Student Travel
ISUPP 2390
Policy Section: Finance
Policy Title: Student Travel
Responsible Executive (RE): Chief Financial Officer
Sponsoring Organization (SO): Controller’s Office
Dates: Effective Date: February 13, 2017
Revised: April 13, 2018
Annual Review: April 13, 2019
Idaho State University (ISU or University) recognizes the educational value to students from
traveling on behalf of the institution and strives to facilitate such travel.
A payment for or reimbursement to a student for travel expenses may be either a business expense
or treated as a stipend or award (SA) payment depending on certain criteria. This policy provides
guidance to assist faculty, staff, and students in accurately determining the payment classification.
Properly documented business expenses are generally non-taxable payments or reimbursements.
However, SA payments may be taxable income to the student and may require withholding and
reporting if the student is a non-U.S. person.
Students participating in travel officially sponsored by the University are required to comply
with this policy as well as other ISU and State of Idaho travel policies, rules, regulations, and
laws. Students traveling on behalf of the University must be enrolled at ISU for the term(s) in
which they are traveling and their travel authorizations and related reimbursements must
conform to University Business Travel ISUPP 2000.
A. Student employees of ISU traveling for the benefit of the department in which they
are employed are required to process their pre-approval and expense reimbursement
through the University’s travel system and become familiar with the Travel Policy
found here: http://www.isu.edu/finserv/tepolicies.shtml.
B. Student travelers who are not ISU employees must file an approved paper travel
authorization and reimbursement form with Accounts Payable. The form is available
at http://isu.edu/finserv/teform.shtml. Receipts must be attached to the travel
reimbursement request form and must meet the same requirements for receipts
detailed in University Business Travel ISUPP 2000.
C. Student travelers must complete the Clery Act Student Travel form upon the return
from travel and submit the form to Public Safety. The form is available on the Public
Safety webpage at https://www.isu.edu/media/libraries/public-
safety/Clery_Act_Student_Travel_Form.pdf and can be emailed to clery@isu.edu. In
accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus
Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), travel information will be provided to public Safety
for any ISU sponsored student trip that involves a stay of two (2) or more nights in a
hotel or other form of accommodation. The information required is inclusive of all
locations used by students during the trip (e.g., hotel, classroom, training center),
controlled by ISU during the trip (e.g., reserved hotel rooms), and used to support
education purposes. The same requirement applies to all ISU sponsored student trips
of one (1) night or more to the same location on an annual basis.
D. The account director (Approver) is responsible to ensure all travel forms (electronic
or paper) are completed properly and funds are available.
E. When the student returns from travel, the Approver is responsible for ensuring the
Clery Act Student Travel form is completed by the student and submitted to Public
F. The responsible University Business Officer must verify the index to be charged and
review all travel forms for completeness and accuracy prior to approval.
G. The travel office has the final authority to make decisions on the taxability of student
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act)- The
Clery Act requires all institutions of higher education that receive Title IV funding (federal
financial aid) to disclose certain crime statistics on an annual and daily basis, and maintain
specific policies, procedures, and crime awareness programs to prevent and mitigate criminal
activity. Institutions of higher education must report all crimes that may have occurred during
institution sponsored student travel.
A. Reimbursements for students travel are not reportable to the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) as income if the reimbursement meets any of the following criteria:
Directly supports a faculty member’s project or research program
Is related to presenting at a conference
Is an integral part of the student’s degree work, or
Is official University Business
B. Reimbursements to any student for travel which does not meet one of the criteria
above will be treated as taxable SA income and will be reported to the students and
the IRS on form 1099-MISC or form 1042S.
C. To certify the payment is official University business, the student must provide a
clear statement that documents the purpose of the travel.
D. Non-taxable Travel Reimbursement
The student travel payment is generally considered to be a reimbursement
(nontaxable, not reportable) if:
1. The primary purpose and original intent is for the university to obtain useful
results from the project/research. For example, student travels to Costa Rica to
perform research, which happens to be the topic of her/his dissertation. The
University would perform research on this topic, regardless of the student’s
research; the University is the primary beneficiary.
2. Research is performed to fulfill University obligations to an outside entity.
3. Activity is required for a degree or credit or impacts the student’s grad. For
example, student travels to Texas to present at a conference where the
student’s name is published as a conference presenter/contributor. The
presentation is part of the student’s grad for a biology class.
4. Student is presenting at or actively participating in a conference or
competition on behalf of the University. For example, student travels to
Colorado to represent the University in a scholastic competition.
E. Taxable Travel Expense ReimbursementThe student travel payment is generally
considered to be a taxable and reportable award if:
1. Reimbursement is made for activities in which the University does not
actively participate or for research that is student led. The primary purpose
and original intent of the student’s project or research is to further the
student’s education or training. For example, student travels to Canada for
dissertation research which is not research the University would otherwise
conduct. The student dissertation is the primary purpose of the travel and the
student is the primary beneficiary.
2. The University obtains little or no benefit from the travel. For example,
student travels to a conference in Florida as an attendee and does not
present/contribute in an official capacity.
3. The student’s travel is performed to contribute to the development of the skills
needed in the student’s studies. For example, student travels to China for
Mandarin language training which will assist in language proficiency needed
for his/her degree. The travel is not a required part of the degree.
Approved by Kevin Satterlee
President, Idaho State University
Idaho State University
Clery Act Student Travel
This form is to be completed AFTER THE TRIP for any University-related overnight travel that
includes students such as athletics, academics, clubs/organizations, etc.
Travel Contact:
Name Title
Department Phone Email
This trip for an individual student or a group of students:
Individual student
Group name:
Group Leader:
**I understand that I am a Campus Security Authority (CSA) for this trip and must report
to Public Safety in a timely manner, any crimes brought to my attention.**
Travel Dates: Check-in date Check-out date
Lodging Facility Information:
Note: If student(s) stay(s) at more than one lodging facility, please complete a separate form for EACH facility.
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Specific floor(s), room number(s), or unit number(s) occupied
Space rented besides lodging (i.e. classrooms, parking spaces, practice facilities, etc.)
Note: If student(s) use(s) more than one facility besides lodging, please complete a separate form for EACH facility.
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Specific floor(s), room number(s), or unit number(s) occupied
This trip is:
a one-time trip repeated each semester/year other
If trip is repeated, student(s):
always stays at the exact same lodging facility uses various lodging facilities with each trip
Person submitting form:
Name Signature Date
Submit this completed form to: clery@isu.edu
For questions, contact the Clery Compliance Coordinator at (208) 282-2515
click to sign
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