In Compliance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70 §3243
Certification of Meningococcal Compliance
Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70 §3243, requires that all students who are first time enrollees in any
public or private postsecondary educational institution in t
his state and who reside in on
student housing shall be vaccinated against meningococcal disease. Institutions of higher
education must provide the student or the student’s parents or other legal representative detailed
information on the risks ass
ociated with meningococcal disease and on the availability and
effectiveness of any vaccine.
The statute permits the student or, if the student is a minor, the student’s parent or other legal
representative, to sign a written waiver stating that the stude
nt has received and reviewed the
information provided on the risks associated with meningococcal disease and on the availability
and effectiveness of any vaccine, and has chosen not to be or not to have the student vaccinated.
Birth date: _________________________Term/Year of first enrollment: ___________________
ecurity Number or Student ID: ______________________________________________
I have received and reviewed detailed information on the risks associated with
meningococcal disease, and
I have received and reviewed information on the availability and effecti
vaccine (against meningococcal disease), and
have been vaccinated or I choose not to be vaccinated* against meningococcal disease.
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________
8 years of age, the following must also be completed:
As the parent, guardian or other legal representative, I certify that the student named above
is a minor and that I have received and reviewed the information provided and that I have
ve the student vaccinated against meningococcal disease.
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________
*With this waiver, I seek exemption from this requirement. I voluntarily agree to release,
nd hold harmless Murray State College , its officers, employees and
agents from any and all costs, liabilities, expenses, claims, demands, or causes of action on
account of any loss or personal injury that might result from my decision not to be immunized