Incomplete Agreement
Submit this form to your professor or the department chair for the class.
on satisfactorily completing the terms of this agreement, the student will receive a grade for the course listed
below. If the student does not fulfill the terms of this agreement, the default grade will be assigned. See
Incomplete Policy in the WWU Bulletin for further details. This work must be completed at least three weeks
prior to the end of the following quarter.
the justifiable reasons stated in the rationale, I agree to assign a grade of Incomplete for the following student
and course:
ID# :
Last First
Course Prefix/No:
Course Title
This work must be completed by Tuesday three weeks before the close of the following
quarter. The instructor will report the final grade at the end of that quarter.
This work must be completed by:_____________________(mm/dd/yy)
Default grade which will be assigned if no further work is done, taking into account all of
the course requirements.
Rationale for the Incomplete:
Specific requirements for removal of this Incomplete:
Instructor’s Signature
Student’s Signature
If additional time is needed to complete the coursework, a Request for Extension of Incomplete must be submitted to
the Associate VP for Academic Administration.
This is a fillable form. Please complete, print,
sign and submit to your instructor.