Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Indicator 10: Disproportionality of Racial/Ethnic RepresentationSpecific Disability
Indicator 10: Disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories
that is the result of inappropriate identification.
Purpose: Your district has been notified that significant discrepancy was found, and OSDE-SES must
review policies, practices, and procedures (ppp) before determining if your district “meets target”.
Address Part A: All Districts who have three asterisks (***) for indicator 10, please refer to the District
Upload Board Approved Policy.
Answer Procedure and Practice Review Questions (see below).
Address Part B: Districts who have been identified by OSDE-SES that Policy, Procedures, and/or
Practices (ppp) may be leading to inappropriate identification (see exception below).
Submit an assurance statement signed by the Superintendent and Special Education Director.
Review results of previous year’s data.
Address Root Cause.
Develop an Improvement Plan.
Establish monitoring tools needed to measure effectiveness of the Improvement Plan.
Review the progress of the improvement plan twice (by March 31
and again by May 31
Exception: If a district does not meet target (meaning problems with Policies, Procedures, and/or
Practices are identified) for Indicator 10 for three consecutive years for the same racial/ethnic group and
disability category, the district must also complete the following:
Budget Project 615 funds to align with the improvement plan (amount or percentage of funds will be
determined by SDE).
Invite parents and community to a school board meeting to discuss the District’s plan to improve
Indicator 10.
Date Reviewed
OSDE-SES Reviewer
District Meets Target (Yes/No)
If No, the LEA is expected to complete Part B of this Toolkit by __________________________________.
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Part A
Practices and Procedure Review: The required information on this page is intended to assist the district
with reviewing internal policies, practices, and procedures (ppp). Please consider each question carefully.
Procedures and Practice Review
Provide a detailed explanation for each question with a focus
on the disproportionate area of risk (racial/ethnic group and
specific disability) identified in the first review box below.
Go to November Determination and
identify the racial/ethnic group and
specific disability category for which a
ppp review is required.
Describe the district’s eligibility
*Detailed procedures should explain
how the district implements IDEA.
Describe the district’s practices to
support teams in making eligibility
determinations in accordance with
*Detailed practices ensure internal
processes are followed.
Describe the district’s procedures for
ensuring all available existing data are
used for eligibilities determinations to
assist the team in identifying eligibility
and the need for specially designed
Describe the district’s procedures for
eligibility determinations for students
who move into your district.
Describe the district’s procedures for
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Describe the district’s procedures for
universal screening to identify needs
for early interventions or targeted
Describe the district’s procedures for
progress monitoring for developmental,
academic, and behavioral progress.
Would you like more information
regarding indicator 10? If so, explain.
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Part B
Assurance Statement:
Districts identified with policies, practices, and/or procedures (ppp) that may be leading to the
inappropriate identification of a race/ethnic group in a specific disability category are required to provide
the OSDE-SES with assurance that the LEA will review and correct ppp to improve Indicator 10.
Please provide your assurance statement in the box below and have it signed by the Superintendent and
Special Education Director.
Assurance Signatures
Superintendent Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________________
Special Education Director Signature: __________________________Date: _______________________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
If district did not meet target the previous year for this indicator, describe any improvement activities
implemented. Were they effective? If not, please describe why the team feels it was not effective and
what are your next steps.
Identify the root cause.
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Improvement Plan
Develop an improvement plan for indicator 10.
Describe the plan to improve aligned with the indicator.
List the progress monitoring activity and/or data source that will assist in determining effectiveness
of the improvement plan.
Identify the person(s) responsible for monitoring the progress of the improvement plan.
Improvement Plan
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Progress Review
Analyze the collected data identified in the improvement plan as well as any other data gathered to
measure the effectiveness of the plan. If the data sources analyzed do not demonstrate progress towards
improving the indicator, the district must provide justification to either continue or amend the improvement
Guiding Questions for the first progress review in March:
Do you have a team with defined roles and have meetings been scheduled to review the data?
Have current district policies, practices, and procedures been reviewed and amended if needed?
Have staff been informed and know how to access the improvement plan?
Does the data demonstrate growth toward intended outcomes or are other sources of data needed?
First Progress Review (due March 31st)
Guiding Questions for the final progress review in May:
Does the data demonstrate growth toward intended outcomes or are other sources of data needed?
Was the activity implemented with fidelity?
What additional activities might need to be added to your improvement plan?
What policies, practices, and procedures may need to be changed or implemented?
What strategies need to be carried into the following school year?
Indicator 10 Disproportionality of Racial/ Ethnic
Representation Specific Disability Toolkit
OSDE Special Education Services
Final Progress Review (due May 31st)
Dates to Remember
December 31
o Upload Board approved policies.
o Upload completed Procedure and Practice Questions.
March 31
- First Progress Review must be uploaded (only if Part B is required).
May 31
- Final Progress Review must be uploaded (only if Part B is required).
Edplan Upload Instructions: Upload the Toolkit to Edplan in the LEA Document Library found by
clicking on Tools located on the Main Menu Bar.
OSDE Program Contacts:
Felica Denton, Email: Phone: 405-522-9562
Cheryl Revolinski, Email: Phone: 405-522-5761
Megan Withers, Email: Phone: 405-522-5168