min
– Delivers 15 compressions in 7 to 9 seconds
• Adequate depth for age
– Infant: at least one third the depth of the chest (about 1½ inches [4 cm])
• Complete chest recoil after each compression
• Appropriate ratio for age and number of rescuers
– 2 rescuers: 15 compressions to 2 breaths
• Minimizes interruptions in compressions
– Delivers 2 breaths so less than 10 seconds elapses between last compression of one cycle and first
compression of next cycle