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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 2:
Challenge of pracce:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Structure rigorous daily guided reading sessions
across R-7.
Staff will:
Use the Think Outside the Box Questions to guide students through the SOLO learning process.
Engage in professional development of guided writing/writing conferences at through Sharon Callen.
Group students based on similar reading needs.
Ensure 100% participation in the Premiers Reading Challenge.
Provide a class library of rich texts for student choice.
Facilitate parent workshops with targeted support for home
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Students will:
Use the Collaborative Conversations prompts to engage in challenging discussions with each other.
Track the use of their reading strategies in the student RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
Participate within the Premiers Reading Challenge
Support and advice from Sharon Callen relating to the work of reading and writing connections
Literacy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Be Brave and Lead PD for literacy facilitator/coach
Be Fearless and Lead PD for Sarah and Steph
Be Brave and Teach for beginner teachers x 1
In class libraries with a wide range of rich texts
Guided reading texts including novel sets for years 4-7
DfE English curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Structure vocabulary acquisition in conjunction with
daily guided reading sessions.
Collectively improve and enhance our whole school
literacy agreement.
Staff will:
Provide all students with a vocabulary notebook and scaffold sheet which provides intellectual stretch while
acquiring new vocabulary from their guided reading or choice text.
Provide opportunities for students to encounter new words at least 10-16 times resulting in a student
producing the word.
Focus on teaching tier 2 words and when required tier 3 words.
Use high impact classroom activities including word walls, glossaries, cloze activities, clines, categorisation and
Provide daily opportunities for modeled reading
Provide daily opportunities for independent reading
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Students will:
Skim and scan for unfamiliar or tricky words within texts
Use their vocabulary notebooks to consolidate understanding of new vocabulary words.
Staff will:
Work in teams and be accountable for their learning by providing feedback.
Demonstrate strategic planning, thinking and focused action.
Reflect upon individual and collective capabilities.
Commit to actioning or implementing the agreements.
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Analyse summative testing, PAT-R and NAPLAN results to inform decision making.
Students will:
Provide feedback on their engagement within Reading for Learning.
Students will facilitate peer feedback and student surveys through VL student voice
Vocabulary notebooks and scaffold sheets
Collaborative Conversations
PAT Vocabulary test
Staff drive with resources
In class libraries with a wide range of rich texts
Literacy facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Be Brave and Lead PD for literacy facilitator/coach
Be Fearless and Lead PD for Sarah and Steph
Be Brave and Teach for beginner teachers x 1
Sharon Callen - Literacy consultant
In class support from Sharon Callen when trialling actions
Literacy Action Team represented by a member for each instructional team
0.2 Literacy /VL facilitator/coach
Student data folders
Pre and post writing samples
Formative and summative student assessments
PAT and NAPLAN data
Student and staff surveys/interviews
MBSPS RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
DfE English Australian Curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Utilise Heysen Partnership Curriculum Lead person
To increase student achievement in literacy with a focus on reading across R-7.
If we focus on effective questioning to engage learners, we will increase vocabulary acquisition and reading