UH Hilo Program Impact Prediction Statement
Description: It is RECOMMENDED that this completed form accompany the submission of a Program Proposal
for review by the appropriate UH Hilo committees. The purpose of this document is to provide a means to
address the potential impact of new programs on other areas of the UH Hilo Campus, either direct or indirect.
Title of Proposed Program
Data Entry for PROPOSED Program
Degree Conferred
Host College
Data Entry for PREDICTOR Program
This form is can be used in conjunction with the optional internet-based Impact Prediction Tool, which is
accessible from the Graduate Council Website: http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/academics/graduate/council/
The Impact Prediction Tool requires the selection of a pre-existing program as a "model" on which to base
predictions of program impact on select courses, herein called the "Predictor Program". This tool also requires
the input of related data, including: when the predictor program started, and enrollment changes in relevant,
pre-existing courses flanking this start date. Some of these data are outlined below:
Title of Predictor Program
Degree Conferred by Predictor Program
Host College of Predictor Program
Start Date of Predictor Program
Example: College of Pharmacy, first class started 2007 (Fall)
Annual Matriculation of Predictor Program
Total Enrollment of Predictor Program
Anticipated Enrollment (annual matriculation)
Total Enrollment (at maturity)
The Scaling Factor is used in calculations on the Impact Prediction Tool, and is required for that form.
The Scaling Factor is the ratio of the Anticipated Total Enrollment of the Proposed Program to the Known Total
Enrollment of the Predictor Program.
If you decided NOT to use the OPTIONAL Impact Prediction Tool, you DO NOT need to fill-out the following
data. However, it is recommended that you explain your decision not to use the tool on the following page.
If this is a post-baccalaureate
program, what percentage of
students does the program
anticipate recruiting from UH Hilo?
Date (DD/MO/YY) Prepared by (your name)