Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation – Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Indicator 10: Disproportionality of Racial/Ethnic Representation – Specific Disability
Indicator 10: Disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories
that is the result of inappropriate identification.
Purpose: Your district has been notified that significant discrepancy was found, and OSDE-SES must
review policies, practices, and procedures (ppp) before determining if your district “meets target”.
Address Part A: All Districts who have three asterisks (***) for indicator 10, please refer to the District
• Upload Board Approved Policy.
• Answer Procedure and Practice Review Questions (see below).
Address Part B: Districts who have been identified by OSDE-SES that Policy, Procedures, and/or
Practices (ppp) may be leading to inappropriate identification (see exception below).
• Submit an assurance statement signed by the Superintendent and Special Education Director.
• Review results of previous year’s data.
• Address Root Cause.
• Develop an Improvement Plan.
• Establish monitoring tools needed to measure effectiveness of the Improvement Plan.
• Review the progress of the improvement plan twice (by March 31
and again by May 31
Exception: If a district does not meet target (meaning problems with Policies, Procedures, and/or
Practices are identified) for Indicator 10 for three consecutive years for the same racial/ethnic group and
disability category, the district must also complete the following:
• Budget Project 615 funds to align with the improvement plan (amount or percentage of funds will be
determined by SDE).
• Invite parents and community to a school board meeting to discuss the District’s plan to improve
Indicator 10.
District Meets Target (Yes/No)
If No, the LEA is expected to complete Part B of this Toolkit by __________________________________.