See Nomination Guidelines for More Details
(Please type or print legibly)
The nomination form with attachments (nomination-support letter and vitae) needs to be submitted
electronically to Amanda Eakins ( Please ensure that all supporting documents are
submitted as one pdf file with the nomination form.
ISU Employee? Yes No
If ISU Employee:
Current Appointment & Rank:
Nomination Type (please check one):
Full Allied
Date of ISU appointment:
Department: College:
Recommended by:
(Signature of Chair of Department and/or Dean of College Attach Nomination Support Letter)
If Not ISU Employee:
Current Employer: Industry:
Nominating Department:
Recommended by:
(Signature of Chair of Department and/or Dean of College Attach Nomination Support Letter)
All graduate faculty of the academic unit are to be given the opportunity to view the credentials
of the nominee and vote by ballot or at a convened meeting. Indicate the date on which a
majority of the department/college faculty approved the nomination by this process. Vote Date:
Vote Tally:
Highest Degree Held/Appropriate Terminal Degree/Field Appropriate*:
Institution: Date Degree Awarded:
*If submitting based on equivalent recognition, please include a rationale in the Nomination-Support Letter.
Faculty can be nominated based on teaching graduate level or upper division courses, mentoring graduate level research activities,
mentoring graduate clinical activities, and significant professional contributions to the field. (See nomination guidelines for more
details) What is the nomination based on? (Check all that apply)
Undergraduate Upper Division and/or Graduate Level Teaching (if checked, list the courses below)
Mentoring Graduate Level Research Activities
Mentoring Graduate Clinical Activities
Significant Professional Contributions to the Field
List Undergraduate Upper Division (example: at ISU 3000 and 4000 level) and/or Graduate Level teaching experience. Evidence of
“successful experience in upper division college or university teaching or equivalent teaching experience.” List courses, including
course numbers below. If submitting based on equivalent experience, please include a rationale in the Nomination-Support Letter.
Course Number and Name
Institutional Affiliation for Course
Academic Semester & Year
See Nomination Guidelines for More Details
(Please type or print legibly)
The nomination form with attachments (nomination-support letter and vitae) needs to be submitted
electronically to Amanda Eakins ( Please ensure that all supporting documents are
submitted as one pdf file with the nomination form.
Evidence of ongoing field appropriate scholarship (attach 1 copy of vitae with evidence highlighted). List evidence below, and, if
submitting based on discipline-specific norms, include rationale in the Nomination Support Letter.
Scholarship (Check all that apply)
Full Graduate Faculty
Allied Graduate Faculty
Publication in professional, juried, edited, or refereed journals
Articles/chapters within refereed monographs or books
Monographs or books by refereed press
Publication of refereed software
Refereed or adjudicated exhibitions, performances, and/or
Funded refereed scholarly grants or contracts
1 from the Full Graduate Faculty Scholarship Criteria
Publications in professional non-juried journals
Juried or refereed papers presented at professional meetings
Authored scholarly book or chapter in such book
Authored textbook or chapter in such book
Published curriculum materials, including tests, monographs, or
technical manuals
Provided professional consultation
Concerts, lectures, lecture recitals, professional readings, and/or
Funded competitive grants or contracts
White papers or position papers accepted as juried product
Nationally-recognized professional activities
Provide exact wording to be placed in the “Graduate Faculty” section of the Graduate Catalog (if approved). Associate’s degrees are
not included (Paste your info over the fictitious model below).
Doe, Jane, T., Professor, Psychology. B.S., 1980, Montana State University; M.S., 1983, University of Oregon; Ph.D., 1996, San
Francisco State University. (1998 = the year of first ISU appointment)