# Organizational Skills Task (Optimal time a student could complete the task) Preschool 2nd Grade 4th Grade 6th Grade 8th Grade 10th Grade 12th Grade
10 Participate in development of tactile/large print marking system (4th Grade)
11 Use tactile/large print marking system (6th Grade)
12 Identify/use most effective labeling system for self (12th Grade)
13 Keep desk organized (4th Grade)
14 Open, place items in, and close backpack (Preschool)
15 Keep backpack organized (4th Grade)
16 Organize school materials (6th Grade)
17 Keep track of school assignments on a daily basis (8th Grade)
18 Complete/turn in assignments on time (8th Grade)
19 Determine daily class materials/needs (8th Grade)
20 Order own educational/leisure materials well in advance (8th Grade)
21 Demonstrate method/techniques for organizing personal space (8th Grade)
22 Organize belongings for next day (10th Grade)
23 Demonstrate organizational skills in daily activities (12th Grade)
24 Clean/organize contents of a tote bag, purse, backpack, or wallet (8th Grade)
25 Organize closets/dressers (10th Grade)
26 Organize clothes for seasonal use (10th Grade)
Independent Living Skills Checklist: Organizational Skills Updated 09.21.2018