Improvement Plan for
2019 to 2021
Vision statement
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Collaboratively Improving Learning
Mount Barker South Primary School
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Plan summary
Goals Targets Challenge of pracce Success criteria
To increase student achievement in
literacy with a focus on writing and
spelling across R-7.
If we focus on quality formative
assessment and feedback to engage
learners then we will increase our
writing achievement.
*Students will work collaboratively in
teams; receiving and offering
feedback on targeted areas for
*Students will use worked examples
during independent practice, and to
review and embed new knowledge.
If we focus on effective questioning
to engage learners, we will increase
vocabulary acquisition and reading
If we focus on quality formative
assessment, feedback and
questioning to engage learners, we
will increase our mathematics
*Students will explore new information
that contradicts their prior beliefs and
*Students will engage in discussions
which challenge the thinking of
themselves and others.
*Students will set, track and monitor
their fortnightly reading goals based on
strategies of "what good readers do".
*Students will have greater
development as powerful learners of
*Students will display self-efficacy,
meta-cognition and cognitive
engagement in numeracy learning.
To increase student achievement in
literacy with a focus on reading
across R-7.
5% of students in year 2 will achieve in the top
two levels in writing as measured by Language
and Literacy levels.
17 learners (out of 34) in year 3 will achieve band 5 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
10 learners (out of 35) in year 5 will achieve band 7 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
8 learners (out of 28) in year 7 will achieve band 8 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
All students across years R-7 will increase their score from term 1 to term 3 as measured in
All students across years R-7 will increase their score
from term 1 to term 3 as measured in Brightpath
with an effect size per student of 0.4 or above.
30% of highly able students in year 3 will
achieve in the high bands (top two bands) in
reading as measured by NAPLAN and PAT-R.
14 learners (out of 35) in year 5 will achieve high bands in reading as evidenced by NAPLAN
and PAT-R.
10 learners (out of 28) in year 7 will achieve high bands in reading as evidenced by NAPLAN
and PAT-R.
All learners will have increased their reading achievement as evidenced by NAPLAN and
Using PAT-R:
All learners in years 1-3 will increase their reading achievement
12 learners (out of 34) in year 4 will achieve a high bands scale score of 130 or above
16 learners (out of 36) in year 5 will achieve a high bands scale score of 130 or above
20 learners (out of 31) in year 6 will achieve a high bands scale score of 140 or above
14 learners (out of 29) in year 7 will achieve a high bands scale score of 140 or above
25% of students in year 3 will achieve in the
high bands (top two bands) in mathematics as
measured by NAPLAN and PAT-M.
80 learners (out of 172) will ahieve a scale score of 105 or
above in PAT Early Years Maths and PAT-M.
All learners will have increased their numeracy achievement
as evidenced by NAPLAN and PAT-M.
Using PAT-M:
All learners in years 1-3 will increase their maths achievement
12 learners (out of 34) in year 4 will achieve a high bands scale score of 135 or above
10 learners (out of 36) in year 5 will achieve a high bands scale score of 135 or above
15 learners (out of 31) in year 6 will achieve a high bands scale score of 145 or above
16 learners (out of 29) in year 7 will achieve a high bands scale score of 145 or above
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Improvement plan for
2019 to 2021
Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addion, your educaon director will
provide support.
Text will reduce in size the more you type. Exceeding the opmal limits will result in illegible text size electronically and in-print.
Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and educaon director.
Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your educaon director.
Publish your school improvement plan (steps 1-3) on your school website.
Work through step 4 (Improve pracce and monitor impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published
on your website.
Complete step 5 (Review and evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should
inform the Improvement Planning - Review and evaluate secon of your annual report to the school community.
Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.
Note that each text box has a specic opmal character limit. Character limit includes words, punctuaon, bullet points and spaces.
Be careful when copying from other documents, and remove any paragraph spaces from lists and bullet points as that will reduce text size.
Steps 1-3 will auto-populate as you type in text, meaning text will carry over across mulple pages and secons.
For further informaon and advice, contact:
Review, Improvement and Accountability
Phone: 8226 1284
Mount Barker South Primary School
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Step 1
Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the queson ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3 goals and annual
targets for student learning improvement in the table below.
and prioritise
Goal Targets
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
5% of students in year 2 will achieve in the top two levels in writing as measured by Language and
Literacy levels.
17 learners (out of 34) in year 3 will achieve band 5 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
10 learners (out of 35) in year 5 will achieve band 7 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
8 learners (out of 28) in year 7 will achieve band 8 or above in writing as evidenced by NAPLAN.
All students across years R-7 will increase their score from term 1 to term 3 as measured in Brightpath.
All students across years R-7 will increase their score from term 1 to term 3 as measured in Brightpath
with an effect size per student of 0.4 or above.
To increase student
achievement in literacy with a
focus on reading across R-7.
30% of highly able students in year 3 will achieve in the high bands (top two bands) in reading as
measured by NAPLAN and PAT-R.
14 learners (out of 35) in year 5 will achieve high bands in reading as evidenced by NAPLAN and PAT-R.
10 learners (out of 28) in year 7 will achieve high bands in reading as evidenced by NAPLAN and PAT-R.
All learners will have increased their reading achievement as evidenced by NAPLAN and PAT-R.
Using PAT-R:
All learners in years 1-3 will increase their reading achievement
12 learners (out of 34) in year 4 will achieve a high bands scale score of 130 or above
16 learners (out of 36) in year 5 will achieve a high bands scale score of 130 or above
20 learners (out of 31) in year 6 will achieve a high bands scale score of 140 or above
14 learners (out of 29) in year 7 will achieve a high bands scale score of 140 or above
To increase student
achievement in numeracy
across R-7.
25% of students in year 3 will achieve in the high bands (top two bands) in mathematics as measured by
80 learners (out of 172) will ahieve a scale score of 105 or above in PAT Early Years Maths and PAT-M.
All learners will have increased their numeracy achievement as evidenced by NAPLAN and PAT-M.
Using PAT-M:
All learners in years 1-3 will increase their maths achievement
12 learners (out of 34) in year 4 will achieve a high bands scale score of 135 or above
10 learners (out of 36) in year 5 will achieve a high bands scale score of 135 or above
15 learners (out of 31) in year 6 will achieve a high bands scale score of 145 or above
16 learners (out of 29) in year 7 will achieve a high bands scale score of 145 or above
To increase student
achievement in literacy with
a focus on writing and
spelling across R-7.
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Step 2
Consider how improvements in teaching pracce will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the queson ‘What areas of
pracce should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of pracce for each goal in the table below.
Challenge of pracce Success criteria
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
challenge of
*Students will work collaboratively in teams; receiving and offering feedback on targeted areas
for development.
*Students will use worked examples during independent practice, and to review and embed
new knowledge.
*Students will explore new information that contradicts their prior beliefs and ideas.
*Students will engage in discussions which challenge the thinking of themselves and others.
*Students will set, track and monitor their fortnightly reading goals based on strategies of
"what good readers do".
*Students will have greater development as powerful learners of numeracy.
*Students will display self-efficacy, meta-cognition and cognitive engagement in numeracy
If we focus on quality formative assessment and
feedback to engage learners then we will
increase our writing achievement.
If we focus on effective questioning to engage
learners, we will increase vocabulary acquisition
and reading comprehension.
If we focus on quality formative assessment,
feedback and questioning to engage learners,
we will increase our mathematics achievement.
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Step 3
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 1:
Challenge of pracce:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Undertake moderation in staff teams from R-7, giving
time to reflect on practice and assessment.
Term 1 and term
3, 2021
Staff will:
The principal and literacy facilitator will lead a moderation day with teams across R-7 using the Brightpath tool to
inform next teaching steps.
Undertake pre-writing samples to inform the co-construction of teaching and learning cycles.
Instructional teams will jointly plan and continually evaluate a rigorous teaching and learning cycle which is informed
by the teaching points from Brightpath.
Teams will cross moderate Brightpath moderation with other teams.
Consider how the transference of writing can be included in specialist learning
Students will:
Use worked examples during independent practice, and to review and embed new knowledge.
Know the next steps in their writing development based on self. peer and teacher feedback.
Track their progress between pre and post writing samples to inform the co-construction of the teaching and learning
Brightpath team-
School genre map
Language and Literacy levels
Teaching and learning cycles on shared drive to ensure challenge and stretch is
How Language Works course book including the register continuum Brightpath
"green/orange folders" containing guide to making judgments
MBSPS RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
Support and advice from Sharon Callen relating to the work of reading and writing
Literacy facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
Provide targeted and responsive learning
opportunities for students in spelling, grammar and
Implement guided writing/writing conferences based
on ongoing formative assessment processes.
Terms 1-4, 2021
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Share students across their team to differentiate for the learning needs of individuals within Jolly Phonics/Grammar.
Track and monitor each student's progress in Jolly Phonics/Grammar and share this within the staff team.
Implement a daily, whole school systematic approach to the teaching of grammar, spelling and punctuation in their
Explicitly teach spelling, grammar and punctuation daily.
Trail the use of rich texts to expand upon learning experiences of spelling, grammar and punctuation for students.
Facilitate parent workshops with targeted support for home
Students will:
Engage within daily Jolly Phonics/Grammar lessons.
Track and monitor their progress through regular formative and summative assessment.
Set goals using individual data.
Staff will:
Engage in professional development of guided writing/writing conferences at through Sharon
Group students for guided writing/writing conferences based on patterns of next steps in writing
Meet with each group of students with similar writing needs and strategically respond to an
identified challenge faced by the selected students.
Include sessions of writing for enjoyment.
Students will:
Engage within weekly guided writing/writing conferences.
Evaluate and reflect upon their writing samples and set goals to improve upon their next steps.
Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar teacher resources
Whole school phonics, spelling, grammar and punctuation critical
commitments and continuum (currently being reviewed)
MBSPS RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
Support and advice from Sharon Callen relating to the work of
reading and writing connections
Literacy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Alphabetic Code Cards
Collaborative conversations - visible learning
Think Outside the Box Questions - visible learning
Brightpath teaching tool
Brightpath "green/orange folders"
Brightpath team -
First Steps: Writing Resource Book
MBSPS RFL standards document (learning progressions)
Support and advice from Sharon Callen relating to the work of reading and writing connections
Literacy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Be Brave and Lead PD for literacy facilitator/coach
Be Fearless and Lead PD for Sarah and Steph
Be Brave and Teach for beginner teachers x 1
To increase student achievement in literacy with a focus on writing and spelling across R-7.
If we focus on quality formative assessment and feedback to engage learners then we will increase our writing
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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 1 connued:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Total nancial resources allocated
Success criteria
Collectively adjust our whole school literacy
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Work in teams and be accountable for their learning by providing feedback.
Demonstrate strategic planning, thinking and focused action.
Reflect upon individual and collective capabilities.
Commit to actioning or implementing the agreements.
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Students will:
Provide feedback on their engagement within Reading for Learning.
Students will facilitate peer feedback and student surveys through VL student voice
Sharon Callen - Literacy consultant
In class support from Sharon Callen when trialling actions
Literacy Action Team represented by a member for each instructional team
0.2 Literacy/VL facilitator/coach
Student data folders
Pre and post writing samples
Formative and summative student assessments
PAT and NAPLAN data
Student and staff surveys/interviews
MBSPS RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
DfE English curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Utilise Heysen Partnership Curriculum Lead person
Financial Resources Allocated for goals 1 and 2:
Be Brave and Lead PD = $1000
Be Brave and Lead TRT release (7.5 days) = $4,125
Be Fearless and Lead PD = $1000
Be Brave and Lead TRT release (7.5 days) = $4,125
Be Brave and Teach
Be Brave and Teach TRT release (2 days) = $1,100
Sharon Callen
4 x action team release days = $4000
4 x in class support days = $4000
TRT release (3 TRTs x 8 days = 24) = $13,200
Total = $21,200 (goal 1 and 2)
Brightpath moderation release (4 TRTs x 4 days = 16) = $8,800
Attendance to Brighpath training (2 TRTs x 4 days = 8) = $4,400
Peer observation release (1/2 day per teacher = 10 TRTS) = $5,500
Instructional Rounds release literacy focus (10 TRTs) = $5,500
*Students will work collaboratively in teams; receiving and offering feedback on targeted areas for
*Students will use worked examples during independent practice, and to review and embed new
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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 2:
Challenge of pracce:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Structure rigorous daily guided reading sessions
across R-7.
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Use the Think Outside the Box Questions to guide students through the SOLO learning process.
Engage in professional development of guided writing/writing conferences at through Sharon Callen.
Group students based on similar reading needs.
Ensure 100% participation in the Premiers Reading Challenge.
Provide a class library of rich texts for student choice.
Facilitate parent workshops with targeted support for home
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Students will:
Use the Collaborative Conversations prompts to engage in challenging discussions with each other.
Track the use of their reading strategies in the student RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
Participate within the Premiers Reading Challenge
Support and advice from Sharon Callen relating to the work of reading and writing connections
Literacy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Be Brave and Lead PD for literacy facilitator/coach
Be Fearless and Lead PD for Sarah and Steph
Be Brave and Teach for beginner teachers x 1
In class libraries with a wide range of rich texts
Guided reading texts including novel sets for years 4-7
DfE English curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Structure vocabulary acquisition in conjunction with
daily guided reading sessions.
Collectively improve and enhance our whole school
literacy agreement.
Terms 1-4, 2021
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Provide all students with a vocabulary notebook and scaffold sheet which provides intellectual stretch while
acquiring new vocabulary from their guided reading or choice text.
Provide opportunities for students to encounter new words at least 10-16 times resulting in a student
producing the word.
Focus on teaching tier 2 words and when required tier 3 words.
Use high impact classroom activities including word walls, glossaries, cloze activities, clines, categorisation and
Provide daily opportunities for modeled reading
Provide daily opportunities for independent reading
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Students will:
Skim and scan for unfamiliar or tricky words within texts
Use their vocabulary notebooks to consolidate understanding of new vocabulary words.
Staff will:
Work in teams and be accountable for their learning by providing feedback.
Demonstrate strategic planning, thinking and focused action.
Reflect upon individual and collective capabilities.
Commit to actioning or implementing the agreements.
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Analyse summative testing, PAT-R and NAPLAN results to inform decision making.
Students will:
Provide feedback on their engagement within Reading for Learning.
Students will facilitate peer feedback and student surveys through VL student voice
Vocabulary notebooks and scaffold sheets
Collaborative Conversations
PAT Vocabulary test
Staff drive with resources
In class libraries with a wide range of rich texts
Literacy facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
DfE English curriculum resources
Be Brave and Lead PD for literacy facilitator/coach
Be Fearless and Lead PD for Sarah and Steph
Be Brave and Teach for beginner teachers x 1
Sharon Callen - Literacy consultant
In class support from Sharon Callen when trialling actions
Literacy Action Team represented by a member for each instructional team
0.2 Literacy /VL facilitator/coach
Student data folders
Pre and post writing samples
Formative and summative student assessments
PAT and NAPLAN data
Student and staff surveys/interviews
MBSPS RFL standards documents (learning progressions)
DfE English Australian Curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Utilise Heysen Partnership Curriculum Lead person
To increase student achievement in literacy with a focus on reading across R-7.
If we focus on effective questioning to engage learners, we will increase vocabulary acquisition and reading
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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 2 connued:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Total nancial resources allocated
Success criteria
Utilise an external consultant to provide all staff with
targeted and responsive professional learning needs.
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Engage in differentiated literacy professional
development program with includes: peer
mentoring, workshops, team planning,
classroom observations, professional dialogue
and inquiry into practice.
Sharon Callen - Literacy consultant
Literacy Action Team represented by a member from each
instructional team
0.2 Literacy/VL facilitator/coach
4 x onsite planning meetings with the literacy action team
followed by staff meetings facilitated by the action team
4 x onsite classroom support days with Sharon
Student and teacher resources as required
$0 (see goal 1)
Financial Resources Allocated
(outlined in goal 1)
*Students will explore new information that contradicts their prior beliefs and ideas.
*Students will engage in discussions which challenge the thinking of themselves and others.
*Students will set, track and monitor their fortnightly reading goals based on strategies of "what
good readers do".
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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, r
esponsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 3:
Challenge of pracce:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Collectively create a whole school numeracy
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
Work in teams and be accountable for their learning by providing feedback.
Demonstrate strategic planning, thinking and focused action.
Reflect upon individual and collective capabilities.
Commit to actioning or implementing the agreements.
Continue our whole school fluency systm of Quick Maths.
Plan and assess in teams parallel to the teams scope and sequence
Familiarise selves with the DfE Australian Curriculum resources.
Analyse pre-post testing, PAT-M and NAPLAN results to inform decision making.
Students will:
Engage in 10 minutes of daily Quick Maths
Provide feedback on their engagement within Maths for Learning.
Students will facilitate peer feedback and student surveys through VL student voice forums
Maureen Hegarty - Maths Consultant
Numeracy Action Team represented by a member from each instructional team
0.2 Numeracy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
Student data folders
Pre and post numeracy tests
PAT and NAPLAN data
Student and staff surveys/interviews
MBSPS MFL standards documents (learning progressions)
DfE Maths Australian Curriculum resources
1 x Formal Observations from leaders for each teacher
Peer observations
Instructional Rounds with problem of practice relating to questioning from 2019 IR
Utilise Heysen Partnership Curriculum Lead person
Target R-3 Numeracy by deepening staff knowledge
and understanding of numeracy pedagogy, content,
knowledge, fluency, understanding and mathematical
Utilise an external consultant to provide all staff with
targeted and responsive professional learning needs.
Semester 1 or 2 -
Terms 1-4, 2021
Staff will:
2 x EY/LP staff to engage within 8 days of professional development across 1 sesmester.
2 x EY/LP staff to provide learning opportunities for all members of the EY/LP teams -
and MP/SLC where applicable.
2 x EY/LP staff will engage in an action research project designed around an identified
inquiry question.
2 x EY/LP staff to share their journey, evidence and outcomes with remaining staff.
Analyse PAT-M reports to drill down to individuals and identify group patterns which
will inform inquiry question and action research project.
Students will:
Participate in the action research group tasks.
Staff will:
Engage in differentiated literacy professional
development program with includes: peer
mentoring, workshops, team planning,
classroom observations, professional
dialogue and inquiry into practice.
Orbis - The Numeracy R-3 program
Instructional team meetings, Action Team Meetings and Professional Development Share
Meetings - sharing of practice and resources
MBSPS MFL standards documents (learning progressions)
Maureen Hegarty - Maths Consultant
Numeracy Action Team represented by a member from each instructional team
0.2 Numeracy/VL facilitator/coach to support teams and individuals
Student data folders
Pre and post numeracy tests
PAT and NAPLAN data
Student and staff surveys/interviews
DfE Maths Australian Curriculum resources
Utilise Heysen Partnership Curriculum Lead person
Maureen Hegarty - Numeracy consultant
Numeracy Action Team represented by a member from each
instructional team
0.2 Numeracy/VL facilitator/coach
2x onsite planning meetings with the numeracy action team
followed by staff meetings facilitated by the action team
2 x whole school Pupil Free Days with Maureen Hegarty
Student and teacher resources as required
To increase student achievement in numeracy across R-7.
If we focus on quality formative assessment, feedback and questioning to engage learners, we will increase our
mathematics achievement.
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Step 3 cont.
Consider evidence of best pracce to answer the queson ‘What acons should we take to improve our pracce and reach our goals?’
Specify your acons for improvement, meline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.
actions for
Goal 3 connued:
Acons Timeline Roles and responsibilies Resources
Total nancial resources allocated
Success criteria
TOTAL = $94,535
Financial Resources Allocated
Be Brave and Lead PD = $1000
Be Brave and Lead TRT release (7.5 days) = $4,125
Be Brave and Teach
Be Brave and Teach TRT release (2 days) = $1,100
Orbis release (2 TRTs x 8 days) = 16 = $8,800
Maureen Hegarty
2 x action team release days = $2,420
2 x staff meetings = $880
2 x Pupil Free Days = $3960
TRT release (4 TRTs x 2 days) = 8 = $4,400
Total = $11,660
Peer observation release (1/2 day per teacher = 10 TRTS) = $5,500
Instructional Rounds release literacy focus (10 TRTs) = $5,500
*Students will have greater development as powerful learners of numeracy.
*Students will display self-efficacy, meta-cognition and cognitive engagement in numeracy
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Approved by principal
Approved by governing council chairperson
Approved by educaon director
Cassie Manton
Emma Bacskai
Leesa Shepherd/Nanette van Ruiten