Inclusion Support
Experience Expertise Excellence
Sensory Support Team
Visual Impairment Team
Questionnaire for Parents / Carers
The Visual Impairment Team aims to work with pupils, schools, families and other agencies to meet the needs
of children who have a hearing impairment.
We need to know what we are doing well and what we need to improve. Your views will help us do this. Please
take a few minutes to answer the following questions.
Please select the most appropriate answer from any drop down list or make any comments in the free text
boxes. There is a button at the end to enable you to submit your response.
At the end there is a section for your personal details. This is optional but having these details will make it easier
to follow up any comments.
1. I know who my child's Teacher of the Visually
Impaired is
2. I know what the Teacher of the Visually
Impaired does to support my child
Please select
4. I am satisfied with the information I get from
the team and feel confident to ask for any more
information I need.
Please select
5. The team has helped my child's school
understand the difficulties he/she experiences,
the ways in which my child needs support and
the equipment he/she uses
Please select
6. The Teacher of the Visually Impaired has
helped my child make progress.
Please select
3. When I have talked to the Teacher of the
Visually Impaired I have felt that they have been
interested in my views and have understood
Please select
IL2 when completed
7. How would you rate the support that the
Visual Impairment Team has given your child
over the past year?
Please select
8. If your child has changed schools was our
service involved in planning for transition?
Don't know
Not applicable
9. The team helped my child make a smooth
Please select
10. If there is anything we can do to improve
our support to you or your child or if you have
any other comments please give details here.
Please type
This section is optional
Your name
Child's name
If you are happy to receive information by email please enter your email address below.
email address
Press the submit button to return the form. Thank you for giving us your views
Data Protection Act 1998
Any personal data collected will be used by the Sensory Support Team for the purposes of gauging parental satisfaction with services
and providing information. No individual data will be disclosed to third parties. Aggregated data will be used to inform future service
developments. If you have any queries about how your data will be processed please contact 0845-352-7552 for further details.
Submit by Email