Petition for Protective Order Tlingit & Haida Tribal Court
Page 7 of 8 320 W. Willoughby Ave. Ste 300
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-463-7165
Fax: 866.532.3558
_________________ _______________________ ____________
☐ Require the respondent to pay costs and fees incurred by the petitioner bringing the action.
☐ Respondent to pay to _______________________________ the costs and fees
associated with bringing this action in the amount of $______________________.
☐ Withhold a portion of or all of the respondent’s benefits and services which are directly
related to being a citizen of T&H, except that benefits to which a respondent is entitled when
T&H is administrating an external entity or government’s program will exempted from this
provision when required by such entity or government.
☐ Order the Respondent to complete community work services.
☐ Require the respondent to pay restitution to the petitioner and association persons in the form
of money, subsistence foods, or other appropriate reparations.
☐ Require the respondent’s attendance at dance practices, art classes or gatherings, language
classes or gatherings, or other cultural activities.
☐ Require the respondent’s participation in Peace Circles.
☐ Order other relief the court determines necessary.
I have been a victim of domestic violence, family violence, dating violence, stalking, or/and
sexual assault by the respondent as described below. (Include dates of incident, places it
occurred, injuries suffered, weapons used, and if children were involved. List the most recent
incident first. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)