University of Guelph - Incomplete Coursework Form
I.D. Number Student's Name (Last, First) Program (eg BSC)
Course Course Title
Instructor Name Instructor Email Address
Academic Review Sub-Committees use this form to determine whether a student is eligible to be considered for a deferred
privilege. Student documentation must be reviewed by the Academic Review Sub-Committee. If the student has submitted
their documentation and/or request directly to you, please forward it to the student's program counsellor immediately,
otherwise consideration may not be granted.
Academic Review Sub-Committees grant deferred privileges if the medical, psychological and/or compassionate
reason(s) provided by the student is verifiable and accepted. Instructors may not independently grant consideration
for a missed final exam, final assignment or other final piece of the graded components of the course.
For a missed final written exam a deferred exam, supervised by the Office of Registrarial Services, may be granted.
For all other missed final work a deferred condition, supervised by the instructor, may be granted.
If the student missed the final written exam and other final work, both a deferred exam and a deferred condition may
be granted.
Completed Work
Enter the grade the student has achieved to date in the
completed graded components of the course. Do NOT
pro-rate this grade. The mark entered here is the final
grade the student will receive if the student is NOT
granted consideration.
Grade to be assigned based on completed
semester work (pre-populated if this form is
generated through the final grades widget in
Assign an alternate final grade if the grading
scheme requires the student pass the final exam
in order to pass the course and the student is NOT
granted consideration.
Academic Misconduct
If the student is under investigation for academic
misconduct you must submit a final grade of MNR. If
appropriate, fill in "Final Work Not Completed" section so
the student can be considered for a deferred privilege.
Please check one:
Student is under investigation for academic
misconduct & has completed all course components
Student is under investigation for academic
misconduct and has not completed a final graded
component of the coursework.
Final Work Not Completed
write final exam (scheduled in
final exam period)
Max Value/Due Date
If approved, I will coordinate and invigilate this final
exam myself.
DID NOT: Max Value/Due Date
write final take-home exam %/
submit final assignment %/
attend final oral exam %/
attend final practical exam %/
attend final lab exam %/
other final requirement %/
Please provide any additional comments: (Optional)
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