Revised 01/12/15
When a new person assumes responsibility for an imprest fund, the new person should
immediately count the funds prior to assuming responsibility. Please input the date and
amount that was verified.
9. Enter the authorized amount (Before Request) and (After Request).
This depends on:
i. If this is a new imprest fund the before amount will equal $0.00 and the after amount
will equal whatever the desired imprest fund amount is.
ii. If this is an increase/decrease to an imprest fund, the before amount would be the
authorized amount before the increase/decrease and the after amount would be the
new desired imprest fund amount.
iii. If this is any other change, the before and after amount should be the current
authorized amount of the imprest fund.
10. If this is a request for a change in the authorized amount, please provide an explanation for the
Please list why this imprest fund needs to be increased or decreased.
11. wvOASIS Funding Information.
When an Imprest Fund is established or increased a wvOASIS GAX document is entered by
the agency’s accounting department to supply the imprest fund. When an imprest fund is
closed or decreased a wvOASIS CR document is entered to put the money back into the fund
of which it came out of. The funding for the wvOASIS CR/GAX should be entered here. If
the individual filling out the change form does not know this information, the individual
should check with their agency’s accounting department or business office. (Note: The
Object code should always be 3296 for Imprest Funds.)
12. Please affix a signature to the appropriate section.
The Individual Responsible or Supervisor must sign this form under ‘Requesting Agency’ in
order for the change form to be processed. If the agency requires additional signatures for
internal controls, then these may be placed under ‘Central Office of the Agency.’
Once this form has been completed, please fax or email the form to the State Treasurer’s Office,
Cash Management Division at (304)340-1511 or
*Note – If this is a Change in the Individual Responsible of the Imprest Fund, the State
Treasurer’s Office also requires that the Imprest Fund Audit Form be filled out and submitted
along with the Establishment/Change Form.
The STO will then sign off on the form and email/fax the approved copy back to the agency for
their records. If the change requires a wvOASIS CR or GAX, the agency will make a copy of
the approved form to attach as backup with the CR/GAX Coversheet that will then go to the
Auditor’s Office.