Revised 5/2010
Incomplete Grade Contract
Student ID:
Phone Number:
CRN Department Course No. Section Semester/Year Credits Title
Please describe the situation preventing the student from completing the course. The situation must be
“unavoidable” and conditions must “beyond the control of the student,” as explained above and in the Faculty
Grade earned to date:
(Attach grade sheet)
Specific date of course completion:
(Not to exceed one year)
List the specific assignments and/or exams the student must complete to receive a course grade. Attach a copy
of the grading criteria from the course syllabus and the current grading sheet.
Faculty Signature:
Director/Chair Signature:
I acknowledge receipt of an incomplete grade for the above course and understand what is required for course completion.
Student Signature: Date:
incomplete grade (“I”) is assigned only at the discretion of the instructor. It is used to indicate that a student has made satisfactory progress in the
ajority of the work in a course, but for unavoidable absences or other conditions beyond the control of the student, has not been able to complete the
urse. The Incomplete Grade Contract, a contract form between the student and the faculty member that stipulates the assignment(s) required to finish
the course, is required and must be completed and filed with the appropriate department (A&S, B&I, KBC, AES, RBES) before an “I” grade is
se work must be completed by a date specific in the contract, not to exceed one year. Upon completion of the required course work, the faculty
member must submit a change of grade form to the KPC Registrar. If course work is not completed within one year or if the terms specified on the
complete Grade Contract are not met, the student may be assigned a failing grade (“F” or “NP,” depending on the grading basis of the course). If
se work is not completed within one year and the faculty member does not submit a change of grade at that time, the “I” will become a permanent
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