Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) CEIS Plan
Name of LEA: D ate:
Instructions: Describe the services or programs that will be implemented using IDEA, Part B, CEIS
Is the LEA using CEIS funds for the fiscal year 2021-22?
Yes: Continue to the next question.
No: The LEA should STOP here.
Is the LEA required to use comprehensive CEIS funds for the fiscal year 2021-22?
Yes: Mandatory CEIS: The LEA must reserve the maximum allowed for intervening services (15%) to
provide comprehensive CEIS. Complete all sections below.
No: Voluntary CEIS: The LEA may not use more than 15% to provide early intervening service. An
LEA using voluntary CEIS funds should complete the below sections. An LEA using carry forward only,
should use the approved purpose, root cause of analysis, goals and strategies responses from the prior
year’s CEIS plan. Provide a new progress monitoring, use of funds, and discretionary projects responses
in the below text boxes.
CEIS Plan Narrative
Purpose: Please provide a reason why the LEA is using CEIS funds; include data. In the response, state
if CEIS funds are being set aside for disciplinary, identification and/or placement reason(s). Include if the
CEIS funds will be used at the elementary, middle and/or high school level(s).
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Root Cause of Analysis: Please detail the contributing factors of the significant disproportionality in
the LEA. Conducting a problem-solving session that engages LEA and stakeholders is instrumental
in determining the root cause of disproportionality. Identify the team of individuals from the LEA and
community who are engaged in the problem-solving session. Provide a list of participants' titles and a
detailed narrative describing the problem-solving process and findings (additional information may be
sent to If the LEA is using CEIS funds voluntarily, the response to this
section should provide a detailed rationale that explains the purpose for using these funds.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Goals: With consideration to the root cause analysis, please provide the specific measurable goals the
LEA will achieve during the grant period. Also LEAs using CEIS funds voluntarily will need to provide the
goals it is seeking to obtain by using these funds.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Use of Funds: Please explain how comprehensive CEIS and CEIS funds will be used to implement the
stated strategies. It should not be assumed that these funds can be used to fund all activities stated in
Strategies: Please provide specific details as to how the LEA will achieve the goals. These
strategies must be quantifiable in nature. Additionally, describe the expected results of each of these
strategies. Applicants using CEIS funds voluntarily will need to provide these strategies.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Progress Monitoring: Based upon the goals and strategies, please detail how the LEA will monitor
the progress of the implementation and the staff responsible for ensuring implementation of the plan
and progress toward the goals. Please provide timelines.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Use of Funds: Please explain how comprehensive CEIS and CEIS funds will be used to implement the
stated strategies. It should not be assumed that these funds can be used to fund all activities stated in
LEA’s strategies. Each LEA will also need to describe how it will sustain the progress achieved with
comprehensive CEIS funds once the funds are no longer used or required. If the LEA is required to
reserve funds for comprehensive CEIS, identify the percentage of funds that will be serving students
with disabilities.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
Discretionary Projects: Please describe which discretionary projects the LEA will use for support and
how the selected projects will assist in accomplishing the LEA’s goals. Please provide a contact for each
project listed.
Responses are limited to 1,200 characters.
If additional space in need for the above sections, please send the information to the email address.
Reporting Requirements
Each LEA that develops and maintains CEIS under this section must annually report to the SEA on the
number of children served under this section who received early intervening services; and the number of
children served under this section who received early intervening services and subsequently receive
special education and related services under Part B of the Act during the preceding two year period.
(34 C.F.R. §§ 300.266(d) and 300.646(d))
Estimated number of students to be served during (FY) 2021-22:
Please provide an estimated number of students who will served using comprehensive CEIS or CEIS
funds. This number should provide a basis for budgeting and planning and may not be reflective of the
actual number of served and reported to FLDOE per (34 C.F.R. §§ 300.266(d) and 300.646(d)).
CEIS funds cannot be used for student universal screening or on LEA or schoolwide initiatives
that are intended for all students. CEIS funds can only be used for activities that support
coordinated early intervening services for students in grades K-12 who have been determined to
need Tier 2 and Tier 3 academic or behavioral supports, including general education students and
students with disabilities. In addition to direct services to students, activities may include
professional development for teachers to support delivery of scientifically based academic
instruction and behavioral interventions to the general education student identified as needing
Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
CEIS Funds
Did the LEA use CEIS funds for FY 2020-21?
Was the LEA required to use CEIS funds for FY 2020-21?
Does the LEA have any unexpended funds from CEIS (carry forward amount) from FY 2020-21?
If the LEA answered yes to all the above questions, the LEA is required to carry forward any unexpended
CEIS funds from the previous year. Additionally, if the LEA was required to use the CEIS funds set aside
in years prior and those funds have remained unspent, the funds too must be carried forward until fully
expended. If the LEA answered no to any of the questions above, the LEA may choose to carry forward
any unspent funds for the purposes of CEIS or may reallocate those funds for IDEA purposes.
(34 CFR §300.646(b)(2)
If you are not using CEIS funds, please enter zeros in the entry boxes below.
Total Amount of Carried Forward funds from FY 2020 21
Required CEIS Amount for FY 2021 22
Required CEIS Budget for FY 2021 22
$ 0.00